Name Age Pos Contact Power Eye/Discipline Speed Defense AVG HR RBI Suggestion
Ellery Rixey 28 C 48 30 45 1 49 .270 2 12 Possibly ready for GH (MLB)
Tigan Surnilla 23 C 41 31 36 16 25 .287 1 12
Berliac Stgermain 30 1B 37 51 36 12 34 .302 4 11
Kara Elrithranduil 31 SS 32 46 42 26 67 .294 10 32
Zhorzh Laralytha 23 SS 35 13 41 33 43 .287 1 12
Till Gharabaghtsian 30 2B 44 24 36 21 53 .292 4 23
Satik Wines 22 LF 52 48 47 64 64 .429 0 2 Possibly ready for GH (MLB)
Tullu Manthrottler 22 CF 44 72 65 81 59 .273 17 43 Possibly ready for GH (MLB)
Azariah Yridnae 22 1B 44 87 69 54 21 .236 20 37 Possibly ready for GH (MLB)
Aolis Sixto 23 LF 37 66 56 58 17 .314 19 52
Dejahlla Fadrielinde 23 1B 41 73 52 1 54 .266 3 8
Nesil Snowlegs 27 1B 34 51 54 9 45 .400 0 1
Desiderius Throatscarer 28 LF 36 54 49 21 39 .241 3 7
Gotthold Pillot 21 LF 64 66 46 23 46 .302 12 29
Tadzud Drowbelly 28 1B 29 18 44 3 24 .000 0 0
Gaylia Baladonya 24 2B 33 33 54 79 31 .200 0 1
Name Age Role Stuff Control Movement Rec ERA IP HA BB K Suggestion
Isembard Baldender 24 P 33 45 65 0-0 5.75 20.1 21 9 13 Possibly ready for GH (MLB)
Nindrol Holmen 24 P 67 52 43 6-4 4.80 75.0 75 21 57 Possibly ready for GH (MLB)
Pansy Willow 22 P 54 43 62 0-1 6.00 6.0 7 4 4 Possibly ready for GH (MLB)
Gayeff Agayous 22 P 64 63 50 4-5 6.33 64.0 64 39 55
Kisho Metalhowler 22 P 60 49 48 0-4 9.22 27.1 42 19 17
Guddi Rage 23 P 27 55 42 3-2 4.82 37.1 46 16 13 Probably overmatched at Triple A
Aprativirya Carratala 30 P 70 18 45 0-0 1.25 21.2 13 9 23 Possibly ready for GH (MLB)
Otaehryn Legariand 24 P 72 42 51 0-1 7.50 6.0 11 8 9 Possibly ready for GH (MLB)
Adamnan Jurasín 23 P 79 42 30 2-1 3.06 17.2 14 5 24 Possibly ready for GH (MLB)
Candidasa the Plunderer 23 P 32 54 66 1-2 4.26 44.1 52 11 19 Possibly ready for GH (MLB)
Brianna Notwise 22 P 37 82 47 3-6 5.46 62.2 81 18 20
Magnus Goodrich 22 P 33 58 56 0-1 7.94 11.1 20 5 6
Calouste Papiashvili 24 P 49 24 37 0-0 5.40 13.1 18 9 8 Probably overmatched at Triple A
BATTERS LHUN STARS - SGCBL Double A - AA - 26-33, .440 PCT
Name Age Pos Contact Power Eye/Discipline Speed Defense AVG HR RBI Suggestion
Legadrielith Galadrienduil 21 RF 39 59 41 79 53 .333 2 9
Dimzad Dethridge 21 RF 54 55 34 77 57 .286 0 4
Bunda Spellstalker 26 C 32 28 44 2 21 .277 2 8
Belisarius Goldilocks 25 C 19 49 60 2 58 .214 7 20
Drannor Elong 25 RF 38 37 30 18 51 .290 2 4
Gamailbo Toemasher 24 2B 21 17 48 93 85 .287 4 13
Udbagh Buzoku 23 3B 39 23 52 71 49 .326 9 19
Kikpurui Legedur 23 SS 30 52 55 89 61 .289 16 43
Rusil Koboldchoker 23 CF 41 17 29 75 63 .269 6 18
Daniel Fumlefot 21 LF 42 54 48 16 39 .226 2 8
Gringamor Lightloafer 21 LF 43 30 50 65 53 .258 7 21
Mulyan Notwise 24 2B 32 20 55 65 59 .244 2 8
Nazgah Mogan 24 SS 33 16 51 62 48 .281 4 15
Meriadoc Honan 25 RF 29 46 59 7 17 .222 1 3
Ytharra Soryn 23 RF 34 26 34 80 74 .222 3 9 Probably overmatched at Double A
Gloriana Grubb 23 RF 29 54 34 22 22 .353 1 3
Glubzagh Armtearer 21 C 38 54 28 14 32 .266 7 21
PITCHERS LHUN STARS - SGCBL Double A - AA - 26-33, .440 PCT
Name Age Role Stuff Control Movement Rec ERA IP HA BB K Suggestion
Goinus Stamnes 24 P 48 43 9 1-3 7.71 25.2 36 24 15
Blognub the Crippler 20 P 46 59 42 5-2 3.45 47.0 46 15 23
Duilya Silverbow 22 P 18 55 36 3-0 6.45 22.1 27 7 10
Rasil Haraginsson 22 P 64 13 16 2-3 5.57 32.1 34 15 33
Shashi Gamgee-Took 21 P 81 42 56 0-1 3.38 16.0 9 9 17
Rebo Moncibas 25 P 47 30 14 0-1 6.75 22.2 27 21 20
Jitrendra Hartig 23 P 36 49 20 3-1 4.12 19.2 16 5 15
Thulla Mack 23 P 73 29 32 0-0 .00 1.1 2 1 2
Odo Gardener 20 P 36 42 32 0-0 1.80 5.0 3 1 2 Probably overmatched at Double A
Deldrach Eloldor 22 P 19 39 32 1-1 4.40 30.2 30 17 20
Ilphas Tinalinde 23 P 18 39 37 2-4 7.34 38.0 42 19 20
Grimalda Sandybanks 21 P 45 40 32 2-3 7.15 39.0 46 22 23
Court Ottke 23 P 25 35 48 0-0 3.52 15.1 17 5 6 Probably overmatched at Double A
Smaugh Armero 23 P 53 34 12 1-0 3.55 12.2 15 6 9
Name Age Pos Contact Power Eye/Discipline Speed Defense AVG HR RBI Suggestion
Li-chi Spitzaner 20 CF 44 42 37 82 55 .315 10 31
Asphodel Greenbriar 21 C 29 7 46 16 55 .259 4 16
Hiran Giantkicker 24 C 37 34 51 12 13 .352 6 21
Araga Earora 24 C 16 29 35 28 47 .200 0 0
Petteri Elfprodder 24 1B 28 40 45 10 46 .316 1 4
Duenna Brownlocks 20 2B 40 25 35 29 44 .208 6 25 Probably overmatched at Class A
Kubzub Cais 22 2B 35 14 51 69 77 .281 4 20 Probably overmatched at Class A
Tanta the Bucklebury Ferry Driver 22 1B 31 19 32 28 66 .374 10 47
Melissa Lang 18 CF 54 56 39 78 56 .323 11 39
Carl Hornblower 23 CF 31 21 58 65 49 .279 2 8
Krugnum Moonbane 22 LF 38 15 51 62 60 .324 3 21
Jerrolde Camusiil 23 LF 31 71 46 74 66 .196 3 9
Bugar Akimoto 24 2B 18 27 36 70 59 .300 0 0 Probably overmatched at Class A
Traian Celiothien 24 RF 34 26 25 58 55 .303 1 7
Obdig Facedragger 24 CF 20 14 16 65 61 .293 1 10
Togan Foiransson 22 C 24 29 58 2 36 .136 0 0 Probably overmatched at Class A
Grodrik Fetterlein 23 LF 34 73 68 93 49 .228 1 6 Probably overmatched at Class A
Name Age Role Stuff Control Movement Rec ERA IP HA BB K Suggestion
Gwilmir Swordsmith 23 P 45 26 8 0-0 13.50 8.0 17 5 9
Hamilcar Grimoire 21 P 34 27 6 1-3 11.57 28.0 35 24 22
Amoghadarsana Hornblower 22 P 68 24 5 0-1 6.97 10.1 13 5 11
Vuk Zech 26 P 34 47 1 1-0 3.26 19.1 16 6 17
Jagara Goblinshaker 22 P 71 28 5 1-2 7.71 44.1 36 35 56
Polo Roper 23 P 33 13 3 0-1 7.11 25.1 28 17 24
Sisak Pozos 21 P 51 38 48 3-2 4.71 21.0 19 7 18
Boigo Hill 22 P 24 55 18 2-3 6.39 49.1 51 26 42
Areom the Ugly 22 P 42 37 8 4-0 8.83 34.2 43 25 39
Krpananda Nicolaysen 21 P 45 42 34 2-4 9.35 51.0 70 44 36
Dufur Chiseltwister 21 P 37 33 28 0-5 9.78 23.0 35 13 16 Probably overmatched at Class A
Takakazu Moonsbreath 20 P 80 18 4 2-0 5.84 24.2 26 18 27
Celeden Cherry 20 P 46 32 24 2-2 5.10 30.0 35 16 25
Name Age Pos Contact Power Eye/Discipline Speed Defense AVG HR RBI Suggestion
Buldush Toepunisher 23 RF 28 44 52 28 47 .209 5 14 Probably overmatched at Short Season A
Skadzud Wrozumialski 21 C 32 46 57 3 33 .235 1 2 Probably overmatched at Short Season A
Dubkog the Knife 21 C 34 32 41 20 34 .252 6 25 Probably overmatched at Short Season A
Tiberio Lilley 23 C 26 34 57 7 9 .222 1 1
Vordor Euthor 23 CF 33 25 51 88 66 .346 5 14
Vaalyun Elamancha 24 SS 13 24 35 82 69 .174 3 12 Probably overmatched at Short Season A
Muzbuzg Guvorar 23 3B 41 48 50 82 50 .233 6 28
Smugblug the Badger 23 3B 24 36 61 19 55 .310 4 10
Halgondas Kelerandri 24 CF 37 25 31 60 50 .262 4 15 Probably overmatched at Short Season A
Mugrak the Crippler 22 LF 18 25 34 73 62 .196 0 5 Probably overmatched at Short Season A
Valin Nhaéslal 20 1B 45 46 49 1 45 .343 8 24
Thrubdush the Spitter 24 LF 29 54 61 31 45 .320 8 22
Ogmuh Armtearer 21 1B 35 21 36 15 45 .359 9 27
Groghbub Gidush 22 LF 33 46 62 65 45 .254 9 19
Phanthor Sasilsson 24 1B 35 10 4 1 12 .429 2 4
Zubguh Sildshul 22 2B 38 6 48 41 39 .322 2 9
Ardador Toryvhallen 24 C 22 45 62 1 22 .291 3 7
Name Age Role Stuff Control Movement Rec ERA IP HA BB K Suggestion
Grabdub Silverskull 20 P 34 31 18 0-1 13.50 6.0 11 0 6 Probably overmatched at Short Season A
Gamodoc Celal 22 P 40 52 45 1-0 1.62 16.2 10 9 16 Possibly ready for MIT (A)
May Powell 22 P 29 15 45 0-0 7.27 17.1 20 12 18 Probably overmatched at Short Season A
Iblog Facestomper 25 P 39 19 31 0-1 6.75 9.1 13 5 10
Yohan Gamwich 21 P 43 31 15 1-4 7.93 42.0 61 10 43 Probably overmatched at Short Season A
Mudrub Footkicker 20 P 45 28 18 0-0 5.91 32.0 31 25 32 Probably overmatched at Short Season A
Vigo Hodorowski 22 P 34 8 21 2-1 10.93 14.0 25 14 11
Vaalyun Elond 20 P 37 33 11 3-5 6.98 29.2 32 22 27 Probably overmatched at Short Season A
Laamtora Nhachashaal 21 P 83 36 39 2-3 2.87 31.1 22 18 33
Ogmub the Ignorant 22 P 20 26 20 2-3 5.27 42.2 43 25 34
Magi the Slander 23 P 40 42 1 0-0 7.71 2.1 4 1 2
Brudguk Guvorar 21 P 69 22 3 0-3 10.24 29.0 45 17 28
Indumathy Sebursson 18 P 52 34 44 1-1 8.22 23.0 26 20 26
Trugmuh Shinsnapper 19 P 38 7 28 1-0 7.32 19.2 21 7 18
Laura Millstone 19 P 20 5 12 0-1 13.11 11.2 26 6 10 Probably overmatched at Short Season A
Elorshin Swordstar 20 P 47 47 7 1-2 5.62 24.0 24 15 20
BATTERS SWANHAVEN VIPERS - SGCBL Rookie League - R - 0-0, .000 PCT
Name Age Pos Contact Power Eye/Discipline Speed Defense AVG HR RBI Suggestion
Rumzug Liverchewer 21 C 32 20 51 3 33 .000 0 0
Trabdak the Fanged 23 C 25 31 61 22 35 .000 0 0
Hudguk Nosethrower 27 C 22 23 74 3 - .000 0 0
Asmerom Medlin 20 1B 38 74 68 6 26 .000 0 0
Macit O'Farren 21 SS 38 54 69 86 43 .000 0 0
Ketil Earthshaper 19 3B 41 32 53 20 42 .000 0 0
Andoren Sapunaru 19 SS 38 16 52 65 54 .000 0 0
Iladhara Zain 22 LF 23 53 48 68 35 .000 0 0
Mucip Gamaiborn 18 CF 37 29 54 89 74 .000 0 0
Scottie Devilpoker 21 LF 37 33 54 70 49 .000 0 0
Udzush Pulleyn 22 C 25 56 66 8 - .000 0 0
Sakrattars of Dorthonion 20 LF 63 66 40 26 20 .000 0 0
Lai-hsiang Neal 18 1B 48 52 52 8 28 .000 0 0
Gene Holeman 20 1B 39 50 54 1 36 .000 0 0
Faramond Mugworts 19 LF 42 38 46 43 5 .000 0 0
Maxime-Antoine Common 20 2B 40 28 57 37 44 .000 0 0
Aroma Heathwood 18 1B 39 46 56 26 29 .000 0 0
Seóirse Siu 20 C 29 38 25 1 39 .000 0 0
Cherry Merauman 20 RF 39 22 51 45 37 .000 0 0
Donavon Tchelomey 20 2B 43 5 46 8 25 .000 0 0
Guttri Hubursson 18 1B 38 11 50 24 9 .000 0 0
Durmug Clubslicer 20 2B 27 16 38 42 30 .000 0 0
Wazag the Ripper 21 2B 29 19 51 69 52 .000 0 0
Tord Coronilla 21 3B 29 47 65 28 31 .000 0 0
Carthage Malacate 19 CF 38 30 16 38 11 .000 0 0
Fortinbras Kemble 20 3B 32 18 29 27 7 .000 0 0
Sun-woo Siurunen 19 C 28 48 28 30 25 .000 0 0
Gugthak Nosejuggler 22 2B 28 13 44 35 37 .000 0 0
Isiah Shook 20 C 21 17 49 1 30 .000 0 0
Gennaro Spellstalker 25 RF 15 6 22 41 16 .000 0 0
Name Age Role Stuff Control Movement Rec ERA IP HA BB K Suggestion
Sagduk Gnomedragger 20 P 37 27 12 0-0 .00 0.0 0 0 0
Zazbag bin Nazeem 25 P 33 2 1 0-0 .00 0.0 0 0 0
Kolman Kayne 18 P 47 40 68 0-0 .00 0.0 0 0 0
Elanor Goodbody 19 P 52 36 22 0-0 .00 0.0 0 0 0
Lendrush Berzal 19 P 41 33 25 0-0 .00 0.0 0 0 0
Ecaeris Ozarnikov 18 P 33 28 16 0-0 .00 0.0 0 0 0
Grugbu Braingobber 20 P 24 32 19 0-0 .00 0.0 0 0 0
Gulzar Garaycar 19 P 37 23 20 0-0 .00 0.0 0 0 0
Awinagh Headgobber 19 P 30 12 19 0-0 .00 0.0 0 0 0
Michizane Boffin 19 P 24 11 23 0-0 .00 0.0 0 0 0
Posco Moir 27 P 26 3 1 0-0 .00 0.0 0 0 0
Gamellal Ramblebucket 27 P 26 2 1 0-0 .00 0.0 0 0 0
Thadash Kynoch 27 P 15 3 1 0-0 .00 0.0 0 0 0
BATTERS INTERNATIONAL COMPLEX - - - International Complex - -
Name Age Pos Contact Power Eye/Discipline Speed Defense AVG HR RBI Suggestion
Maksimillian Poolslinger 18 CF 29 26 41 84 26 .000 0 0
Sarkvia Alavara 18 RF 44 42 51 39 25 .000 0 0
PITCHERS INTERNATIONAL COMPLEX - - - International Complex - -
Name Age Role Stuff Control Movement Rec ERA IP HA BB K Suggestion
Drorduk Ettincrusher 16 P 33 24 20 0-0 .00 0.0 0 0 0
Thrushnug Liverchewer 18 P 69 82 28 0-0 .00 0.0 0 0 0
Monday, September 9th , 2024 - OOTP Baseball 24.11 Build 85