2004 Postscript, part 3

Are you caring about this as much as I am? I knew you would.

“Spider-Man 2″… Icon War… Saturns’ rings… Orbiter flight sim… hyperspace e-mail scam… Daleks out of Who… Rock, Paper, Saddam!… Independence Day… more election crap… lawyer crap… Bloglines… spider bites… blogsitters… Clash CD… VACATION… cool guest bloggers… weather… clowns… Canada… dead cable modem… bastardo… Adventures of Bobby Sock… busted toes… Peat’s blog jingles… Shatner sings!… hoody hoo… Nomah no more…

Most comments: Unfrozen Caveman Lawyer gets my vote!
Coolest link: Aziz is right!
Favorite post: The Adventures of Bobby Sock series

“Airplane”… school starts… “Blazing Saddles”… best movie comedies… meme propagation… Yvonne’s baby… Marx Brothers… Daleks are in!… Ask Bread… Hitchhiker’s Guide trailer… Jimmy Doohan farewell… more election crap… spaghetti wisdom… Beatlemania… the real McCoy… Command Post… Charley… superheroes… damage pics… Strengthen the Good… Bill is God… Geekman guesting… Yeti Olympics… cleanup… U.S. Highways… vitriolic spewage…

Most comments: Will you still love me tomorrow?
Coolest link: Get your kicks
Favorite post: Keep behind me. There’s no sense getting killed by a plant.

Indians massacre Yankees… Frances… Orlando Metroblogging… GMail… Sox winning streak… Aunt Nettie… Football… grump for life… Ivan… new Hitchhiker’s Guide… STG… ROTK Extended DVD… Flogging Molly album… fictional Presidents… Museum of Depressionist Art… Gallery of the Unidentifiable… Johnny Ramone dies… Blogrolling woes… more Sox-Yanks crap… Banned Books Week… SGCBL… Fantastic Four movie news… Jeanne… “Napoleon Dynamite”… asteroid news… SpaceShipOne…

Most comments: Is it Friday? Must be time for a hurricane!
Coolest link: All your bass are belong to us
Favorite post: The SGCBL Wants You!

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One Response to 2004 Postscript, part 3

  1. Karan says:

    We recently rented Spiderman II and I stand by my earlier review. PeeEwe.
    Peace, Love and Kisses, Karan

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