Kingmaker Slams Local Media
Tuesday, May 11th , 2049
Numenor reliever Agron Kingmaker lashed out at media today, accusing the local press of unfairly criticizing his manager and teammates during the team's recent slump. "I'm sick and tired of hearing how we lack hustle and how Vugnar (manager Vugnar Mithrilhammer) isn't pushing us hard enough! We're busting our humps out there every game. It just hasn't been coming together for us lately. That's not Vugnar's fault. We're the ones out there on the field. We've just got to work through this," Kingmaker told reporters, adding "And we don't need your [expletive] remarks, either!" Teammate Fomige Rubyeye defended Kingmaker afterwards. "Agron is just a really passionate guy," Fomige Rubyeye explained. "He doesn't always choose his words carefully, but there's no questioning his loyalty or his heart. He just really hates losing, so he's obviously frustrated now, as we all are."
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