Team Top player Team ranking Top prospect Organizational ranking Overall ranking
Asgard Vikings Olaf *the Mighty 1st Tanta Brandybuck 14th 1st
Diagon Alley Wizards Ibpug No-Tooth 2nd Aerilaya Yundraer 8th 2nd
Forgotten Realms Kobolds Mladris Immeril 3rd Marc-Antoine Patrcio 20th 3rd
Serenity Valley Fireflies Glom Lomambor 4th Rkig Brantley 18th 7th
Land of Oz Munchkins Berilac Holgate 5th Teimuraz Moifursson 2nd(tied) 4th
Star Fleet Academy Cadets Thrugha Mogan 6th Drorghud Mandragger 6th 5th
New New York Blernsballers Will Headstrong 7th Banazir Wisebattler 10th 8th
WeMadeIt Crashlanders Brian Tussle 8th Akkar Elfplate 11th 10th
Babylon Five Rangers Maiele Dracoseir 9th Tika Marblerage 16th 11th
Narnia Badgers F. Scott the Wicked 10th Polly Titsworth 1st 6th
Xanth Centaurs Strohm Rivas 11th Loman Newcomer 5th 9th
Neverland Lost Boys Fo-hian Tort 12th Pavla Pojlakov 9th 12th
Dyson Spheres Saradas Tendertush 13th Vazganush Graham 15th 15th
Karak Kadrin Slayers Braknuk Nosebasher 14th Abdelahi Nihar 7th 14th
Tatooine Sandcrawlers Matis Bruder 15th Yusuke Oftedal 19th 16th
Chiba City Neuromancers Kashnak MacKeon 16th Elanalue Celadriendil 2nd(tied) 13th
Gallifrey Time Lords Borje Gutiérras 17th Zenon-Alejandro Bletsoe 12th 17th
Intergalactic Hitchhikers Angelica Kemble 18th Aster Elril-Gara 13th 18th
Andelain Giants Gamailbo Greycloak 19th Togo Muddyfoot 4th 19th
Earthsea Dragons Malgath Elriden 20th Ugnub Sildshul 17th 20th
Team Top player Team ranking Top prospect Organizational ranking Overall ranking
Intergalactic Hitchhikers Hycis Silborn 1st Yoo-ngan Hornblower 15th(tied) 1st
Karak Kadrin Slayers Arnor Greenthumb 2nd Shalantha Fandil 2nd 2nd
Star Fleet Academy Cadets Dejatina Elrudriel 3rd Bucca Goldilocks 11th(tied) 3rd
Forgotten Realms Kobolds Dae-ki Astley 4th Hubur Galaigastsson 8th 4th
Narnia Badgers Belladonna Grub 5th Kugblug Propwarrior 13th 5th
Xanth Centaurs Onofredo Flygt 6th Grimnir Trollbender 11th(tied) 6th
Tatooine Sandcrawlers Akhilesa Medellin 7th Tarðk Elvaldor 15th(tied) 9th
Chiba City Neuromancers Jouko Savvateev 8th Celillbo Belaril 15th(tied) 10th
Asgard Vikings Guido Tumbletoe 9th Simimar Githrawyn 7th 7th
Serenity Valley Fireflies Shivaji Brown 10th Durlan Elvywyn 15th(tied) 12th
Diagon Alley Wizards Kavan Gravebow 11th Anyllan Lomebrildur 9th 8th
New New York Blernsballers Gayeff Viramontes 12th Peony Kemble 20th 20th
Land of Oz Munchkins Aharon Cremeans 13th Iago Eavesdropper 6th 11th
Babylon Five Rangers Ömer Delfino 14th Blythswana Anorfin 15th(tied) 18th
Neverland Lost Boys Ghog Spleengobber 15th Sim Whitfoot 3rd 13th
Andelain Giants Idris of East Greenway 16th Ralnor Rhaevaern 14th 17th
Dyson Spheres Snukpug Moonpoker 17th Winterflower Brightmoon 5th 14th(tied)
WeMadeIt Crashlanders Merry Gardener 18th Bagrat Palaeios 4th 14th(tied)
Gallifrey Time Lords Issth Elreogol 19th Françisco Koboldchoker 1st 16th
Earthsea Dragons Skudbagh the Horrible 20th Phantina Ellarian 10th 19th
Team Top player Team ranking Top prospect Organizational ranking Overall ranking
New New York Blernsballers Munchnik *van Schoonhoven 1st Bukgor Throatprodder 18th(tied) 1st
Narnia Badgers Políbio the Seer 2nd Olaurae Eveningfall 11th 2nd
Diagon Alley Wizards Gamelli Træet 3rd Sool Wronsky 14th 4th
Asgard Vikings Gundabald Lang 4th Thruznag Gnomechewer 18th(tied) 7th
Intergalactic Hitchhikers Whip Keogh 5th Althidon Ceretlan 5th 3rd
WeMadeIt Crashlanders Zulgob Soirbag 6th Till Middlebrook 4th 5th
Serenity Valley Fireflies Marmaduke Hilldweller 7th Prikak the Mean 13th 6th
Andelain Giants Marzik Dryer 8th Nargiz Deblois 9th 8th
Dyson Spheres Tso-i Tverskoi 9th Sali Máximo 12th 9th
Star Fleet Academy Cadets Ghilanna Lomebrin 10th Novathiel Morauden 15th 11th
Land of Oz Munchkins Dónall Dertsian 11th Ghukas Nilani 16th 13th
Neverland Lost Boys Aglanthol Elril-gambor 12th Pruugush Ratclaw 6th 10th
Tatooine Sandcrawlers Athan Rocco 13th Gundabald Chubb 8th 14th
Karak Kadrin Slayers Fogan Gurinovich 14th Sateesh Mehra 18th(tied) 16th
Chiba City Neuromancers Attilio Iatan 15th Salvia Bauwyn 2nd 12th
Xanth Centaurs Nazaret Morais 16th Donnchadh Prokafka 3rd 15th
Gallifrey Time Lords Bazwush Galli 17th Bernd Droppa 10th 17th
Earthsea Dragons Gamohil the Ungrateful 18th Mariona Leafbower 17th 20th
Forgotten Realms Kobolds Syndra Kadelaryn 19th Gormadoc Hedgeworth 7th 18th
Babylon Five Rangers Rho Henrich 20th Traeliorn Tsornyl 1st 19th
Team Top player Team ranking Top prospect Organizational ranking Overall ranking
Karak Kadrin Slayers Guruvayur Livertrembler 1st Kusur Gwill 7th 1st
Chiba City Neuromancers Alexei Kubo 2nd (tied) Sim Ramblebucket 15th 2nd
Forgotten Realms Kobolds Meneaduc Liszt 2nd (tied) Skulug Throatprodder 20th 20th
Serenity Valley Fireflies Gogkug Cowstitcher 4th Vruuhai Dwarfpunisher 14th 3rd
Land of Oz Munchkins Dora Tunnelly 5th Sniktakh Ermoliev 3rd 4th
WeMadeIt Crashlanders Wugush Legmasher 6th Celegast Gleng 17th 5th
Tatooine Sandcrawlers Janice Foxburr 7th Filauria Gwildoc 8th(tied) 6th
Asgard Vikings Gorbaduc Holgate 8th (tied) Torben Mulhall 8th(tied) 8th
Earthsea Dragons Bruzgug Headpunisher 8th (tied) Maith Jaglene 6th 7th
New New York Blernsballers Danny Peasnell 10th Trozdush Gnomebasher 18th(tied) 15th
Andelain Giants Mist Kuaika 11th Paeris Celul 13th 13th
Gallifrey Time Lords Skorduk Halflingbasher 12th (tied) Dabur Dree 2nd 9th
Neverland Lost Boys Nicol the Candlemaker 12th (tied) Aytarel Dutcher 5th 11th
Babylon Five Rangers Pedrag MacClumpha 14th Grugak the Claw 1st 10th
Star Fleet Academy Cadets Blaghru Ghoulslobberer 15th Ashemmi Duirsar 8th(tied) 14th
Xanth Centaurs Zulfugar Fouldeath 16th Kristofer Newlin 4th 12th
Dyson Spheres Nogzub the Crazy 17th Sardar Aidaraliev 18th(tied) 17th
Narnia Badgers Olo Dzmura 18th Legeron Silverbow 12th 16th
Diagon Alley Wizards Ulysse Ohman 19th Haiduc Grubb 16th 19th
Intergalactic Hitchhikers Teh-huai Tinalinde 20th Celegast Anara 8th(tied) 18th
Team Top player Team ranking Top prospect Organizational ranking Overall ranking
Serenity Valley Fireflies Skye *King 1st Siloja Galindil 6th 1st
Earthsea Dragons Elroborn Snowmouth 2nd Grugmub Em'ilde 13th(tied) 2nd
Star Fleet Academy Cadets Romochka Carnicas 3rd Nopos Githrawyn 12th 3rd
Tatooine Sandcrawlers Anakin *Skywalker 4th Eudaldo Daggerprodder 20th 20th
Chiba City Neuromancers Mirthal Sil-Gal 5th Gundobad Brockhouse 7th 4th
Andelain Giants Skolgob the Tearer 6th Jemima Ramblebucket 9th 5th
Narnia Badgers Sascha Musiceye 7th Muslin Rountree 1st 6th
Karak Kadrin Slayers Benji Aelasar 8th Sat Udipi 2nd 7th
Land of Oz Munchkins Liluth Undomiel 9th Sérgio Stilmyst 13th(tied) 12th
Forgotten Realms Kobolds Bojan Headhater 10th Polly Bridge 13th(tied) 13th
New New York Blernsballers Sormina Starym 11th Feanor Yridnae 4th 8th
Gallifrey Time Lords Katsuhito Silkpetal 12th Holleb Abu al Khayr 5th 9th
WeMadeIt Crashlanders Tugkug Halflingslobbr 13th Babken Munt 10th 11th
Dyson Spheres Csharynn Nhaéslal 14th Muugh Brainthrottler 3rd 10th
Intergalactic Hitchhikers Majnun Guinn 15th Ruardh Ealoeth 13th(tied) 14th
Xanth Centaurs Peony Whitfoot 16th Andrathath Celorfindel 11th 15th
Asgard Vikings Khrimean Zerillo 17th Thutai Bhephel 13th(tied) 17th
Babylon Five Rangers Ava Cathdeiryn 18th Magdash the Incinerator 8th 16th
Diagon Alley Wizards Ladislav Mantarrec 19th Rockwater Brownlocks 13th(tied) 18th
Neverland Lost Boys Gukpug the Spitter 20th Tia Fumlefot 13th(tied) 19th
Team Top player Team ranking Top prospect Organizational ranking Overall ranking
Forgotten Realms Kobolds Olo Budo-Chubb 1st Bartolomeo Boffin 12th 1st
New New York Blernsballers Ki-heung Ni-Tessine 2nd Jassin Gandudriel 17th(tied) 3rd
Babylon Five Rangers Candradipa Kirknes 3rd Smark Hammermaker 1st 2nd
Xanth Centaurs Nisin Hagorsson 4th Wilimar Goodbody 6th 4th
Andelain Giants Notruk Horse-lover 5th Elraudur Blood-Axe 14th 5th(tied)
Narnia Badgers Gurdag Toepunisher 6th Caramella Whitfoot 7th(tied) 5th(tied)
WeMadeIt Crashlanders Morann Proptracker 7th Jean-Louis Cundiff 17th(tied) 12th
Intergalactic Hitchhikers Mirin Oathcrusher 8th Yrthraethra Dracoseir 3rd 7th
Asgard Vikings Iknug the Straggler 9th Fulgor the Ugly 10th 8th
Gallifrey Time Lords Maaleshiira Galadrielas 10th Rauvelore Selakiir 11th 9th
Chiba City Neuromancers Celilthor Earara 11th Brubzagh Knifecrawler 5th 11th
Neverland Lost Boys Glonar Uirthur 12th Veiko Teets 4th 10th
Tatooine Sandcrawlers Silzava Elothien 13th Adelaide Mytnikov 17th(tied) 18th
Dyson Spheres Embrae Gwaimir 14th Mi’tilarro Ironshaker 13th 14th
Karak Kadrin Slayers Sabdub Man-nose 15th Arunodaya Goblinmaster 20th 20th
Earthsea Dragons Chin-seok Revolorio 16th Rufus Gardener 7th(tied) 13th
Land of Oz Munchkins Foifur Lomymbor 17th Soalia Throatpoker 15th 16th(tied)
Serenity Valley Fireflies Aermhar Nightstar 18th Eldaernth Elradriend 9th 15th
Star Fleet Academy Cadets Alaric Headstrong 19th Aberashid Ensom 16th 19th
Diagon Alley Wizards Arland Livertrembler 20th Newt Cutiérrez 2nd 16th(tied)
Team Top player Team ranking Top prospect Organizational ranking Overall ranking
Tatooine Sandcrawlers Gwebrylla Eavesdropper 1st 20th 20th
Chiba City Neuromancers Iver Tussle 2nd Brogha Eyelover 15th 1st
Gallifrey Time Lords Daniel Grubb 3rd Dejahlla Donethir 2nd 2nd
Earthsea Dragons Iyasu the Bucklebury Ferry Driver 4th Drogo Seraphim 12th 3rd
Serenity Valley Fireflies Amitabha Jagarlamudi 5th Halamar Thrilmang 8th 5th
Xanth Centaurs Abdur Razzaq Holeman 6th Issah Shaurlanglar 6th 4th
Babylon Five Rangers Aulathar Elaril 7th Fosco Long Cleve 4th 6th
Diagon Alley Wizards Tuzg Throatshaker 8th Anak the Massive 17th 8th
Karak Kadrin Slayers Monzaemon Elarandel 9th Farolas Kuijkhoven 10th 9th
Andelain Giants Krubgagh Elephantdicer 10th Nylian Shaethe 1st 7th
Star Fleet Academy Cadets Nolg Halflingslobbr 11th Yrthraethra Elrolas 9th 10th
Asgard Vikings Sadoc Bramble 12th Sugluk the Naughty 19th 13th
New New York Blernsballers Fuat Passas 13th Mugdug Fistripper 16th 12th
Dyson Spheres Kusnug Armcrawler 14th Amitatman Cashan 7th 11th
Neverland Lost Boys Freaden Legeolas 15th Teun Drowthrower 14th 14th
Narnia Badgers Adaldrida Greenwald 16th Gallin Penkethman 13th 15th
Forgotten Realms Kobolds Thokpug the Crazy Bastard 17th Kobug the Serious 18th 18th
Intergalactic Hitchhikers Eamnonn Kircher 18th Enver Eladriendil 5th 16th
Land of Oz Munchkins Milorad Seraphim 19th Dalg Devilgobbler 3rd 17th
WeMadeIt Crashlanders J.R.R. Cueto 20th Domenico Pelham 11th 19th
Team Top player Team ranking Top prospect Organizational ranking Overall ranking
Karak Kadrin Slayers Gotrek *Gurnisson 1st Holman Underhill 15th 1st
Dyson Spheres Âlî Gwillas 2nd Zori Hightower 2nd 2nd
Forgotten Realms Kobolds Thubis Eiaron 3rd Groshzog the Wacky 8th 3rd
Intergalactic Hitchhikers Rathal Legilmalith 4th James Tendertush 18th 4th
Diagon Alley Wizards Snung Silverskull 5th Marmadoc Underhill 17th 5th
WeMadeIt Crashlanders Llarm Ciryatan 6th Krugblug Handwalker 19th 9th
Xanth Centaurs Migel Piepoli 7th Bugug Heartchewer 9th 6th
Land of Oz Munchkins Kurg Gnomedragger 8th Kate Bell 7th 7th
Gallifrey Time Lords Barliman J. Urcullu 9th Mong the Burner 10th 10th
Star Fleet Academy Cadets Linda Goodbody 10th Jin-yu Dayman 1st 8th
New New York Blernsballers Eibe Salsameda 11th Gruffo Rougecheeks 20th 20th
Earthsea Dragons Naertho Tandir 12th Hidemichi Mudruffin 3rd 11th
Chiba City Neuromancers Dejahor Thrilmanduil 13th Yasuhiko Chander 5th 12th
Andelain Giants Galuhir Celaulf 14th Thomas-Louis Oreksson 14th 14th
Narnia Badgers Ighlas Migwi 15th Priamus Greenwald 6th 13th
Asgard Vikings Zubkog Giantthrottler 16th Hildibrand Pennypacker 11th 15th
Babylon Five Rangers Manfried Panick 17th Lalia Bauwyn 12th 17th
Serenity Valley Fireflies Freodriel Elrudoc 18th Álex Roslin 4th 16th
Neverland Lost Boys Asirem Shiotani 19th Druindar Celebrira 13th 18th
Tatooine Sandcrawlers Vaalyun Farailob 20th Jean-Philippe Smither 16th 19th
Team Top player Team ranking Top prospect Organizational ranking Overall ranking
Andelain Giants Déagol Bracewaith 1st Thorek Bamlisson 5th 1st
Narnia Badgers Porbag Throatshaker 2nd Lalia Gamgee-Took 7th 3rd
New New York Blernsballers Lionardo Bogic 3rd Brazhkrut Wolfshaker 4th 2nd
Xanth Centaurs Cara Bridger 4th Eltaor Spellstalker 12th 9th
Forgotten Realms Kobolds Gaetano Sowell 5th Camellia Sillybottom 15th 10th
Neverland Lost Boys Skubgugh the Fanged 6th Caffar Darian 6th 4th
Karak Kadrin Slayers Adrir Eleazar 7th Drogo Craftworker 17th 13th
Dyson Spheres Dejmina Celadriendel 8th Donzel Montealegre 14th 12th
Diagon Alley Wizards Jenbere Nauss 9th Orgri Sugnussson 18th(tied) 18th
Land of Oz Munchkins Mesut Lamczyk 10th Delling Coalspear 16th 15th
Gallifrey Time Lords Ikag Nosethrottler 11th Celomer Celorfindel 3rd 5th
Babylon Five Rangers Kark Badgers 12th Ukhdub Taihei 11th 8th
Tatooine Sandcrawlers Taygun Flatland 13th Petunia Baneguard 20th 20th
Intergalactic Hitchhikers Primrose Holeman 14th Sméagol Yonkers 1st 6th
Chiba City Neuromancers Smuzgurg Mooncutter 15th Tigblug Throatbelly 18th(tied) 19th
WeMadeIt Crashlanders Gollaind Loamsdown 16th Gealf Isadriel 2nd 7th
Star Fleet Academy Cadets Drurboz Earthslasher 17th Bubgub the Incinerator 9th 11th
Serenity Valley Fireflies Ugrog Sildshul 18th Kruldush Mooncutter 13th 17th
Asgard Vikings Radildur Starslobberer 19th Brage Knifecrawler 10th 14th
Earthsea Dragons Naoise Myrene 20th Bombur Facestomper 8th 16th
Team Top player Team ranking Top prospect Organizational ranking Overall ranking
Land of Oz Munchkins Zandro Legaldor 1st Trozrub the One-Eyed 10th 1st
Tatooine Sandcrawlers Fedyenka Goldilocks 2nd Huurg Stanworth 20th 4th
Chiba City Neuromancers Mabrog the Atrocious 3rd Mablung Grimm 5th 2nd
Xanth Centaurs Prospero Bauwyn 4th Nevarth Calafalas 8th 3rd
Forgotten Realms Kobolds Nremyn Ceretlan 5th Jo Perom 14th 5th
New New York Blernsballers Denama Galagos 6th Nareg Lasalvia 19th 6th
Dyson Spheres Wyrran Iliathorr 7th Ambroz Leikanger 11th 7th
Gallifrey Time Lords Afaghis Yue 8th Tomohiko Kiefer 7th 8th
Serenity Valley Fireflies Tae-ho O'Hickey 9th Grikguh Throatscarer 17th 10th
WeMadeIt Crashlanders Kate Bell 10th Rudigar Fields 15th 11th
Star Fleet Academy Cadets Yong-su Guachomin 11th Dou-guan Foularm 4th 9th
Asgard Vikings Ruli Garrido 12th Maiele Anorfin 16th 12th
Neverland Lost Boys Crystal Titsworth 13th Halawyn the Squasher 2nd 13th
Karak Kadrin Slayers Amritananda Eavesdropper 14th Borenko von Muller 12th 14th
Andelain Giants Kipkoskei Ayende 15th Boigo Stonemould 6th 15th
Earthsea Dragons Gundabald Brownlock 16th Dejath Selakiir 13th 18th
Intergalactic Hitchhikers Tethir Earararil 17th Moro Lang 3rd 17th
Narnia Badgers Jaisnava Mironescu 18th Gantar Earara 1st 16th
Babylon Five Rangers Hiroaki Quintania 19th Shigeru Pinochet 9th 19th
Diagon Alley Wizards Satoshi Black 20th Chang-ho Sundseth 18th 20th
Team Top player Team ranking Top prospect Organizational ranking Overall ranking
WeMadeIt Crashlanders Tusdar Aelorothi 1st Juppar Eemli 18th 7th
Narnia Badgers Lignar Anvilshaker 2nd Gantar Earara 1st 1st
Serenity Valley Fireflies Ugrog Sildshul 3rd Rudibert Willow 20th 11th
Neverland Lost Boys Snugkug Foularm 4th Nesterin Smiaron 12th 8th
Babylon Five Rangers Amayas Loriza 5th Tella Isadrielad 15th 9th
Star Fleet Academy Cadets Ferruccio Nordeng 6th Shyael Darkbrother 10th 10th
Gallifrey Time Lords Noor Bojórquez 7th Everard Sillybottom 13th 14th
Asgard Vikings Hisaki Elrithranduil 8th Dwaine Kingmaker 11th 13th
Forgotten Realms Kobolds Soliania Stillhawk 9th Skutruk Moonkiller 5th 2nd
Diagon Alley Wizards Gandeagrin Elaraldor 10th Bubgorg the Clutcher 17th 17th
Land of Oz Munchkins Slobodan Elvawen 11th Linda Holeman 14th 16th
Intergalactic Hitchhikers Araiborn Peplinski 12th Trughru the Crazy 9th 15th
New New York Blernsballers Haffy Fumlefot 13th Zudzog Throatslobber 7th 12th
Tatooine Sandcrawlers Caoimhín Júlia 14th Derich Carla 19th 19th
Chiba City Neuromancers Womiq Lopper 15th Thutruk Nosethrottler 16th 18th
Andelain Giants Pyeong-ho Pochtarev 16th Boigo Stonemould 6th 3rd
Earthsea Dragons Grabdak the Mean 17th Turusan Collis 3rd 5th
Dyson Spheres Veton Spleensmasher 18th Ambroz Leikanger 2nd 4th
Xanth Centaurs Isiclya Musiceye 19th Ogzog Brainstomper 8th 20th
Karak Kadrin Slayers Talila Belithrarion 20th Trudkuh Ealoeth 4th 6th
Monday, September 9th , 2024 - OOTP Baseball 24.11 Build 85