Daily Digest for 2008-12-04

twitter (feed #12) 6:58pm solonor posted a tweet on Twitter.

Wondering if I was locked out of using “Solonor” because of my old account or if there is another goofball out there.
twitter (feed #12) 7:58pm solonor posted a tweet on Twitter.

@kendiala I wonder if there is any way of getting that username, since he/she/it only updated a couple of times in September and that’s it.
twitter (feed #12) 8:04pm solonor posted a tweet on Twitter.

Testing…does this thing update Facebook status?
twitter (feed #12) 8:04pm solonor posted a tweet on Twitter.

Why, yes, it does! SCIENCE!
twitter (feed #12) 10:16pm solonor posted a tweet on Twitter.

is fiddling with the LifeStream plugin for his WordPress blog
twitter (feed #12) 10:21pm solonor posted a tweet on Twitter.

is wondering if he can get his blog to update Twitter, Flickr, Facebook, etc at once and back around again in a circle of updating death!
hulu (feed #6) 10:35pm solonor watched a video on Hulu.

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2 Responses to Daily Digest for 2008-12-04

  1. Kevin says:

    Wait – you’re going to tell us you watched videos online but not which ones? We’ll just have to assume the worst I’m afraid.

  2. Solonor says:

    I’ve been trying to figure out how to make it public. All the settings say it is, but it’s not working. 🙁

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