Pitchers Pos Team Age DOB POB Nat. Bats Throws Height Weight Salary
Gheorghisor, Cobus SP Diagon Alley Wizards 28 01/31/2021 Armenelos HUM Right Right 6' 2" 185 lbs $4,200,000
Halflingslobbr, Olgha SP Diagon Alley Wizards 25 02/07/2024 Nurn UNK Right Right 6' 0" 200 lbs $400,000
Hoendton, Celebalata SP Diagon Alley Wizards 28 12/30/2020 Nurn UNK Right Right 5' 10" 180 lbs $1,340,000
Nauss, Jenbere SP Diagon Alley Wizards 30 02/01/2019 Nurn UNK Right Right 6' 1" 205 lbs $20,200,000
the Slobberer, Urthag SP Diagon Alley Wizards 33 07/13/2015 Nurn UNK Right Right 6' 0" 200 lbs $2,600,000
Black, Satoshi RP Diagon Alley Wizards 32 03/06/2017 Nurn UNK Right Right 6' 0" 200 lbs $1,120,000
Elaraldor, Gandeagrin RP Diagon Alley Wizards 26 08/21/2022 Nurn UNK Left Left 6' 1" 200 lbs $400,000
Liverslurper, Wil RP Diagon Alley Wizards 36 12/14/2012 Armenelos HUM Left Right 6' 2" 195 lbs $831,200
Stonefart, Ardak RP Diagon Alley Wizards 33 02/17/2016 Rhun UNK Left Left 6' 1" 200 lbs $21,400,000
the Slobberer, Sjors RP Diagon Alley Wizards 36 09/26/2012 Goblin-town ORC Left Right 6' 1" 185 lbs $1,200,000
Vardamir, Celeodur RP Diagon Alley Wizards 23 09/23/2025 Rhun UNK Right Right 6' 0" 175 lbs $400,000
Dryadslasher, Ghugdash CL Diagon Alley Wizards 30 11/29/2018 Goblin-town ORC Right Right 6' 2" 200 lbs $690,000
Catchers Pos Team Age DOB POB Nat. Bats Throws Height Weight Salary
Aeon, Billy C Diagon Alley Wizards 31 08/27/2017 Whitwell HOB Right Right 5' 11" 190 lbs $400,000
No-Tooth, Ibpug C Diagon Alley Wizards 34 08/29/2014 Goblin-town ORC Right Right 6' 2" 200 lbs $22,800,000
Infielders Pos Team Age DOB POB Nat. Bats Throws Height Weight Salary
Gravebow, Kavan 1B Diagon Alley Wizards 26 10/06/2022 Nurn UNK Left Left 6' 9" 210 lbs $400,000
Oathbane, Sokollu 2B Diagon Alley Wizards 38 05/09/2011 Esgaroth HUM Right Right 5' 11" 180 lbs $4,862,000
Træet, Gamelli 2B Diagon Alley Wizards 27 11/11/2021 Nurn UNK Right Right 6' 3" 200 lbs $1,580,000
Ohman, Ulysse 3B Diagon Alley Wizards 28 01/13/2021 Armenelos HUM Right Right 6' 3" 210 lbs $502,000
Zufelt, Driado 3B Diagon Alley Wizards 26 06/16/2022 Armenelos HUM Switch Right 6' 2" 200 lbs $400,000
Mantarrec, Ladislav SS Diagon Alley Wizards 32 01/19/2017 Nurn UNK Right Right 6' 0" 200 lbs $400,000
Outfielders Pos Team Age DOB POB Nat. Bats Throws Height Weight Salary
Brown, Begrin LF Diagon Alley Wizards 27 08/27/2021 Nurn UNK Left Left 6' 2" 205 lbs $400,000
Holgate, Celendine LF Diagon Alley Wizards 24 05/09/2025 Nurn UNK Right Right 6' 1" 185 lbs $400,000
Livertrembler, Arland LF Diagon Alley Wizards 33 12/20/2015 Nurn UNK Right Right 6' 1" 200 lbs $462,000
Throatshaker, Tuzg CF Diagon Alley Wizards 32 05/13/2017 Rhun UNK Right Right 6' 6" 200 lbs $1,840,000
Silverskull, Snung RF Diagon Alley Wizards 28 05/12/2021 Rhun UNK Right Right 6' 4" 205 lbs $3,640,000
Pitchers Pos Team Age DOB POB Nat. Bats Throws Height Weight Salary
Fandil, Kimvia SP Gringotts Goblins 26 05/06/2023 Valmar ELF Right Right 6' 0" 195 lbs $400,000
Gheorghisor, Cobus SP Diagon Alley Wizards 28 01/31/2021 Armenelos HUM Right Right 6' 2" 185 lbs $4,200,000
Halflingslobbr, Olgha SP Diagon Alley Wizards 25 02/07/2024 Nurn UNK Right Right 6' 0" 200 lbs $400,000
Hoendton, Celebalata SP Diagon Alley Wizards 28 12/30/2020 Nurn UNK Right Right 5' 10" 180 lbs $1,340,000
Nauss, Jenbere SP Diagon Alley Wizards 30 02/01/2019 Nurn UNK Right Right 6' 1" 205 lbs $20,200,000
Ryan, Gaspare SP Gringotts Goblins 34 02/07/2015 Nurn UNK Right Right 6' 4" 195 lbs $400,000
the Slobberer, Urthag SP Diagon Alley Wizards 33 07/13/2015 Nurn UNK Right Right 6' 0" 200 lbs $2,600,000
Black, Satoshi RP Diagon Alley Wizards 32 03/06/2017 Nurn UNK Right Right 6' 0" 200 lbs $1,120,000
Bridge, Brede RP Gringotts Goblins 26 10/02/2022 Rhun UNK Right Right 6' 4" 200 lbs $400,000
Celilborn, Buddhapalita RP Gringotts Goblins 27 05/13/2022 Nurn UNK Right Right 6' 2" 200 lbs $400,000
Elaraldor, Gandeagrin RP Diagon Alley Wizards 26 08/21/2022 Nurn UNK Left Left 6' 1" 200 lbs $400,000
Gyr, Vugar RP Gringotts Goblins 21 10/07/2027 Nurn UNK Switch Left 6' 8" 205 lbs $400,000
Handwalker, Franklyn RP Gringotts Goblins 33 04/18/2016 Nurn UNK Left Left 6' 8" 220 lbs $860,000
Liverslurper, Wil RP Diagon Alley Wizards 36 12/14/2012 Armenelos HUM Left Right 6' 2" 195 lbs $831,200
Stonefart, Ardak RP Diagon Alley Wizards 33 02/17/2016 Rhun UNK Left Left 6' 1" 200 lbs $21,400,000
the Slobberer, Sjors RP Diagon Alley Wizards 36 09/26/2012 Goblin-town ORC Left Right 6' 1" 185 lbs $1,200,000
Vardamir, Celeodur RP Diagon Alley Wizards 23 09/23/2025 Rhun UNK Right Right 6' 0" 175 lbs $400,000
Dryadslasher, Ghugdash CL Diagon Alley Wizards 30 11/29/2018 Goblin-town ORC Right Right 6' 2" 200 lbs $690,000
Catchers Pos Team Age DOB POB Nat. Bats Throws Height Weight Salary
Aeon, Billy C Diagon Alley Wizards 31 08/27/2017 Whitwell HOB Right Right 5' 11" 190 lbs $400,000
No-Tooth, Ibpug C Diagon Alley Wizards 34 08/29/2014 Goblin-town ORC Right Right 6' 2" 200 lbs $22,800,000
Snowmouth, Elaethan C Gringotts Goblins 27 09/08/2021 Rhun UNK Right Right 6' 1" 200 lbs $400,000
Infielders Pos Team Age DOB POB Nat. Bats Throws Height Weight Salary
Gravebow, Kavan 1B Diagon Alley Wizards 26 10/06/2022 Nurn UNK Left Left 6' 9" 210 lbs $400,000
Rubyeye, Bucca 1B Gringotts Goblins 31 01/08/2018 Overhill HOB Right Right 6' 2" 200 lbs $400,000
Tsulukidze, Pyeong-chu 1B Gringotts Goblins 34 04/12/2015 Aldburg HUM Right Left 6' 0" 210 lbs $400,000
Oathbane, Sokollu 2B Diagon Alley Wizards 38 05/09/2011 Esgaroth HUM Right Right 5' 11" 180 lbs $4,862,000
Træet, Gamelli 2B Diagon Alley Wizards 27 11/11/2021 Nurn UNK Right Right 6' 3" 200 lbs $1,580,000
Ohman, Ulysse 3B Diagon Alley Wizards 28 01/13/2021 Armenelos HUM Right Right 6' 3" 210 lbs $502,000
the Tall, Aglanthol 3B Gringotts Goblins 31 09/27/2017 Avallone ELF Right Right 5' 10" 200 lbs $400,000
the Tall, Nessun 3B Gringotts Goblins 31 05/20/2018 Rhun UNK Right Right 6' 4" 210 lbs $400,000
Zufelt, Driado 3B Diagon Alley Wizards 26 06/16/2022 Armenelos HUM Switch Right 6' 2" 200 lbs $400,000
Mantarrec, Ladislav SS Diagon Alley Wizards 32 01/19/2017 Nurn UNK Right Right 6' 0" 200 lbs $400,000
Outfielders Pos Team Age DOB POB Nat. Bats Throws Height Weight Salary
Brown, Begrin LF Diagon Alley Wizards 27 08/27/2021 Nurn UNK Left Left 6' 2" 205 lbs $400,000
Cholas, Théophile LF Gringotts Goblins 26 08/27/2022 Rhun UNK Left Right 6' 3" 200 lbs $400,000
Holgate, Celendine LF Diagon Alley Wizards 24 05/09/2025 Nurn UNK Right Right 6' 1" 185 lbs $400,000
Livertrembler, Arland LF Diagon Alley Wizards 33 12/20/2015 Nurn UNK Right Right 6' 1" 200 lbs $462,000
Throatshaker, Tuzg CF Diagon Alley Wizards 32 05/13/2017 Rhun UNK Right Right 6' 6" 200 lbs $1,840,000
Azhaev, Rajneesh RF Gringotts Goblins 33 12/26/2015 Andunie HUM Left Left 6' 5" 205 lbs $400,000
Silverskull, Snung RF Diagon Alley Wizards 28 05/12/2021 Rhun UNK Right Right 6' 4" 205 lbs $3,640,000
Player Pos Team Age DOB POB Nat. Bats Throws Height Weight Salary
Nosethrower, Agrunk SP Diagon Alley Wizards 32 10/23/2016 Goblin-town ORC Right Right 6' 2" 200 lbs $2,120,000
Nararion, Vatok RP Diagon Alley Wizards 26 06/27/2022 Nurn UNK Right Right 6' 2" 200 lbs $770,000
Monday, September 9th , 2024 - OOTP Baseball 24.11 Build 85