Monday, May 24th , 2049
Carchost College Admirals: Signed Manager Antonio Elönd.
Staddle College Bohemians: Placed RF Kalimac Brownlocks on the active roster.
Staddle College Bohemians: Activated RF Kalimac Brownlocks from the restricted list.
Friday, May 21st , 2049
Lond Daer College Matadors: Signed Manager Nalin Musictooth.
Wednesday, May 19th , 2049
Budgeford College Kamikazes: Signed Manager Rafayel Calusaru to a 2-year contract extension.
Hardbottle College Banshees: Signed Manager Kostandini Raimundo to a 3-year contract extension.
Angband College Blackbirds: Signed Manager Moignar Claybrace to a 3-year contract extension.
Linhir College Roosters: Signed Manager Borulas Sathie to a 3-year contract extension.
Lond Daer College Matadors: Manager Pruulg Headmasher leaves the team, his contract was not renewed
Nindamos College Flash: Signed Manager Dudish Drowbelly to a 3-year contract extension.
Overhill College Doctors: Signed Manager Begrin Brockhouse to a 3-year contract extension.
Minas Tirith College Reds: Signed Manager Borigal Millstone to a 3-year contract extension.
Moontower College Metros: Signed Manager Sjors the Clutcher to a 3-year contract extension.
Utumno College Ostriches: Signed Manager Gail Hammershaker to a 3-year contract extension.
Fornost College Killer Whales: Signed Manager Florbis Gàndir to a 2-year contract extension.
Carchost College Admirals: Manager Arwoma Arwaun leaves the team, his contract was not renewed
Deephallow College Snakes: Signed Manager Dwight Vale to a 2-year contract extension.
Calembel College Rottweilers: Signed Manager Arilas Elvaldor to a 3-year contract extension.
Hidden Rock College Golden Bears: Signed Manager Vasant Stuck to a 3-year contract extension.
Annuminas College Raccoons: Signed Manager Christine Notwise to a 3-year contract extension.
Staddle College Bohemians: Signed Manager Bill Roadapple to a 2-year contract extension.
Harlond College Pelicans: Signed Manager Freodriel Eärémbor to a 2-year contract extension.
Monday, May 10th , 2049
Staddle College Bohemians: Placed RF Kalimac Brownlocks on the restricted list.
Saturday, January 30th , 2049
Budgeford College Kamikazes: SP Mhaenal Bellas joins the team.
Budgeford College Kamikazes: SP Gilf Heartcutter joins the team.
Budgeford College Kamikazes: SP Hamengku Muy joins the team.
Hardbottle College Banshees: SP Donnamira Miller joins the team.
Pelargir College Skyline: SP Rothilion Moonglamaer joins the team.
Pelargir College Skyline: SP Ondabrar Linwelin joins the team.
Pelargir College Skyline: SP Marikoth Laelithar joins the team.
Pelargir College Skyline: SP Aloiene Belara joins the team.
Minas Morgul College Cottonmouths: SP Glugdash the Mauler joins the team.
Mithlond College Skyliners: SP Candrabali Froio joins the team.
Overhill College Doctors: SP Paladin Fleam joins the team.
Overhill College Doctors: SP Forerunner Woodenguard joins the team.
Calmindon College Reapers: SP Sobgush Batomalaque joins the team.
Utumno College Ostriches: SP Romhosh Koster joins the team.
Utumno College Ostriches: SP Anfalen Forest-seeker joins the team.
Utumno College Ostriches: SP Tuluhan Ishimura joins the team.
Weathertop College Breakouts: C Maxima Harvin joins the team.
Ethring College Mercenaries: CF Tavseen Glyrion joins the team.
Haven of Umbar College A's: SP Mihangyl Belara joins the team.
Haven of Umbar College A's: C Kimar Gwillas joins the team.
Haven of Umbar College A's: 2B Ardatina Kelpor’ral joins the team.
Haven of Umbar College A's: RF Gwynnestri Beladrielinde joins the team.
Haven of Umbar College A's: CF Faoraar Tyriand joins the team.
Carchost College Admirals: SP Vorria Torlak joins the team.
Carchost College Admirals: C Primula Arnestad joins the team.
Deephallow College Snakes: CF Belladonna Stonemould joins the team.
Calembel College Rottweilers: SP Anlyth Belaldur joins the team.
Calembel College Rottweilers: RF Thaimli Silverbow joins the team.
Hidden Rock College Golden Bears: SP Jemima Greenthumb joins the team.
Almaida College Sabre-Tooth Cats: SP Sobur Tesinsson joins the team.
Almaida College Sabre-Tooth Cats: SP Smealf Orama joins the team.
Almaida College Sabre-Tooth Cats: SP Nassim Kritopoulos joins the team.
Almaida College Sabre-Tooth Cats: SP Aukthya Earkiller joins the team.
Esgaroth College Bulls: SP Blogrub Brainstomper joins the team.
Esgaroth College Bulls: SP Trorg Driderwalker joins the team.
Esgaroth College Bulls: C Argab Elfplate joins the team.
Annuminas College Raccoons: 3B Klaern Gamama joins the team.
Swanhaven College Mastodons: SP Snaddri Cudillos joins the team.
Swanhaven College Mastodons: SP Rinak Yepoyan joins the team.
Swanhaven College Mastodons: SP Sung-keun Illescas joins the team.
Ephel Brandir College Centurions: SP Morie Petero joins the team.
Ephel Brandir College Centurions: SP Arwildoc Masarenhas joins the team.
Monday, September 9th , 2024 - OOTP Baseball 24.11 Build 85