Name Age Pos Contact Power Eye/Discipline Speed Defense AVG HR RBI Suggestion
Photius Birnie 21 SS 54 38 35 24 36 .285 8 38
Giancarlo Aluianti 27 LF 45 59 54 53 - .253 8 24 Possibly ready for WT (MLB)
Floria Mariner 29 C 34 55 64 2 58 .250 3 20
Irhaal Gollailob 31 2B 27 16 55 74 95 .209 3 17
Darric Osmundsen 21 C 43 35 45 19 38 .250 4 18
Sigrid Orgrisson 26 CF 33 74 66 65 46 .261 27 53 Possibly ready for WT (MLB)
Kellen Cengo 26 1B 42 54 65 87 84 .291 10 35
Mantissa Wisebattler 29 LF 46 50 43 71 49 .286 4 11 Possibly ready for WT (MLB)
Bayesa Papandreou 30 LF 53 54 38 38 44 .274 6 19 Possibly ready for WT (MLB)
Mishe Claxton 32 RF 27 48 49 86 94 .217 11 21
Hesin Darkghost 24 RF 49 42 67 12 40 .294 3 9 Possibly ready for WT (MLB)
Tarron Tarnruth 24 CF 44 26 47 43 26 .225 3 7
Nesil the Young 21 2B 47 49 54 20 59 .301 2 13
Glodunter Notwise 29 1B 52 53 62 17 60 .234 11 14 Possibly ready for WT (MLB)
Name Age Role Stuff Control Movement Rec ERA IP HA BB K Suggestion
Dertain Nofursson 22 P 31 75 71 1-0 4.96 16.1 15 3 9 Possibly ready for WT (MLB)
Arzhir Egorshin 27 P 56 55 43 3-4 4.85 65.0 67 18 43 Possibly ready for WT (MLB)
Urlug Beliagoa 32 P 30 53 47 4-6 6.39 76.0 111 25 42 Possibly ready for WT (MLB)
Töbi Fleam 25 P 78 62 67 3-3 6.58 26.0 31 4 21 Possibly ready for WT (MLB)
Borin Norcross 25 P 78 35 54 1-1 3.75 24.0 29 5 13 Possibly ready for WT (MLB)
Giktug Toothchewer 27 P 51 55 16 3-4 5.79 74.2 84 31 56
Jacky Zegers 22 P 45 77 57 0-0 24.00 3.0 9 3 1 Possibly ready for WT (MLB)
Salvatorio Niklot 24 P 47 76 42 1-1 3.18 22.2 15 7 17 Possibly ready for WT (MLB)
Thudgulg Handtrembler 29 P 53 53 29 4-5 5.26 89.0 111 24 53 Possibly ready for WT (MLB)
Urtilan Khchoyan 25 P 56 52 37 0-1 6.91 14.1 17 8 5 Possibly ready for WT (MLB)
Rado Greenwald 26 P 54 25 68 1-0 6.20 24.2 28 9 16
Mirim Trollthrottler 24 P 48 65 43 1-1 6.44 36.1 45 11 27
Bufur Thurorsson 23 P 75 13 54 4-6 6.34 65.1 76 49 48
Name Age Pos Contact Power Eye/Discipline Speed Defense AVG HR RBI Suggestion
Kenrich Leleu 23 2B 54 42 42 11 48 .387 4 16
Muskrat Hardbottle 30 C 39 54 78 2 48 .269 3 8 Possibly ready for HOB (AAA)
Nanda Paisley 23 C 34 24 50 18 22 .283 1 4 Probably overmatched at Double A
Bilbo Magefinder 23 C 38 28 50 7 51 .213 4 18 Probably overmatched at Double A
Ulf the Bucklebury Ferry Driver 23 1B 38 35 49 7 19 .333 8 29
Porro Goldilocks 23 2B 37 18 56 7 24 .199 5 18 Probably overmatched at Double A
Bellchior Gabrie 23 SS 37 10 52 67 24 .212 5 19
Ceonvan Sunalp 24 3B 37 47 43 68 52 .261 9 25
Ephram Tantoco 25 RF 41 35 31 73 55 .350 4 13
Celillbo Stoneiron 21 LF 47 56 49 71 58 .277 13 36
Galik Dridersmasher 21 LF 45 42 41 64 48 .353 16 39
Joong Machaín 21 LF 64 62 38 70 48 .350 24 59 Possibly ready for HOB (AAA)
Bowman Lightloafer 25 1B 27 51 27 26 53 .250 1 3
Stromni Goraudensson 23 RF 38 8 37 50 72 .261 6 23
Trarg Barrette 23 LF 41 56 56 32 20 .278 8 17
Name Age Role Stuff Control Movement Rec ERA IP HA BB K Suggestion
Gruglum Legslobberer 22 P 56 58 43 4-3 6.03 77.2 89 21 82 Possibly ready for HOB (AAA)
Kagbub Heartmasher 23 P 62 25 44 2-5 7.50 60.0 66 42 59 Possibly ready for HOB (AAA)
Phillam Goramir 22 P 83 29 49 4-5 5.95 65.0 65 49 75
Halfred Marblerage 27 P 58 31 3 3-1 8.14 45.1 59 32 52
Loco Crato 27 P 31 50 39 2-5 6.75 38.2 51 16 28
Krukgakh Throatcrawler 23 P 46 13 79 1-1 8.31 39.0 57 28 41
Vlastislav Luck 24 P 49 47 52 0-0 4.56 23.2 17 12 23 Possibly ready for HOB (AAA)
Skagh Eppstein 30 P 34 45 42 0-0 4.38 24.2 32 16 16
Arus Arzuaga 25 P 43 23 51 1-1 5.52 29.1 31 18 29 Possibly ready for HOB (AAA)
Lesil Minksson 21 P 18 79 76 5-4 5.40 58.1 86 15 31
Melba Beastmaster 22 P 41 59 54 0-8 10.68 46.1 81 31 21
Name Age Pos Contact Power Eye/Discipline Speed Defense AVG HR RBI Suggestion
Ellisar Orbryn 22 1B 47 65 54 1 34 .294 10 49
Kalimac Kingmaker 24 CF 42 38 39 65 57 .291 7 35 Probably overmatched at Class A
Mink Trample 25 C 24 23 53 2 39 .216 4 11
Chi-Cong Hepsø 25 C 29 26 52 11 52 .270 15 36 Probably overmatched at Class A
Yurcel Vtyurin 21 C 28 57 61 1 10 .500 0 1
Abdur Razzaq Ereuvyn 21 1B 46 48 45 13 61 .326 16 47
Debbie Hornblower 18 2B 50 46 26 65 39 .233 5 26
Flambard Whitfoot 23 3B 27 35 58 5 47 .167 1 1
Shalana Bunker 22 SS 36 32 62 85 57 .304 9 34
Reginard Lang 22 LF 29 39 58 71 53 .303 4 14
Pansy Baldender 22 RF 39 25 51 90 50 .174 0 3
Halfred Loamsdown 22 CF 40 11 51 85 49 .286 7 26
Vhoadan Lomombor 25 RF 31 48 38 74 76 .429 2 5
Abraão Guggeksson 22 1B 35 54 50 7 50 .250 1 4 Probably overmatched at Class A
Innocenzio Mehnin 22 3B 37 33 50 53 51 .328 15 40
Landor Shaurlanglar 23 3B 38 25 62 35 41 .327 3 11 Probably overmatched at Class A
Dabgu the Drooler 21 LF 37 49 41 12 41 .356 17 57
Name Age Role Stuff Control Movement Rec ERA IP HA BB K Suggestion
Seredic Baldender 26 P 43 11 9 4-5 9.56 64.0 94 31 53
Kensaku Brown 21 P 32 53 42 5-5 6.52 77.1 112 22 40
Andy van Cleave 21 P 66 47 74 6-3 5.64 68.2 88 39 69
Billy Madlight 21 P 40 48 51 1-6 5.63 76.2 80 36 45
Drukhdub Mooncutter 24 P 39 30 41 3-2 7.79 49.2 60 18 42
Thuthor Nierde 20 P 47 56 53 1-3 5.80 45.0 59 26 31
Karlug Ayul 24 P 16 29 29 1-1 6.09 54.2 66 31 26
Mordred Bronzevisor 18 P 75 35 69 0-7 10.12 29.1 57 33 20
Brarluk Hitzfeld 20 P 36 80 27 3-4 8.21 64.2 96 20 28
Name Age Pos Contact Power Eye/Discipline Speed Defense AVG HR RBI Suggestion
Skugbu the Badger 24 3B 36 56 74 21 36 .362 32 75
Grorbash Goblinmaker 21 C 44 59 48 13 27 .270 19 47
Randy Eavesdropper 23 3B 39 46 51 6 61 .268 3 14 Probably overmatched at Short Season A
Glubnarg the Tough 20 C 35 20 42 39 41 .284 4 23 Probably overmatched at Short Season A
Glurin Blood-Axe 23 LF 32 50 20 89 51 .367 8 15
Kutsal Courtenay 21 SS 37 18 41 41 45 .302 6 24
Blubkog Gustford 21 3B 37 12 40 51 49 .265 4 19
Myrthor Briarbosk 20 LF 79 75 51 60 61 .333 32 74
Valmaxian the Wise 21 CF 41 23 33 36 25 .283 1 5
Orgulas Powell 22 CF 26 11 23 59 34 .316 2 8
Progush the Crippler 22 1B 43 56 39 1 51 .268 15 39
Lura Tornglara 20 LF 61 55 49 14 19 .288 19 53
Thrughig Footthrower 21 2B 38 34 34 72 74 .242 5 21 Probably overmatched at Short Season A
Ladislav Fflannidan 20 LF 38 12 33 70 64 .185 1 4 Probably overmatched at Short Season A
Cumhur Mugworts 21 RF 39 76 56 1 24 .237 19 38
Uevareth the Arcane 20 RF 42 10 51 66 48 .280 1 6 Probably overmatched at Short Season A
Name Age Role Stuff Control Movement Rec ERA IP HA BB K Suggestion
Jusef Raloksson 22 P 42 53 31 4-2 6.08 63.2 76 25 53
Trugugh Humanwalker 22 P 45 41 31 2-3 5.10 60.0 69 16 55
Thuvtai Galaumer 22 P 47 10 45 2-1 4.74 43.2 44 21 45
Horpug the Slobberer 23 P 49 40 5 4-0 3.95 66.0 66 19 55
Rubkrut the Masher 21 P 33 33 21 4-0 5.18 41.2 40 19 39
Galulas Dhorinshyl 24 P 29 30 36 2-3 5.65 43.0 39 17 41
Sugor A'arim 23 P 14 6 6 1-0 8.70 30.0 34 23 22
Thruzkub Demoncooties 21 P 16 79 79 2-2 2.59 31.1 29 11 20
Melandrach Whitethistle 25 P 36 33 41 2-3 6.26 23.0 25 8 25
Baglut Propwarrior 20 P 47 41 77 3-4 8.51 55.0 72 44 45
Kudrub Halflingbasher 21 P 31 29 15 0-2 10.80 6.2 14 6 7 Probably overmatched at Short Season A
Pakomio Fonseco 20 P 54 61 43 4-5 8.68 46.2 68 40 32 Probably overmatched at Short Season A
Didrik the Naughty 20 P 52 34 3 3-4 5.71 52.0 56 28 53 Probably overmatched at Short Season A
BATTERS DALE GENERALS - SGCBL Rookie League - R - 0-0, .000 PCT
Name Age Pos Contact Power Eye/Discipline Speed Defense AVG HR RBI Suggestion
Urpo Mistwinter 20 LF 45 50 36 72 46 .000 0 0
Sifur the Mauler 20 SS 28 45 48 77 19 .000 0 0
Apasyu Madlight 19 LF 53 54 55 35 45 .000 0 0
Theod FeitzFelder 20 RF 41 53 51 37 21 .000 0 0
Haldreithen Nightstar 20 2B 35 12 47 63 27 .000 0 0
Felix Harbour 20 C 48 27 26 2 31 .000 0 0
Arl Evenstar 20 1B 42 37 45 23 54 .000 0 0
Bahumanya Kawaloa 20 RF 30 30 39 39 9 .000 0 0
PITCHERS DALE GENERALS - SGCBL Rookie League - R - 0-0, .000 PCT
Name Age Role Stuff Control Movement Rec ERA IP HA BB K Suggestion
Snoshnok the Mean 18 P 33 38 40 0-0 .00 0.0 0 0 0
Flavus Gardner 20 P 37 27 20 0-0 .00 0.0 0 0 0
Yahiya of Khazad-dum 20 P 28 32 20 0-0 .00 0.0 0 0 0
Ribur Guillaume 19 P 56 42 43 0-0 .00 0.0 0 0 0
Halgondas Galdor 20 P 145 25 61 0-0 .00 0.0 0 0 0
Zagrog the Rough 19 P 48 46 20 0-0 .00 0.0 0 0 0
Isaya Rockback 19 P 39 56 68 0-0 .00 0.0 0 0 0
Thraldush Bonedragger 21 P 33 20 20 0-0 .00 0.0 0 0 0
Gorbaduc Proudneck 20 P 39 39 49 0-0 .00 0.0 0 0 0
BATTERS INTERNATIONAL COMPLEX - - - International Complex - -
Name Age Pos Contact Power Eye/Discipline Speed Defense AVG HR RBI Suggestion
Oghug the Seer 17 SS 38 15 33 60 17 .000 0 0
Tobbag Sandstomper 19 C 33 47 49 19 18 .000 0 0
Able Lugono 18 SS 39 43 46 42 16 .000 0 0
Odovacar Proudfoot 16 LF 48 47 39 23 16 .000 0 0
PITCHERS INTERNATIONAL COMPLEX - - - International Complex - -
Name Age Role Stuff Control Movement Rec ERA IP HA BB K Suggestion
Elephon Celadriendel 19 P 14 10 21 0-0 .00 0.0 0 0 0
Harg Knifehammer 19 P 16 59 66 0-0 .00 0.0 0 0 0
Ljuba Cavanaugh 18 P 33 22 27 0-0 .00 0.0 0 0 0
Luirlan Donnathlascen 16 P 43 32 17 0-0 .00 0.0 0 0 0
Monday, September 9th , 2024 - OOTP Baseball 24.11 Build 85