Tuesday, June 1st , 2049
LF Salg the One-Eyed of the Minas Morgul College Cottonmouths honored: Wins the 2049 SCOL BMC Most Valuable Player Award.
1B Flormina Euthor of the Linhir College Roosters honored: Finished 2nd in 2049 SCOL BMC Most Valuable Player Award voting.
LF Brian Rougecheeks of the Moontower College Metros honored: Finished 3rd in 2049 SCOL BMC Most Valuable Player Award voting.
C Adorellan Forest-seeker of the Ethring College Mercenaries honored: Wins the 2049 SCOL IHC Most Valuable Player Award.
CF Sa-yoor Bratvold of the Edoras College Bullies honored: Finished 2nd in 2049 SCOL IHC Most Valuable Player Award voting.
SP May Bridger of the Deephallow College Snakes honored: Finished 3rd in 2049 SCOL IHC Most Valuable Player Award voting.
Monday, May 31st , 2049
SP Sarkthor Fischhauer of the Linhir College Roosters honored: Wins the 2049 SCOL BMC Pitcher of the Year Award.
SP Thrargok Oramos of the Minas Morgul College Cottonmouths honored: Finished 2nd in 2049 SCOL BMC Pitcher of the Year Award voting.
SP Tóbias Holeman of the Nindamos College Flash honored: Finished 3rd in 2049 SCOL BMC Pitcher of the Year Award voting.
SP May Bridger of the Deephallow College Snakes honored: Wins the 2049 SCOL IHC Pitcher of the Year Award.
SP Moraudoc Belawen of the Ethring College Mercenaries honored: Finished 2nd in 2049 SCOL IHC Pitcher of the Year Award voting.
SP Yakup Masinsson of the Ephel Brandir College Centurions honored: Finished 3rd in 2049 SCOL IHC Pitcher of the Year Award voting.
Saturday, May 29th , 2049
C Gundahar Woodenguard of the Hardbottle College Banshees honored: Wins the 2049 SCOL BMC Platinum Stick Award at C.
1B Flormina Euthor of the Linhir College Roosters honored: Wins the 2049 SCOL BMC Platinum Stick Award at 1B.
2B Grum Batur of the Minas Tirith College Reds honored: Wins the 2049 SCOL BMC Platinum Stick Award at 2B.
3B Miguel Angel Donides of the Linhir College Roosters honored: Wins the 2049 SCOL BMC Platinum Stick Award at 3B.
SS Tóbias Dovadea of the Utumno College Ostriches honored: Wins the 2049 SCOL BMC Platinum Stick Award at SS.
LF Brian Rougecheeks of the Moontower College Metros honored: Wins the 2049 SCOL BMC Platinum Stick Award at LF.
CF Thugmag Maxim of the Angband College Blackbirds honored: Wins the 2049 SCOL BMC Platinum Stick Award at CF.
LF Salg the One-Eyed of the Minas Morgul College Cottonmouths honored: Wins the 2049 SCOL BMC Platinum Stick Award at RF.
1B Denar Herrarte of the Moontower College Metros honored: Wins the 2049 SCOL BMC Platinum Stick Award at DH.
C Adorellan Forest-seeker of the Ethring College Mercenaries honored: Wins the 2049 SCOL IHC Platinum Stick Award at C.
1B Siltina Lightloafer of the Swanhaven College Mastodons honored: Wins the 2049 SCOL IHC Platinum Stick Award at 1B.
2B Fay Gamgee of the Edoras College Bullies honored: Wins the 2049 SCOL IHC Platinum Stick Award at 2B.
3B Amaranthae Sathien of the Annuminas College Raccoons honored: Wins the 2049 SCOL IHC Platinum Stick Award at 3B.
3B Sancho Baggins of the Swanhaven College Mastodons honored: Wins the 2049 SCOL IHC Platinum Stick Award at SS.
RF Adelard Bridger of the Staddle College Bohemians honored: Wins the 2049 SCOL IHC Platinum Stick Award at LF.
CF Sa-yoor Bratvold of the Edoras College Bullies honored: Wins the 2049 SCOL IHC Platinum Stick Award at CF.
RF Gundahar Headstrong of the Ephel Brandir College Centurions honored: Wins the 2049 SCOL IHC Platinum Stick Award at RF.
LF Hilda Hrulkov of the Hidden Rock College Golden Bears honored: Wins the 2049 SCOL IHC Platinum Stick Award at DH.
Friday, May 28th , 2049
RP Sorthor Shalandalan of the Utumno College Ostriches honored: Wins the 2049 SCOL BMC Reliever of the Year Award.
RP Jo Buckland of the Overhill College Doctors honored: Finished 2nd in 2049 SCOL BMC Reliever of the Year Award voting.
RP Fosco Loamsdown of the Weathertop College Breakouts honored: Finished 3rd in 2049 SCOL BMC Reliever of the Year Award voting.
RP Kutre Saribekian of the Almaida College Sabre-Tooth Cats honored: Wins the 2049 SCOL IHC Reliever of the Year Award.
RP Herugar Strandberg of the Ephel Brandir College Centurions honored: Finished 2nd in 2049 SCOL IHC Reliever of the Year Award voting.
CL Phaior Belaldur of the Haven of Umbar College A's honored: Finished 3rd in 2049 SCOL IHC Reliever of the Year Award voting.
Thursday, May 27th , 2049
SP Tsarra Greycloak of the Pelargir College Skyline honored: Wins the 2049 SCOL BMC Great Glove Award at P.
C Susklahava Elvulith of the Budgeford College Kamikazes honored: Wins the 2049 SCOL BMC Great Glove Award at C.
1B Lalia Sillybottom of the Hardbottle College Banshees honored: Wins the 2049 SCOL BMC Great Glove Award at 1B.
2B Fosco Madlight of the Utumno College Ostriches honored: Wins the 2049 SCOL BMC Great Glove Award at 2B.
3B Olo Peatfingers of the Overhill College Doctors honored: Wins the 2049 SCOL BMC Great Glove Award at 3B.
SS Tóbias Dovadea of the Utumno College Ostriches honored: Wins the 2049 SCOL BMC Great Glove Award at SS.
LF Lumja Dryadslicer of the Weathertop College Breakouts honored: Wins the 2049 SCOL BMC Great Glove Award at LF.
CF Giilvas Stoddard of the Mithlond College Skyliners honored: Wins the 2049 SCOL BMC Great Glove Award at CF.
RF Krizburz Spearripper of the Angband College Blackbirds honored: Wins the 2049 SCOL BMC Great Glove Award at RF.
SP Koghig the Burner of the Fornost College Killer Whales honored: Wins the 2049 SCOL IHC Great Glove Award at P.
C Adorellan Forest-seeker of the Ethring College Mercenaries honored: Wins the 2049 SCOL IHC Great Glove Award at C.
1B Griffo the Dapper of the Staddle College Bohemians honored: Wins the 2049 SCOL IHC Great Glove Award at 1B.
SS Zogh Ettincutter of the Esgaroth College Bulls honored: Wins the 2049 SCOL IHC Great Glove Award at 2B.
3B Ravindiran the Evil of the Edoras College Bullies honored: Wins the 2049 SCOL IHC Great Glove Award at 3B.
SS Solbog Smiddlefidget of the Esgaroth College Bulls honored: Wins the 2049 SCOL IHC Great Glove Award at SS.
LF Hughug the Squeaker of the Fornost College Killer Whales honored: Wins the 2049 SCOL IHC Great Glove Award at LF.
CF Sa-yoor Bratvold of the Edoras College Bullies honored: Wins the 2049 SCOL IHC Great Glove Award at CF.
RF Vashti Anorfin of the Haven of Umbar College A's honored: Wins the 2049 SCOL IHC Great Glove Award at RF.
Sunday, May 9th , 2049
Edoras College Bullies: Celes the Drooler sets the IHC playoff game record for triples with 2.
Saturday, May 1st , 2049
RF Shamina Draeger of the Mithlond College Skyliners honored: Wins the SCOL BMC Batter of the Month Award.
LF Adelard Bridger of the Staddle College Bohemians honored: Wins the SCOL IHC Batter of the Month Award.
CL Anasuri Heartcutter of the Linhir College Roosters honored: Wins the SCOL BMC Pitcher of the Month Award.
SP Yakup Masinsson of the Ephel Brandir College Centurions honored: Wins the SCOL IHC Pitcher of the Month Award.
Minas Morgul College Cottonmouths: Salg the One-Eyed sets the BMC playoff game record for doubles with 3.
Monday, April 26th , 2049
2B Bundagh the Drooler of the Mithlond College Skyliners honored: Wins the SCOL BMC Player of the Week Award.
RF Hilda Hrulkov of the Hidden Rock College Golden Bears honored: Wins the SCOL IHC Player of the Week Award.
Ephel Brandir College Centurions: Radislav Tussle was suspended 4 games after ejection following a brawl.
Haven of Umbar College A's: Haemir Elvulith was suspended 8 games after ejection following a brawl.
Wednesday, April 21st , 2049
Staddle College Bohemians: Kalimac Brownlocks was suspended 4 games after ejection following a brawl.
Harlond College Pelicans: Ikeshia Lomaldor was suspended 2 games after ejection following a brawl.
Staddle College Bohemians: Tóbias Boffin hits for the CYCLE, going 4-6 against the Harlond College Pelicans, with 5 RBI and 4 runs scored.
Esgaroth College Bulls: Trashnok Spleensmasher goes 0-1 against the Calembel College Rottweilers, ending his hitting streak at 26 games.
Monday, April 19th , 2049
SS Tóbias Dovadea of the Utumno College Ostriches honored: Wins the SCOL BMC Player of the Week Award.
SS Sancho Baggins of the Swanhaven College Mastodons honored: Wins the SCOL IHC Player of the Week Award.
Esgaroth College Bulls: Trashnok Spleensmasher goes 2-5 against the Ethring College Mercenaries, extending his hitting streak to 25 games!
Friday, April 16th , 2049
Minas Tirith College Reds: Grum Batur was suspended 4 games after ejection following a brawl.
Moontower College Metros: Gavin Gardner was suspended 6 games after ejection following a brawl.
Minas Tirith College Reds: Grum Batur goes 0-2 against the Moontower College Metros, ending his hitting streak at 25 games.
Thursday, April 15th , 2049
Minas Tirith College Reds: Grum Batur goes 3-4 against the Lond Daer College Matadors, extending his hitting streak to 25 games!
Tuesday, April 13th , 2049
Esgaroth College Bulls: Trashnok Spleensmasher goes 1-3 against the Edoras College Bullies, extending his hitting streak to 20 games!
Monday, April 12th , 2049
LF Mimosa Biggins-Bunce of the Hardbottle College Banshees honored: Wins the SCOL BMC Player of the Week Award.
LF Adelard Bridger of the Staddle College Bohemians honored: Wins the SCOL IHC Player of the Week Award.
Saturday, April 10th , 2049
Minas Tirith College Reds: Grum Batur goes 2-5 against the Hardbottle College Banshees, extending his hitting streak to 20 games!
Thursday, April 8th , 2049
Angband College Blackbirds: Krizburz Spearripper goes 5-5 against the Minas Morgul College Cottonmouths, with 1 2B, 2 RBI and 0 R.
Monday, April 5th , 2049
LF Aubric Balafalas of the Minas Tirith College Reds honored: Wins the SCOL BMC Player of the Week Award.
CF Morgan Belurion of the Calembel College Rottweilers honored: Wins the SCOL IHC Player of the Week Award.
Thursday, April 1st , 2049
1B Flormina Euthor of the Linhir College Roosters honored: Wins the SCOL BMC Batter of the Month Award.
CF Sa-yoor Bratvold of the Edoras College Bullies honored: Wins the SCOL IHC Batter of the Month Award.
RP Will Bracegirdle of the Overhill College Doctors honored: Wins the SCOL BMC Pitcher of the Month Award.
SP Nassim Kritopoulos of the Almaida College Sabre-Tooth Cats honored: Wins the SCOL IHC Pitcher of the Month Award.
Blue Mountains Conference All-Star Game Selections announced:
SP Sarkthor Fischhauer (LC) - 2-0, 0.76 ERA, 23.2 IP, 0.85 WHIP, 11.0 K/9, 0.9 WAR
SP Paladin Fleam (OC) - 1-0, 2.61 ERA, 31.0 IP, 1.32 WHIP, 10.2 K/9, 1.3 WAR
SP Glodunter Gailsson (MC) - 3-2, 2.25 ERA, 32.0 IP, 1.00 WHIP, 9.0 K/9, 0.6 WAR
SP Tóbias Holeman (NC) - 1-1, 1.00 ERA, 27.0 IP, 0.93 WHIP, 9.3 K/9, 0.9 WAR
SP Kazuhiro Knifecrawler (MTC) - 2-0, 1.69 ERA, 26.2 IP, 1.16 WHIP, 9.1 K/9, 0.8 WAR
SP Rothilion Moonglamaer (PC) - 0-1, 3.00 ERA, 30.0 IP, 1.37 WHIP, 9.0 K/9, 0.5 WAR
RP Wiseman Banks (MTC) - 2-0, 3.07 ERA, 14.2 IP, 1.50 WHIP, 9.8 K/9, 0.4 WAR
RP Morgrim Bellard (LD) - 0-1, 2.70 ERA, 16.2 IP, 1.56 WHIP, 5.9 K/9, -0.2 WAR
RP Will Bracegirdle (OC) - 4-0, 1.80 ERA, 20.0 IP, 1.20 WHIP, 9.4 K/9, 0.5 WAR
RP Gamahir Horse-lover (LC) - 2-0, 2.63 ERA, 13.2 IP, 1.39 WHIP, 8.6 K/9, 0.5 WAR
RP Koji Yzaguirre (MC) - 2-0, 1.17 ERA, 15.1 IP, 1.17 WHIP, 7.0 K/9, 0.5 WAR
C Mees Kidneydragger (MC) - .391/.439/.471, 87 AB, 1 HR, 1 SB, 140 wRC+, 0.9 WAR
C Gundahar Woodenguard (HC) - .325/.415/.487, 80 AB, 3 HR, 135 wRC+, 0.8 WAR
1B Flormina Euthor (LC) - .376/.464/.774, 93 AB, 9 HR, 206 wRC+, 1.5 WAR
2B Grum Batur (MTC) - .375/.441/.652, 112 AB, 5 HR, 4 SB, 170 wRC+, 1.3 WAR
2B Usnug Lay (BC) - .333/.386/.448, 105 AB, 2 HR, 4 SB, 116 wRC+, 0.5 WAR
3B Tiakinga Mafaldo (MTC) - .333/.412/.556, 99 AB, 5 HR, 148 wRC+, 1.1 WAR
SS Zutrush Brainstomper (AC) - .404/.460/.551, 89 AB, 1 HR, 159 wRC+, 0.9 WAR
SS Flambard Cervandas (CC) - .293/.403/.535, 99 AB, 6 HR, 140 wRC+, 1.2 WAR
LF Aubric Balafalas (MTC) - .340/.410/.651, 106 AB, 8 HR, 1 SB, 157 wRC+, 1.3 WAR
LF Brian Rougecheeks (MC) - .320/.381/.757, 103 AB, 13 HR, 2 SB, 180 wRC+, 1.2 WAR
LF Salg the One-Eyed (MMC) - .364/.412/.655, 110 AB, 9 HR, 1 SB, 171 wRC+, 1.3 WAR
LF Ruán Øverby (LC) - .340/.441/.628, 94 AB, 6 HR, 168 wRC+, 1.4 WAR
RF Smabgugh Cucvas (WC) - .286/.333/.439, 98 AB, 1 HR, 3 SB, 93 wRC+, 0.2 WAR
RF Xing-peng Elisondo (UC) - .309/.407/.598, 97 AB, 5 HR, 2 SB, 155 wRC+, 1.0 WAR
Iron Hills Conference All-Star Game Selections announced:
SP Moraudoc Belawen (EC) - 3-1, 1.60 ERA, 33.2 IP, 0.80 WHIP, 9.6 K/9, 1.4 WAR
SP Skabgub Brainslasher (EC) - 2-2, 1.85 ERA, 39.0 IP, 1.05 WHIP, 6.2 K/9, 1.1 WAR
SP Dilo Covalchuc (HC) - 2-2, 2.56 ERA, 31.2 IP, 1.17 WHIP, 7.1 K/9, 1.0 WAR
SP Voria Klian (SC) - 2-0, 1.91 ERA, 28.1 IP, 1.06 WHIP, 8.6 K/9, 1.0 WAR
SP Nassim Kritopoulos (AC) - 4-0, 1.78 ERA, 30.1 IP, 1.25 WHIP, 9.2 K/9, 0.9 WAR
SP Koghig the Burner (FC) - 4-2, 2.13 ERA, 38.0 IP, 0.79 WHIP, 9.7 K/9, 1.8 WAR
RP Glibrag Earthlover (EBC) - 2-0, 1.29 ERA, 14.0 IP, 0.79 WHIP, 12.2 K/9, 0.3 WAR
RP Theobald Foxburr (AC) - 1-0, 0.98 ERA, 18.1 IP, 0.93 WHIP, 5.4 K/9, 0.2 WAR
RP Betsie Gamwich (SC) - 0-0, 1.33 ERA, 20.1 IP, 1.03 WHIP, 8.0 K/9, 0.4 WAR
RP Siltina Nenharma (HC) - 1-1, 1.98 ERA, 13.2 IP, 1.46 WHIP, 10.5 K/9, 0.1 WAR
RP Gökhun Tanda (CC) - 0-0, 0.63 ERA, 14.1 IP, 0.56 WHIP, 10.7 K/9, 0.6 WAR
C Thutruk Drowbelly (FC) - .361/.454/.566, 83 AB, 4 HR, 167 wRC+, 0.9 WAR
C Adorellan Forest-seeker (EC) - .356/.456/.609, 87 AB, 6 HR, 177 wRC+, 1.1 WAR
1B Siltina Lightloafer (SC) - .340/.457/.628, 94 AB, 8 HR, 174 wRC+, 0.9 WAR
2B Gimli Memlisson (HRC) - .305/.426/.484, 95 AB, 3 HR, 3 SB, 135 wRC+, 1.2 WAR
3B Amaranthae Sathien (AC) - .330/.394/.505, 97 AB, 3 HR, 131 wRC+, 0.4 WAR
3B Siloja Sulas (HUC) - .361/.466/.577, 97 AB, 3 HR, 6 SB, 173 wRC+, 1.5 WAR
SS Marigold Poolslinger (SC) - .398/.476/.556, 108 AB, 3 HR, 172 wRC+, 1.4 WAR
LF Hilda Hrulkov (HRC) - .379/.500/.573, 103 AB, 4 HR, 181 wRC+, 1.6 WAR
LF Xi-ku Mocanasu (AC) - .467/.562/.517, 60 AB, 188 wRC+, 1.2 WAR
LF Imramarthree Mornmist (CC) - .369/.426/.714, 84 AB, 9 HR, 186 wRC+, 1.2 WAR
LF Hughug the Squeaker (FC) - .343/.440/.626, 99 AB, 6 HR, 2 SB, 174 wRC+, 1.0 WAR
CF Sa-yoor Bratvold (EC) - .305/.427/.716, 95 AB, 12 HR, 2 SB, 183 wRC+, 1.7 WAR
CF Bruno Grimm (DC) - .319/.429/.649, 94 AB, 9 HR, 168 wRC+, 1.3 WAR
RF Rili McAuselan (SC) - .376/.467/.564, 101 AB, 5 HR, 169 wRC+, 1.2 WAR
Linhir College Roosters: Flormina Euthor goes 0-5 against the Minas Morgul College Cottonmouths, ending his hitting streak at 21 games.
Wednesday, March 31st , 2049
Overhill College Doctors: Myrtle Sillybottom was suspended 4 games after ejection following a brawl.
Minas Tirith College Reds: Anush Glimmerhand was suspended 4 games after ejection following a brawl.
Tuesday, March 30th , 2049
Linhir College Roosters: Flormina Euthor goes 1-4 against the Budgeford College Kamikazes, extending his hitting streak to 20 games!
Hidden Rock College Golden Bears: Loopy Rocafort goes 5-7 against the Deephallow College Snakes, with 3 RBI and 2 R.
Monday, March 29th , 2049
1B Flormina Euthor of the Linhir College Roosters honored: Wins the SCOL BMC Player of the Week Award.
SS Marigold Poolslinger of the Staddle College Bohemians honored: Wins the SCOL IHC Player of the Week Award.
Thursday, March 25th , 2049
Staddle College Bohemians: Griffo the Dapper goes 5-6 against the Almaida College Sabre-Tooth Cats, with 1 RBI and 2 R.
Almaida College Sabre-Tooth Cats: Erling Ubaydah goes 5-7 against the Staddle College Bohemians, with 4 RBI and 0 R.
Wednesday, March 24th , 2049
Hardbottle College Banshees: Gundahar Woodenguard goes 5-6 against the Utumno College Ostriches, with 1 3B, 1 HR, 5 RBI and 4 R.
Tuesday, March 23rd , 2049
Haven of Umbar College A's: Isiawyn Moonsbreath got suspended 4 games after ejection following arguing a strike call.
Esgaroth College Bulls: Trobgagh Koboldchoker was suspended 5 games after ejection following a brawl.
Hidden Rock College Golden Bears: Larrel Haell was suspended 3 games after ejection following a brawl.
Fornost College Killer Whales: Tunak Dirteater hits three home runs against the Annuminas College Raccoons, going 3-3 with 7 RBI and 3 runs scored!
Monday, March 22nd , 2049
LF Dekart Allagrecia of the Lond Daer College Matadors honored: Wins the SCOL BMC Player of the Week Award.
CF Bruno Grimm of the Deephallow College Snakes honored: Wins the SCOL IHC Player of the Week Award.
Sunday, March 21st , 2049
Lond Daer College Matadors: Dekart Allagrecia goes 5-5 against the Budgeford College Kamikazes, with 1 2B, 5 RBI and 0 R.
Friday, March 19th , 2049
Linhir College Roosters: Eb Svyatetsky was suspended 2 games after ejection following a brawl.
Minas Tirith College Reds: Thulla Balsemao was suspended 2 games after ejection following a brawl.
Monday, March 15th , 2049
SS Skarbok Tombhammer of the Minas Morgul College Cottonmouths honored: Wins the SCOL BMC Player of the Week Award.
LF Hughug the Squeaker of the Fornost College Killer Whales honored: Wins the SCOL IHC Player of the Week Award.
Friday, March 12th , 2049
Linhir College Roosters: Miguel Angel Donides was suspended 2 games after ejection following a brawl.
Lond Daer College Matadors: Frugorn Tibolt was suspended 6 games after ejection following a brawl.
Tuesday, March 9th , 2049
Hidden Rock College Golden Bears: Hilda Hrulkov goes 5-8 against the Edoras College Bullies, with 1 RBI and 2 R.
Edoras College Bullies: Smurbog Wemys goes 5-10 against the Hidden Rock College Golden Bears, with 1 2B, 1 HR, 2 RBI and 2 R.
Monday, March 8th , 2049
LF Brian Rougecheeks of the Moontower College Metros honored: Wins the SCOL BMC Player of the Week Award.
RF Estelar Windwalker of the Ethring College Mercenaries honored: Wins the SCOL IHC Player of the Week Award.
Saturday, March 6th , 2049
Moontower College Metros: Azgug Gidush goes 5-6 against the Lond Daer College Matadors, with 1 2B, 1 HR, 3 RBI and 3 R.
Ethring College Mercenaries: Estelar Windwalker hits three home runs against the Haven of Umbar College A's, going 3-6 with 7 RBI and 3 runs scored!
Thursday, March 4th , 2049
Calembel College Rottweilers: Morgan Belurion goes 5-5 against the Edoras College Bullies, with 4 RBI and 1 R.
Swanhaven College Mastodons: Siltina Lightloafer sets the IHC regular season extra-inning game record for bases on balls with 4.
Tuesday, March 2nd , 2049
Minas Morgul College Cottonmouths: Brubug the Basher got suspended 2 games after ejection following arguing a strike call.
Monday, March 1st , 2049
Moontower College Metros: Tian-yun Neckar was suspended 5 games after ejection following a brawl.
Hardbottle College Banshees: Lotho Madoc Bramble was suspended 5 games after ejection following a brawl.
Sunday, May 31st , 2048
RF Semolina Lightloafer of the Overhill College Doctors honored: Wins the 2048 SCOL BMC Most Valuable Player Award.
SP Tóbias Holeman of the Nindamos College Flash honored: Finished 2nd in 2048 SCOL BMC Most Valuable Player Award voting.
SP Mirabella Beastmaster of the Overhill College Doctors honored: Finished 3rd in 2048 SCOL BMC Most Valuable Player Award voting.
C Adorellan Forest-seeker of the Ethring College Mercenaries honored: Wins the 2048 SCOL IHC Most Valuable Player Award.
LF Hamilcar Took of the Deephallow College Snakes honored: Finished 2nd in 2048 SCOL IHC Most Valuable Player Award voting.
LF Kushog Moonbane of the Esgaroth College Bulls honored: Finished 3rd in 2048 SCOL IHC Most Valuable Player Award voting.
Saturday, May 30th , 2048
SP Tóbias Holeman of the Nindamos College Flash honored: Wins the 2048 SCOL BMC Pitcher of the Year Award.
SP Mirabella Beastmaster of the Overhill College Doctors honored: Finished 2nd in 2048 SCOL BMC Pitcher of the Year Award voting.
RP Gamahir Horse-lover of the Linhir College Roosters honored: Finished 3rd in 2048 SCOL BMC Pitcher of the Year Award voting.
SP Koghig the Burner of the Fornost College Killer Whales honored: Wins the 2048 SCOL IHC Pitcher of the Year Award.
SP Avourel Arwidur of the Calembel College Rottweilers honored: Finished 2nd in 2048 SCOL IHC Pitcher of the Year Award voting.
CL Goodwill Hedgeworth of the Staddle College Bohemians honored: Finished 3rd in 2048 SCOL IHC Pitcher of the Year Award voting.
Thursday, May 28th , 2048
C Bulurg the Wicked of the Calmindon College Reapers honored: Wins the 2048 SCOL BMC Platinum Stick Award at C.
1B Flormina Euthor of the Linhir College Roosters honored: Wins the 2048 SCOL BMC Platinum Stick Award at 1B.
2B Rudolph Buckland of the Overhill College Doctors honored: Wins the 2048 SCOL BMC Platinum Stick Award at 2B.
3B Tiakinga Mafaldo of the Minas Tirith College Reds honored: Wins the 2048 SCOL BMC Platinum Stick Award at 3B.
SS Flambard Cervandas of the Calmindon College Reapers honored: Wins the 2048 SCOL BMC Platinum Stick Award at SS.
LF Mimosa Biggins-Bunce of the Hardbottle College Banshees honored: Wins the 2048 SCOL BMC Platinum Stick Award at LF.
1B Mun-cheol Chabel of the Minas Tirith College Reds honored: Wins the 2048 SCOL BMC Platinum Stick Award at CF.
RF Semolina Lightloafer of the Overhill College Doctors honored: Wins the 2048 SCOL BMC Platinum Stick Award at RF.
RF Tarasynora Qidan of the Pelargir College Skyline honored: Wins the 2048 SCOL BMC Platinum Stick Award at DH.
C Adorellan Forest-seeker of the Ethring College Mercenaries honored: Wins the 2048 SCOL IHC Platinum Stick Award at C.
1B Ghugbub Naút of the Ephel Brandir College Centurions honored: Wins the 2048 SCOL IHC Platinum Stick Award at 1B.
2B Fay Gamgee of the Edoras College Bullies honored: Wins the 2048 SCOL IHC Platinum Stick Award at 2B.
3B Golloron Glil-Garil of the Ethring College Mercenaries honored: Wins the 2048 SCOL IHC Platinum Stick Award at 3B.
SS Smurbog Wemys of the Edoras College Bullies honored: Wins the 2048 SCOL IHC Platinum Stick Award at SS.
LF Hamilcar Took of the Deephallow College Snakes honored: Wins the 2048 SCOL IHC Platinum Stick Award at LF.
CF Erling Ubaydah of the Almaida College Sabre-Tooth Cats honored: Wins the 2048 SCOL IHC Platinum Stick Award at CF.
RF Bombur Rubyeye of the Deephallow College Snakes honored: Wins the 2048 SCOL IHC Platinum Stick Award at RF.
1B Myrtai Arwidur of the Ephel Brandir College Centurions honored: Wins the 2048 SCOL IHC Platinum Stick Award at DH.
Wednesday, May 27th , 2048
RP Gamahir Horse-lover of the Linhir College Roosters honored: Wins the 2048 SCOL BMC Reliever of the Year Award.
RP Motarek Taralom of the Moontower College Metros honored: Finished 2nd in 2048 SCOL BMC Reliever of the Year Award voting.
CL Toghig Hearteater of the Minas Morgul College Cottonmouths honored: Finished 3rd in 2048 SCOL BMC Reliever of the Year Award voting.
RP Imramarthree Elivande of the Haven of Umbar College A's honored: Wins the 2048 SCOL IHC Reliever of the Year Award.
CL Goodwill Hedgeworth of the Staddle College Bohemians honored: Finished 2nd in 2048 SCOL IHC Reliever of the Year Award voting.
RP Thuthor Evanara of the Calembel College Rottweilers honored: Finished 3rd in 2048 SCOL IHC Reliever of the Year Award voting.
Tuesday, May 26th , 2048
SP Mirabella Beastmaster of the Overhill College Doctors honored: Wins the 2048 SCOL BMC Great Glove Award at P.
C Susklahava Elvulith of the Budgeford College Kamikazes honored: Wins the 2048 SCOL BMC Great Glove Award at C.
1B Lalia Sillybottom of the Hardbottle College Banshees honored: Wins the 2048 SCOL BMC Great Glove Award at 1B.
2B Fosco Madlight of the Utumno College Ostriches honored: Wins the 2048 SCOL BMC Great Glove Award at 2B.
3B Olo Peatfingers of the Overhill College Doctors honored: Wins the 2048 SCOL BMC Great Glove Award at 3B.
SS Tóbias Dovadea of the Utumno College Ostriches honored: Wins the 2048 SCOL BMC Great Glove Award at SS.
LF Blurlug Bugsmasher of the Angband College Blackbirds honored: Wins the 2048 SCOL BMC Great Glove Award at LF.
CF Giilvas Stoddard of the Mithlond College Skyliners honored: Wins the 2048 SCOL BMC Great Glove Award at CF.
RF Zayd Tchekanov of the Utumno College Ostriches honored: Wins the 2048 SCOL BMC Great Glove Award at RF.
SP Celomli Elvadrielad of the Annuminas College Raccoons honored: Wins the 2048 SCOL IHC Great Glove Award at P.
C Adorellan Forest-seeker of the Ethring College Mercenaries honored: Wins the 2048 SCOL IHC Great Glove Award at C.
1B Ievos Elarandel of the Calembel College Rottweilers honored: Wins the 2048 SCOL IHC Great Glove Award at 1B.
2B Zogh Ettincutter of the Esgaroth College Bulls honored: Wins the 2048 SCOL IHC Great Glove Award at 2B.
3B Isthor Earaldor of the Calembel College Rottweilers honored: Wins the 2048 SCOL IHC Great Glove Award at 3B.
SS Solbog Smiddlefidget of the Esgaroth College Bulls honored: Wins the 2048 SCOL IHC Great Glove Award at SS.
LF Yoshihiro Askew of the Carchost College Admirals honored: Wins the 2048 SCOL IHC Great Glove Award at LF.
CF Ladik Kidneycrusher of the Hidden Rock College Golden Bears honored: Wins the 2048 SCOL IHC Great Glove Award at CF.
RF Boigo Alder-friend of the Staddle College Bohemians honored: Wins the 2048 SCOL IHC Great Glove Award at RF.
Friday, May 1st , 2048
1B Mun-cheol Chabel of the Minas Tirith College Reds honored: Wins the SCOL BMC Batter of the Month Award.
1B Ievos Elarandel of the Calembel College Rottweilers honored: Wins the SCOL IHC Batter of the Month Award.
SP Dugor the Story-teller of the Angband College Blackbirds honored: Wins the SCOL BMC Pitcher of the Month Award.
SP Rudolph the Dapper of the Edoras College Bullies honored: Wins the SCOL IHC Pitcher of the Month Award.
Thursday, April 30th , 2048
Staddle College Bohemians: Adelard Bridger sets the IHC playoff game record for hits with 5.
Staddle College Bohemians: Adelard Bridger sets the IHC playoff game record for runs with 5.
Staddle College Bohemians: Tóbias Boffin hits for the CYCLE, going 4-7 against the Almaida College Sabre-Tooth Cats, with 3 RBI and 4 runs scored.
Staddle College Bohemians: Adelard Bridger goes 5-5 against the Almaida College Sabre-Tooth Cats, with 1 2B, 1 HR, 4 RBI and 5 R.
Sunday, April 26th , 2048
Staddle College Bohemians: Adelard Bridger sets the IHC regular season game record for RBI with 9.
Staddle College Bohemians: Adelard Bridger sets the IHC regular season game record for RBI with 10.
Staddle College Bohemians: Adelard Bridger hits three home runs against the Haven of Umbar College A's, going 4-4 with 10 RBI and 4 runs scored!
Saturday, April 25th , 2048
Mithlond College Skyliners: Bundagh the Drooler goes 0-3 against the Calmindon College Reapers, ending his hitting streak at 21 games.
Moontower College Metros: Brian Rougecheeks was suspended 4 games after ejection following a brawl.
Utumno College Ostriches: Cosimo Voinov was suspended 8 games after ejection following a brawl.
Nindamos College Flash: Riluaneth Legioril sets the BMC regular season extra-inning game record for strikeouts with 5.
Nindamos College Flash: Corradeo Shundi sets the BMC regular season extra-inning game record for doubles with 3.
Friday, April 24th , 2048
Hardbottle College Banshees: Mimosa Biggins-Bunce hits three home runs against the Pelargir College Skyline, going 3-3 with 4 RBI and 3 runs scored!
Ethring College Mercenaries: Adorellan Forest-seeker goes 5-6 against the Haven of Umbar College A's, with 2 HR, 6 RBI and 3 R.
Thursday, April 23rd , 2048
Mithlond College Skyliners: Bundagh the Drooler goes 1-4 against the Lond Daer College Matadors, extending his hitting streak to 20 games!
Monday, April 20th , 2048
RF Semolina Lightloafer of the Overhill College Doctors honored: Wins the SCOL BMC Player of the Week Award.
SS Eiamli Undomiel of the Annuminas College Raccoons honored: Wins the SCOL IHC Player of the Week Award.
Calembel College Rottweilers: Ievos Elarandel goes 5-7 against the Ethring College Mercenaries, with 1 2B, 1 HR, 4 RBI and 2 R.
Friday, April 17th , 2048
Minas Tirith College Reds: Tiakinga Mafaldo was suspended 4 games after ejection following a brawl.
Moontower College Metros: Gavin Gardner was suspended 6 games after ejection following a brawl.
Thursday, April 16th , 2048
Budgeford College Kamikazes: Usnug Lay was suspended 4 games after ejection following a brawl.
Weathertop College Breakouts: Vramshik Romlisson was suspended 6 games after ejection following a brawl.
Hidden Rock College Golden Bears: Loopy Rocafort was suspended 4 games after ejection following a brawl.
Edoras College Bullies: Dodinas Biggins-Bunce was suspended 4 games after ejection following a brawl.
Hidden Rock College Golden Bears: Nob Greenwald goes 5-6 against the Edoras College Bullies, with 1 2B, 2 3B, 0 RBI and 1 R.
Monday, April 13th , 2048
3B Tiakinga Mafaldo of the Minas Tirith College Reds honored: Wins the SCOL BMC Player of the Week Award.
2B Garegin Kasprzyk of the Harlond College Pelicans honored: Wins the SCOL IHC Player of the Week Award.
Friday, April 10th , 2048
Calmindon College Reapers: Süccâ Páraz goes 5-5 against the Hardbottle College Banshees, with 1 2B, 0 RBI and 3 R.
Thursday, April 9th , 2048
Weathertop College Breakouts: Akorakor Brattås goes 5-5 against the Overhill College Doctors, with 1 HR, 1 RBI and 1 R.
Monday, April 6th , 2048
3B Kubruh Gnollgobber of the Angband College Blackbirds honored: Wins the SCOL BMC Player of the Week Award.
LF Adelard Bridger of the Staddle College Bohemians honored: Wins the SCOL IHC Player of the Week Award.
Wednesday, April 1st , 2048
RF Semolina Lightloafer of the Overhill College Doctors honored: Wins the SCOL BMC Batter of the Month Award.
LF Hamilcar Took of the Deephallow College Snakes honored: Wins the SCOL IHC Batter of the Month Award.
SP Mirabella Beastmaster of the Overhill College Doctors honored: Wins the SCOL BMC Pitcher of the Month Award.
SP Yrthraethra Orama of the Haven of Umbar College A's honored: Wins the SCOL IHC Pitcher of the Month Award.
Blue Mountains Conference All-Star Game Selections announced:
SP Mirabella Beastmaster (OC) - 5-0, 1.75 ERA, 36.0 IP, 1.06 WHIP, 10.8 K/9, 1.5 WAR
SP Tóbias Holeman (NC) - 2-0, 2.28 ERA, 27.2 IP, 1.16 WHIP, 8.8 K/9, 0.7 WAR
SP Yeong-kil Koraïs (LD) - 1-0, 1.78 ERA, 30.1 IP, 1.29 WHIP, 7.1 K/9, 1.0 WAR
SP Dinodas Titsworth (NC) - 3-2, 2.76 ERA, 32.2 IP, 0.83 WHIP, 9.6 K/9, 0.6 WAR
SP Cosimo Voinov (UC) - 3-2, 2.88 ERA, 34.1 IP, 1.37 WHIP, 5.5 K/9, 0.8 WAR
SP Chi-ju Wulf (NC) - 2-0, 1.54 ERA, 35.0 IP, 1.06 WHIP, 6.2 K/9, 1.1 WAR
RP Gamahir Horse-lover (LC) - 1-1, 0.53 ERA, 17.0 IP, 1.18 WHIP, 7.4 K/9, 0.5 WAR
RP Filarion Legeolas (PC) - 0-0, 0.98 ERA, 18.1 IP, 1.09 WHIP, 9.3 K/9, 0.5 WAR
RP Fosco Loamsdown (WC) - 1-0, 1.88 ERA, 14.1 IP, 1.40 WHIP, 6.9 K/9, 0.2 WAR
RP Ian-Olivier Pennypacker (CC) - 0-1, 2.51 ERA, 14.1 IP, 1.40 WHIP, 7.5 K/9, 0.2 WAR
RP Koji Yzaguirre (MC) - 4-0, 0.61 ERA, 14.2 IP, 0.89 WHIP, 9.2 K/9, 0.7 WAR
C Chica Hedgeworth (UC) - .412/.495/.541, 85 AB, 2 HR, 164 wRC+, 1.1 WAR
C Talos Throatprodder (MC) - .325/.408/.554, 83 AB, 5 HR, 135 wRC+, 0.5 WAR
1B Lona Underhill (OC) - .390/.474/.720, 82 AB, 6 HR, 193 wRC+, 1.0 WAR
2B Akorakor Squire (MC) - .409/.469/.670, 88 AB, 4 HR, 184 wRC+, 1.0 WAR
3B Kubruh Gnollgobber (AC) - .327/.441/.602, 98 AB, 7 HR, 1 SB, 158 wRC+, 1.4 WAR
3B Tiakinga Mafaldo (MTC) - .337/.425/.571, 98 AB, 6 HR, 2 SB, 147 wRC+, 1.2 WAR
SS Fortinbras Underhill (HC) - .345/.450/.600, 110 AB, 5 HR, 1 SB, 157 wRC+, 1.3 WAR
LF Grimnir Gleransson (NC) - .347/.471/.632, 95 AB, 7 HR, 172 wRC+, 1.3 WAR
LF Myrtle Sillybottom (OC) - .374/.444/.607, 107 AB, 4 HR, 1 SB, 151 wRC+, 1.2 WAR
LF Salg the One-Eyed (MMC) - .405/.442/.649, 111 AB, 7 HR, 169 wRC+, 1.2 WAR
CF Nudzud Brainstomper (MMC) - .357/.466/.633, 98 AB, 6 HR, 4 SB, 173 wRC+, 1.3 WAR
CF Kashnak Fanning (UC) - .336/.402/.645, 110 AB, 9 HR, 2 SB, 153 wRC+, 1.2 WAR
RF Gandilgol Lacertosa (BC) - .351/.418/.632, 57 AB, 5 HR, 152 wRC+, 0.3 WAR
RF Tarasynora Qidan (PC) - .367/.426/.679, 109 AB, 9 HR, 1 SB, 168 wRC+, 1.0 WAR
Iron Hills Conference All-Star Game Selections announced:
SP Avourel Arwidur (CC) - 2-0, 2.59 ERA, 31.1 IP, 1.05 WHIP, 8.6 K/9, 0.9 WAR
SP Skabgub Brainslasher (EC) - 3-1, 2.23 ERA, 40.1 IP, 0.97 WHIP, 6.0 K/9, 1.5 WAR
SP Yrthraethra Orama (HUC) - 5-1, 2.39 ERA, 37.2 IP, 1.25 WHIP, 5.5 K/9, 1.1 WAR
SP Kakanda Shoeppen (HRC) - 3-0, 1.27 ERA, 21.1 IP, 0.61 WHIP, 9.7 K/9, 0.6 WAR
SP Holir the Smasher (EBC) - 3-2, 2.76 ERA, 32.2 IP, 1.04 WHIP, 8.5 K/9, 1.1 WAR
SP Caradas Tunnelly (SC) - 3-0, 2.35 ERA, 30.2 IP, 1.11 WHIP, 8.5 K/9, 0.4 WAR
RP Methild Celilmalith (EC) - 3-0, 2.35 ERA, 15.1 IP, 1.57 WHIP, 8.2 K/9, 0.0 WAR
RP Khiipaera Eladriendil (EC) - 2-0, 2.04 ERA, 17.2 IP, 1.30 WHIP, 8.7 K/9, 0.3 WAR
RP Otho Freyre (AC) - 0-1, 2.04 ERA, 17.2 IP, 1.47 WHIP, 6.1 K/9, 0.1 WAR
RP Diaalia Iseogrin (AC) - 3-1, 1.65 ERA, 16.1 IP, 0.86 WHIP, 8.8 K/9, 0.2 WAR
RP Gökhun Tanda (CC) - 1-1, 2.70 ERA, 30.0 IP, 1.00 WHIP, 6.3 K/9, 0.7 WAR
C Thutruk Drowbelly (FC) - .366/.475/.622, 82 AB, 5 HR, 169 wRC+, 1.1 WAR
C Adorellan Forest-seeker (EC) - .330/.422/.739, 88 AB, 11 HR, 177 wRC+, 1.5 WAR
C Smiahir Manthrottler (HC) - .366/.403/.598, 112 AB, 7 HR, 146 wRC+, 0.9 WAR
1B Siltina Lightloafer (SC) - .296/.369/.574, 108 AB, 9 HR, 126 wRC+, 0.6 WAR
2B Garegin Kasprzyk (HC) - .324/.397/.519, 108 AB, 5 HR, 1 SB, 123 wRC+, 0.8 WAR
3B Magnus Gamwich (DC) - .382/.432/.627, 102 AB, 2 HR, 1 SB, 156 wRC+, 1.2 WAR
SS Rhoda Rubyeye (EBC) - .312/.389/.490, 96 AB, 4 HR, 118 wRC+, 0.5 WAR
SS Smurbog Wemys (EC) - .345/.439/.573, 110 AB, 4 HR, 1 SB, 151 wRC+, 1.5 WAR
LF Adelard Bridger (SC) - .380/.475/.650, 100 AB, 8 HR, 180 wRC+, 1.2 WAR
LF Kushog Moonbane (EC) - .378/.441/.857, 98 AB, 13 HR, 2 SB, 202 wRC+, 1.4 WAR
LF Hughug the Squeaker (FC) - .348/.474/.815, 92 AB, 12 HR, 3 SB, 205 wRC+, 1.8 WAR
LF Hamilcar Took (DC) - .400/.538/.760, 100 AB, 10 HR, 1 SB, 220 wRC+, 1.9 WAR
RF Kimvia Eoweriand (AC) - .391/.473/.688, 64 AB, 5 HR, 182 wRC+, 1.0 WAR
RF Eeolbo Reithel (CC) - .381/.464/.619, 97 AB, 5 HR, 171 wRC+, 1.0 WAR
Esgaroth College Bulls: Trashnok Spleensmasher hits for the CYCLE, going 4-5 against the Annuminas College Raccoons, with 6 RBI and 3 runs scored.
Tuesday, March 31st , 2048
Overhill College Doctors: Lotho Madoc Sandyman drives in 8 runs against the Pelargir College Skyline, going 3-5 with 1 HR.
Monday, March 30th , 2048
1B Lona Underhill of the Overhill College Doctors honored: Wins the SCOL BMC Player of the Week Award.
3B Siloja Sulas of the Haven of Umbar College A's honored: Wins the SCOL IHC Player of the Week Award.
Ethring College Mercenaries: Iolrath Kelerandri was suspended 5 games after ejection following a brawl.
Hidden Rock College Golden Bears: Shake Elumbor was suspended 6 games after ejection following a brawl.
Tuesday, March 24th , 2048
Minas Tirith College Reds: Mun-cheol Chabel hits three home runs against the Hardbottle College Banshees, going 3-4 with 6 RBI and 3 runs scored!
Monday, March 23rd , 2048
CF Kashnak Fanning of the Utumno College Ostriches honored: Wins the SCOL BMC Player of the Week Award.
RF Hilda Hrulkov of the Hidden Rock College Golden Bears honored: Wins the SCOL IHC Player of the Week Award.
Calembel College Rottweilers: Imramarthree Mornmist hits three home runs against the Annuminas College Raccoons, going 3-4 with 3 RBI and 3 runs scored!
Saturday, March 21st , 2048
Linhir College Roosters: Flormina Euthor goes 0-2 against the Hardbottle College Banshees, ending his hitting streak at 28 games.
Minas Morgul College Cottonmouths: Smarbosh Derrokicker was suspended 3 games after ejection following a brawl.
Pelargir College Skyline: Thurtina Linwelin was suspended 7 games after ejection following a brawl.
Wednesday, March 18th , 2048
Hardbottle College Banshees: Lalia Sillybottom goes 0-4 against the Pelargir College Skyline, ending his hitting streak at 27 games.
Tuesday, March 17th , 2048
Linhir College Roosters: Flormina Euthor goes 2-4 against the Weathertop College Breakouts, extending his hitting streak to 25 games!
Ethring College Mercenaries: Golloron Glil-Garil was suspended 4 games after ejection following a brawl.
Edoras College Bullies: Elreawyn Glil-Garil was suspended 8 games after ejection following a brawl.
Monday, March 16th , 2048
1B Tian-yun Neckar of the Moontower College Metros honored: Wins the SCOL BMC Player of the Week Award.
2B Fay Gamgee of the Edoras College Bullies honored: Wins the SCOL IHC Player of the Week Award.
Sunday, March 15th , 2048
Hardbottle College Banshees: Lalia Sillybottom goes 2-4 against the Moontower College Metros, extending his hitting streak to 25 games!
Saturday, March 14th , 2048
Edoras College Bullies: Fay Gamgee goes 5-6 against the Fornost College Killer Whales, with 1 2B, 1 HR, 3 RBI and 3 R.
Monday, March 9th , 2048
LF Tarasynora Qidan of the Pelargir College Skyline honored: Wins the SCOL BMC Player of the Week Award.
RF Kimvia Eoweriand of the Annuminas College Raccoons honored: Wins the SCOL IHC Player of the Week Award.
Staddle College Bohemians: Griffo the Dapper goes 0-3 against the Harlond College Pelicans, ending his hitting streak at 21 games.
Linhir College Roosters: Flormina Euthor goes 1-5 against the Budgeford College Kamikazes, extending his hitting streak to 20 games!
Hardbottle College Banshees: Lalia Sillybottom goes 1-4 against the Mithlond College Skyliners, extending his hitting streak to 20 games!
Sunday, March 8th , 2048
Ephel Brandir College Centurions: Myrtai Arwidur hits three home runs against the Edoras College Bullies, going 3-5 with 7 RBI and 3 runs scored!
Friday, March 6th , 2048
Haven of Umbar College A's: Siloja Sulas sets the IHC regular season extra-inning game record for doubles with 3.
Thursday, March 5th , 2048
Haven of Umbar College A's: Vashti Anorfin sets the IHC regular season extra-inning game record for triples with 2.
Wednesday, March 4th , 2048
Staddle College Bohemians: Griffo the Dapper goes 1-3 against the Ethring College Mercenaries, extending his hitting streak to 20 games!
Overhill College Doctors: Marmaduc Holgate goes 5-6 against the Weathertop College Breakouts, with 2 2B, 1 HR, 6 RBI and 4 R.
Esgaroth College Bulls: Kushog Moonbane hits three home runs against the Calembel College Rottweilers, going 4-5 with 4 RBI and 3 runs scored!
Tuesday, March 3rd , 2048
Pelargir College Skyline: Ashemmi Naelgrath sets the BMC regular season extra-inning game record for bases on balls with 4.
Thursday, May 30th , 2047
1B Mun-cheol Chabel of the Minas Tirith College Reds honored: Wins the 2047 SCOL BMC Most Valuable Player Award.
3B Blazgurg the Mangler of the Moontower College Metros honored: Finished 2nd in 2047 SCOL BMC Most Valuable Player Award voting.
SP Beppe Smirti of the Utumno College Ostriches honored: Finished 3rd in 2047 SCOL BMC Most Valuable Player Award voting.
2B Fay Gamgee of the Edoras College Bullies honored: Wins the 2047 SCOL IHC Most Valuable Player Award.
C Adorellan Forest-seeker of the Ethring College Mercenaries honored: Finished 2nd in 2047 SCOL IHC Most Valuable Player Award voting.
1B Trugrub Sheeplover of the Esgaroth College Bulls honored: Finished 3rd in 2047 SCOL IHC Most Valuable Player Award voting.
Wednesday, May 29th , 2047
SP Beppe Smirti of the Utumno College Ostriches honored: Wins the 2047 SCOL BMC Pitcher of the Year Award.
SP Dinodas Rinker of the Budgeford College Kamikazes honored: Finished 2nd in 2047 SCOL BMC Pitcher of the Year Award voting.
SP Tigblug Throatbelly of the Pelargir College Skyline honored: Finished 3rd in 2047 SCOL BMC Pitcher of the Year Award voting.
SP Lyklor Never of the Ethring College Mercenaries honored: Wins the 2047 SCOL IHC Pitcher of the Year Award.
SP Lumja Gwildur of the Ethring College Mercenaries honored: Finished 2nd in 2047 SCOL IHC Pitcher of the Year Award voting.
RP Gökhun Tanda of the Carchost College Admirals honored: Finished 3rd in 2047 SCOL IHC Pitcher of the Year Award voting.
Monday, May 27th , 2047
C Talos Throatprodder of the Mithlond College Skyliners honored: Wins the 2047 SCOL BMC Platinum Stick Award at C.
1B Mun-cheol Chabel of the Minas Tirith College Reds honored: Wins the 2047 SCOL BMC Platinum Stick Award at 1B.
2B Rudolph Buckland of the Overhill College Doctors honored: Wins the 2047 SCOL BMC Platinum Stick Award at 2B.
3B Blazgurg the Mangler of the Moontower College Metros honored: Wins the 2047 SCOL BMC Platinum Stick Award at 3B.
SS Flambard Cervandas of the Calmindon College Reapers honored: Wins the 2047 SCOL BMC Platinum Stick Award at SS.
LF Aubric Balafalas of the Minas Tirith College Reds honored: Wins the 2047 SCOL BMC Platinum Stick Award at LF.
CF Thugmag Maxim of the Angband College Blackbirds honored: Wins the 2047 SCOL BMC Platinum Stick Award at CF.
RF Michinaga Anyan of the Nindamos College Flash honored: Wins the 2047 SCOL BMC Platinum Stick Award at RF.
1B Denar Herrarte of the Moontower College Metros honored: Wins the 2047 SCOL BMC Platinum Stick Award at DH.
C Adorellan Forest-seeker of the Ethring College Mercenaries honored: Wins the 2047 SCOL IHC Platinum Stick Award at C.
1B Trugrub Sheeplover of the Esgaroth College Bulls honored: Wins the 2047 SCOL IHC Platinum Stick Award at 1B.
2B Fay Gamgee of the Edoras College Bullies honored: Wins the 2047 SCOL IHC Platinum Stick Award at 2B.
3B Snokpug Moonkiller of the Almaida College Sabre-Tooth Cats honored: Wins the 2047 SCOL IHC Platinum Stick Award at 3B.
SS Smurbog Wemys of the Edoras College Bullies honored: Wins the 2047 SCOL IHC Platinum Stick Award at SS.
LF Adelard Bridger of the Staddle College Bohemians honored: Wins the 2047 SCOL IHC Platinum Stick Award at LF.
CF Snutruk the Crazy Bastard of the Carchost College Admirals honored: Wins the 2047 SCOL IHC Platinum Stick Award at CF.
RF Aravilar Celaum of the Almaida College Sabre-Tooth Cats honored: Wins the 2047 SCOL IHC Platinum Stick Award at RF.
1B Gavin Dap of the Staddle College Bohemians honored: Wins the 2047 SCOL IHC Platinum Stick Award at DH.
Sunday, May 26th , 2047
CL Chong-chun Halflinglover of the Moontower College Metros honored: Wins the 2047 SCOL BMC Reliever of the Year Award.
RP Nurcan Beastmaster of the Linhir College Roosters honored: Finished 2nd in 2047 SCOL BMC Reliever of the Year Award voting.
RP Motarek Taralom of the Moontower College Metros honored: Finished 3rd in 2047 SCOL BMC Reliever of the Year Award voting.
RP Gökhun Tanda of the Carchost College Admirals honored: Wins the 2047 SCOL IHC Reliever of the Year Award.
RP Galaudriel Rachiilstar of the Carchost College Admirals honored: Finished 2nd in 2047 SCOL IHC Reliever of the Year Award voting.
RP Utsnug Knifehammer of the Esgaroth College Bulls honored: Finished 3rd in 2047 SCOL IHC Reliever of the Year Award voting.
Saturday, May 25th , 2047
SP Gamodoc Celal of the Minas Tirith College Reds honored: Wins the 2047 SCOL BMC Great Glove Award at P.
C Susklahava Elvulith of the Budgeford College Kamikazes honored: Wins the 2047 SCOL BMC Great Glove Award at C.
1B Victoras Giantprodder of the Nindamos College Flash honored: Wins the 2047 SCOL BMC Great Glove Award at 1B.
2B Rudolph Buckland of the Overhill College Doctors honored: Wins the 2047 SCOL BMC Great Glove Award at 2B.
3B Hhora Iselinde of the Nindamos College Flash honored: Wins the 2047 SCOL BMC Great Glove Award at 3B.
SS Tóbias Dovadea of the Utumno College Ostriches honored: Wins the 2047 SCOL BMC Great Glove Award at SS.
LF Grimnir Gleransson of the Nindamos College Flash honored: Wins the 2047 SCOL BMC Great Glove Award at LF.
CF Giilvas Stoddard of the Mithlond College Skyliners honored: Wins the 2047 SCOL BMC Great Glove Award at CF.
RF Zayd Tchekanov of the Utumno College Ostriches honored: Wins the 2047 SCOL BMC Great Glove Award at RF.
SP Seredic Black of the Hidden Rock College Golden Bears honored: Wins the 2047 SCOL IHC Great Glove Award at P.
C Adorellan Forest-seeker of the Ethring College Mercenaries honored: Wins the 2047 SCOL IHC Great Glove Award at C.
1B Arilas Devilgobbler of the Almaida College Sabre-Tooth Cats honored: Wins the 2047 SCOL IHC Great Glove Award at 1B.
2B Kubzub Cais of the Staddle College Bohemians honored: Wins the 2047 SCOL IHC Great Glove Award at 2B.
3B Jago Willowbottom of the Ephel Brandir College Centurions honored: Wins the 2047 SCOL IHC Great Glove Award at 3B.
SS Beama Chamaranthe of the Fornost College Killer Whales honored: Wins the 2047 SCOL IHC Great Glove Award at SS.
LF Brazhkrut Moonbane of the Fornost College Killer Whales honored: Wins the 2047 SCOL IHC Great Glove Award at LF.
CF Tóbias Boffin of the Staddle College Bohemians honored: Wins the 2047 SCOL IHC Great Glove Award at CF.
RF Imramarthree Mornmist of the Calembel College Rottweilers honored: Wins the 2047 SCOL IHC Great Glove Award at RF.
Monday, May 6th , 2047
Staddle College Bohemians: Boigo Alder-friend sets the IHC playoff game record for runs with 4.
Wednesday, May 1st , 2047
1B Mun-cheol Chabel of the Minas Tirith College Reds honored: Wins the SCOL BMC Batter of the Month Award.
LF Adelard Bridger of the Staddle College Bohemians honored: Wins the SCOL IHC Batter of the Month Award.
RP Kubzub the Plunderer of the Angband College Blackbirds honored: Wins the SCOL BMC Pitcher of the Month Award.
SP Lumja Gwildur of the Ethring College Mercenaries honored: Wins the SCOL IHC Pitcher of the Month Award.
Friday, April 26th , 2047
Haven of Umbar College A's: Isiclya Megilwen goes 5-5 against the Staddle College Bohemians, with 1 2B, 2 RBI and 1 R.
Angband College Blackbirds: Blurlug Bugsmasher hits for the CYCLE, going 4-6 against the Pelargir College Skyline, with 4 RBI and 4 runs scored.
Wednesday, April 24th , 2047
Hardbottle College Banshees: Lalia Sillybottom goes 5-6 against the Pelargir College Skyline, with 1 2B, 2 RBI and 3 R.
Monday, April 22nd , 2047
RF Bowman Beastmaster of the Moontower College Metros honored: Wins the SCOL BMC Player of the Week Award.
3B Amaranthae Sathien of the Annuminas College Raccoons honored: Wins the SCOL IHC Player of the Week Award.
Saturday, April 20th , 2047
Linhir College Roosters: Miguel Angel Donides goes 5-6 against the Mithlond College Skyliners, with 1 2B, 3 RBI and 5 R.
Mithlond College Skyliners: Bernhard Sandyman goes 5-5 against the Linhir College Roosters, with 2 2B, 0 RBI and 3 R.
Moontower College Metros: Dudhagh Shinsnapper goes 5-5 against the Hardbottle College Banshees, with 2 2B, 1 RBI and 3 R.
Almaida College Sabre-Tooth Cats: Wankegh Freudenthal was suspended 4 games after ejection following a brawl.
Ethring College Mercenaries: Allisa Fandil was suspended 4 games after ejection following a brawl.
Wednesday, April 17th , 2047
Annuminas College Raccoons: Amaranthae Sathien goes 5-5 against the Staddle College Bohemians, with 1 2B, 2 RBI and 0 R.
Monday, April 15th , 2047
LF Yoritoki Porcella of the Nindamos College Flash honored: Wins the SCOL BMC Player of the Week Award.
C Adorellan Forest-seeker of the Ethring College Mercenaries honored: Wins the SCOL IHC Player of the Week Award.
Annuminas College Raccoons: Eiamli Undomiel goes 0-4 against the Ethring College Mercenaries, ending his hitting streak at 20 games.
Sunday, April 14th , 2047
Annuminas College Raccoons: Eiamli Undomiel goes 1-4 against the Ethring College Mercenaries, extending his hitting streak to 20 games!
Saturday, April 13th , 2047
Utumno College Ostriches: Rowan Zamudia hits for the CYCLE, going 5-6 against the Angband College Blackbirds, with 5 RBI and 4 runs scored.
Utumno College Ostriches: Rowan Zamudia goes 5-6 against the Angband College Blackbirds, with 1 2B, 1 3B, 2 HR, 5 RBI and 4 R.
Ethring College Mercenaries: Adorellan Forest-seeker hits three home runs against the Swanhaven College Mastodons, going 3-3 with 4 RBI and 3 runs scored!
Friday, April 12th , 2047
Moontower College Metros: Mees Kidneydragger goes 1-5 against the Lond Daer College Matadors, extending his hitting streak to 20 games!
Deephallow College Snakes: Born Miller pitches a 4-hit shutout against the Annuminas College Raccoons with 1 strikeouts and 2 BB allowed!
Moontower College Metros: Mees Kidneydragger goes 0-1 against the Lond Daer College Matadors, ending his hitting streak at 20 games.
Edoras College Bullies: Smurbog Wemys goes 0-4 against the Haven of Umbar College A's, ending his hitting streak at 23 games.
Monday, April 8th , 2047
2B Bundagh the Drooler of the Mithlond College Skyliners honored: Wins the SCOL BMC Player of the Week Award.
SS Smurbog Wemys of the Edoras College Bullies honored: Wins the SCOL IHC Player of the Week Award.
Fornost College Killer Whales: Agdash Earthlover was suspended 3 games after ejection following a brawl.
Hidden Rock College Golden Bears: Anier Vaananen was suspended 3 games after ejection following a brawl.
Edoras College Bullies: Smurbog Wemys goes 1-4 against the Almaida College Sabre-Tooth Cats, extending his hitting streak to 20 games!
Saturday, April 6th , 2047
Edoras College Bullies: Fay Gamgee goes 0-4 against the Ephel Brandir College Centurions, ending his hitting streak at 26 games.
Monday, April 1st , 2047
1B Mun-cheol Chabel of the Minas Tirith College Reds honored: Wins the SCOL BMC Player of the Week Award.
1B Trugrub Sheeplover of the Esgaroth College Bulls honored: Wins the SCOL IHC Player of the Week Award.
1B Mun-cheol Chabel of the Minas Tirith College Reds honored: Wins the SCOL BMC Batter of the Month Award.
1B Trugrub Sheeplover of the Esgaroth College Bulls honored: Wins the SCOL IHC Batter of the Month Award.
CL Sméagol Stonemould of the Hardbottle College Banshees honored: Wins the SCOL BMC Pitcher of the Month Award.
SP Dilo Covalchuc of the Harlond College Pelicans honored: Wins the SCOL IHC Pitcher of the Month Award.
Blue Mountains Conference All-Star Game Selections announced:
SP Janice Bracegirdle (MC) - 3-1, 3.41 ERA, 34.1 IP, 1.25 WHIP, 6.0 K/9, 0.8 WAR
SP Saradoc Hedgeworth (HC) - 2-1, 3.66 ERA, 32.0 IP, 1.50 WHIP, 8.4 K/9, 0.8 WAR
SP Tóbias Holeman (NC) - 2-2, 3.00 ERA, 30.0 IP, 1.07 WHIP, 10.2 K/9, 1.0 WAR
SP Beppe Smirti (UC) - 3-1, 2.15 ERA, 29.1 IP, 1.16 WHIP, 11.4 K/9, 1.1 WAR
SP Tigblug Throatbelly (PC) - 0-0, 1.50 ERA, 30.0 IP, 1.43 WHIP, 10.5 K/9, 1.1 WAR
SP Chi-ju Wulf (NC) - 3-0, 2.56 ERA, 31.2 IP, 1.04 WHIP, 9.9 K/9, 0.9 WAR
RP Nurcan Beastmaster (LC) - 1-1, 1.88 ERA, 14.1 IP, 1.19 WHIP, 11.9 K/9, 0.6 WAR
RP Runak Fatin (LC) - 1-0, 1.69 ERA, 21.1 IP, 1.12 WHIP, 12.2 K/9, 0.5 WAR
RP Gamahir Horse-lover (LC) - 2-0, 1.69 ERA, 16.0 IP, 1.31 WHIP, 10.1 K/9, 0.4 WAR
RP Halgondas Kaith (LD) - 1-0, 0.64 ERA, 14.0 IP, 1.29 WHIP, 4.5 K/9, 0.0 WAR
RP Kazuhiro Knifecrawler (MTC) - 2-1, 1.20 ERA, 15.0 IP, 0.80 WHIP, 9.0 K/9, 0.5 WAR
C Susklahava Elvulith (BC) - .447/.506/.724, 76 AB, 4 HR, 197 wRC+, 1.3 WAR
C Mees Kidneydragger (MC) - .447/.496/.563, 103 AB, 163 wRC+, 1.1 WAR
1B Mun-cheol Chabel (MTC) - .463/.609/1.137, 95 AB, 19 HR, 1 SB, 286 wRC+, 3.1 WAR
1B Denar Herrarte (MC) - .413/.533/.702, 104 AB, 8 HR, 198 wRC+, 1.6 WAR
2B Rudolph Buckland (OC) - .405/.444/.534, 116 AB, 2 HR, 1 SB, 137 wRC+, 1.1 WAR
3B Cottar Brockhouse (CC) - .276/.411/.494, 87 AB, 5 HR, 113 wRC+, 0.7 WAR
3B Blazgurg the Mangler (MC) - .396/.472/.613, 111 AB, 6 HR, 1 SB, 163 wRC+, 1.3 WAR
SS Fortinbras Underhill (HC) - .347/.458/.531, 98 AB, 3 HR, 2 SB, 142 wRC+, 1.2 WAR
LF Aubric Balafalas (MTC) - .375/.429/.617, 120 AB, 7 HR, 1 SB, 144 wRC+, 1.2 WAR
CF Nudzud Brainstomper (MMC) - .336/.437/.579, 107 AB, 4 HR, 1 SB, 143 wRC+, 0.7 WAR
CF Thugmag Maxim (AC) - .314/.440/.588, 102 AB, 6 HR, 4 SB, 145 wRC+, 0.8 WAR
CF Ughru VonTirpitz (WC) - .362/.483/.723, 47 AB, 2 HR, 177 wRC+, 0.7 WAR
RF Shamina Draeger (MC) - .353/.455/.627, 102 AB, 7 HR, 1 SB, 152 wRC+, 0.9 WAR
RF Zayd Tchekanov (UC) - .375/.446/.602, 88 AB, 4 HR, 4 SB, 147 wRC+, 1.4 WAR
Iron Hills Conference All-Star Game Selections announced:
SP Gealf Agayous (EC) - 2-0, 2.53 ERA, 32.0 IP, 1.50 WHIP, 6.5 K/9, 1.1 WAR
SP Arkhun Celadoc (CC) - 3-0, 3.06 ERA, 32.1 IP, 1.36 WHIP, 9.7 K/9, 0.9 WAR
SP Dilo Covalchuc (HC) - 5-1, 3.51 ERA, 33.1 IP, 1.35 WHIP, 8.9 K/9, 1.2 WAR
SP Yakup Masinsson (EBC) - 2-2, 3.55 ERA, 25.1 IP, 1.50 WHIP, 10.7 K/9, 1.0 WAR
SP Suglut Oramos (DC) - 1-3, 4.19 ERA, 34.1 IP, 1.19 WHIP, 8.9 K/9, 0.5 WAR
SP Tiatha Tlanbourn (EC) - 2-0, 2.45 ERA, 33.0 IP, 1.36 WHIP, 6.8 K/9, 0.9 WAR
RP Ilyndrathyl Brilhirion (HUC) - 1-0, 1.08 ERA, 16.2 IP, 0.96 WHIP, 13.0 K/9, 0.4 WAR
RP Filibert Brockhouse (AC) - 4-0, 1.72 ERA, 15.2 IP, 1.21 WHIP, 12.1 K/9, 0.7 WAR
RP Menegilda Knotwise (SC) - 1-0, 1.80 ERA, 15.0 IP, 1.47 WHIP, 8.4 K/9, 0.3 WAR
RP Skugdugh Shinsnapper (EC) - 1-0, 1.12 ERA, 16.0 IP, 1.00 WHIP, 7.3 K/9, 0.3 WAR
RP Gökhun Tanda (CC) - 2-1, 1.59 ERA, 17.0 IP, 1.59 WHIP, 5.8 K/9, 0.2 WAR
C Thutruk Drowbelly (FC) - .361/.427/.649, 97 AB, 8 HR, 145 wRC+, 0.9 WAR
C Adorellan Forest-seeker (EC) - .375/.480/.662, 80 AB, 6 HR, 172 wRC+, 1.0 WAR
1B Ievos Elarandel (CC) - .421/.512/.748, 107 AB, 10 HR, 1 SB, 200 wRC+, 1.8 WAR
1B Trugrub Sheeplover (EC) - .382/.471/.824, 102 AB, 14 HR, 196 wRC+, 1.4 WAR
2B Fay Gamgee (EC) - .431/.507/.647, 116 AB, 6 HR, 180 wRC+, 1.6 WAR
3B Snokpug Moonkiller (AC) - .409/.488/.727, 110 AB, 9 HR, 1 SB, 180 wRC+, 1.7 WAR
3B Amaranthae Sathien (AC) - .324/.397/.593, 108 AB, 9 HR, 126 wRC+, 0.6 WAR
SS Smurbog Wemys (EC) - .444/.523/.694, 108 AB, 5 HR, 1 SB, 191 wRC+, 1.7 WAR
LF Adelard Bridger (SC) - .344/.467/.635, 96 AB, 8 HR, 150 wRC+, 0.7 WAR
LF Gamialbo Galadrienduil (CC) - .488/.596/.878, 41 AB, 4 HR, 253 wRC+, 1.1 WAR
CF Frawsen Mirga (SC) - .369/.440/.604, 111 AB, 5 HR, 2 SB, 145 wRC+, 0.7 WAR
CF Snutruk the Crazy Bastard (CC) - .408/.471/.573, 103 AB, 3 HR, 152 wRC+, 0.9 WAR
RF Hilda Hrulkov (HRC) - .359/.455/.674, 92 AB, 8 HR, 164 wRC+, 1.1 WAR
RF Bauma Rhaevaern (CC) - .351/.439/.670, 97 AB, 7 HR, 2 SB, 157 wRC+, 1.2 WAR
Edoras College Bullies: Smurbog Wemys goes 5-6 against the Annuminas College Raccoons, with 1 2B, 1 HR, 1 RBI and 4 R.
Sunday, March 31st , 2047
Harlond College Pelicans: Smiahir Manthrottler goes 5-6 against the Swanhaven College Mastodons, with 2 RBI and 2 R.
Esgaroth College Bulls: Trugrub Sheeplover hits three home runs against the Carchost College Admirals, going 5-5 with 7 RBI and 5 runs scored!
Esgaroth College Bulls: Trugrub Sheeplover goes 5-5 against the Carchost College Admirals, with 1 2B, 3 HR, 7 RBI and 5 R.
Calembel College Rottweilers: Ilyrana Glebriril goes 5-5 against the Staddle College Bohemians, with 1 HR, 3 RBI and 3 R.
Edoras College Bullies: Fay Gamgee goes 1-4 against the Annuminas College Raccoons, extending his hitting streak to 25 games!
Tuesday, March 26th , 2047
Edoras College Bullies: Fay Gamgee goes 1-4 against the Ethring College Mercenaries, extending his hitting streak to 20 games!
Monday, March 25th , 2047
CF Thugmag Maxim of the Angband College Blackbirds honored: Wins the SCOL BMC Player of the Week Award.
3B Snokpug Moonkiller of the Almaida College Sabre-Tooth Cats honored: Wins the SCOL IHC Player of the Week Award.
Tuesday, March 19th , 2047
Weathertop College Breakouts: Darric Giantthrottler goes 5-5 against the Budgeford College Kamikazes, with 1 2B, 1 HR, 7 RBI and 2 R.
Carchost College Admirals: Yoshihiro Askew goes 6-7 against the Almaida College Sabre-Tooth Cats, with 1 2B, 0 RBI and 2 R.
Monday, March 18th , 2047
1B Mun-cheol Chabel of the Minas Tirith College Reds honored: Wins the SCOL BMC Player of the Week Award.
1B Ievos Elarandel of the Calembel College Rottweilers honored: Wins the SCOL IHC Player of the Week Award.
Sunday, March 17th , 2047
Esgaroth College Bulls: Trugrub Sheeplover hits three home runs against the Edoras College Bullies, going 3-4 with 7 RBI and 3 runs scored!
Saturday, March 16th , 2047
Moontower College Metros: Azgug Gidush goes 5-6 against the Angband College Blackbirds, with 3 RBI and 1 R.
Minas Tirith College Reds: Aubric Balafalas goes 6-6 against the Pelargir College Skyline, with 1 HR, 4 RBI and 3 R.
Monday, March 11th , 2047
1B Mun-cheol Chabel of the Minas Tirith College Reds honored: Wins the SCOL BMC Player of the Week Award.
1B Ievos Elarandel of the Calembel College Rottweilers honored: Wins the SCOL IHC Player of the Week Award.
Friday, March 8th , 2047
Harlond College Pelicans: Mishe Micklethwait hits three home runs against the Hidden Rock College Golden Bears, going 4-4 with 7 RBI and 4 runs scored!
Thursday, March 7th , 2047
Budgeford College Kamikazes: Larin Kelpor’ral goes 5-7 against the Calmindon College Reapers, with 2 2B, 3 RBI and 0 R.
Saturday, March 2nd , 2047
Staddle College Bohemians: Tóbias Boffin sets the IHC regular season game record for triples with 3.
Friday, March 1st , 2047
Carchost College Admirals: Snutruk the Crazy Bastard goes 5-6 against the Calembel College Rottweilers, with 1 2B, 1 RBI and 1 R.
Friday, June 1st , 2046
CF Hiroharu Mithrandir of the Hardbottle College Banshees honored: Wins the 2046 SCOL BMC Most Valuable Player Award.
SP Ezerhan Marim of the Minas Morgul College Cottonmouths honored: Finished 2nd in 2046 SCOL BMC Most Valuable Player Award voting.
SP Lalia Sackville of the Calmindon College Reapers honored: Finished 3rd in 2046 SCOL BMC Most Valuable Player Award voting.
SP Gugbuh Harriott of the Harlond College Pelicans honored: Wins the 2046 SCOL IHC Most Valuable Player Award.
SP Seredic Black of the Hidden Rock College Golden Bears honored: Finished 2nd in 2046 SCOL IHC Most Valuable Player Award voting.
SP Legeron Gezalian of the Harlond College Pelicans honored: Finished 3rd in 2046 SCOL IHC Most Valuable Player Award voting.
Thursday, May 31st , 2046
SP Lalia Sackville of the Calmindon College Reapers honored: Wins the 2046 SCOL BMC Pitcher of the Year Award.
SP Beppe Smirti of the Utumno College Ostriches honored: Finished 2nd in 2046 SCOL BMC Pitcher of the Year Award voting.
SP Seishiro the Render of the Pelargir College Skyline honored: Finished 3rd in 2046 SCOL BMC Pitcher of the Year Award voting.
SP Seredic Black of the Hidden Rock College Golden Bears honored: Wins the 2046 SCOL IHC Pitcher of the Year Award.
SP Gugbuh Harriott of the Harlond College Pelicans honored: Finished 2nd in 2046 SCOL IHC Pitcher of the Year Award voting.
SP Olo Nightstalker of the Ephel Brandir College Centurions honored: Finished 3rd in 2046 SCOL IHC Pitcher of the Year Award voting.
Tuesday, May 29th , 2046
C Dinendal Greencloak of the Utumno College Ostriches honored: Wins the 2046 SCOL BMC Platinum Stick Award at C.
1B Smughbub Throatshaker of the Moontower College Metros honored: Wins the 2046 SCOL BMC Platinum Stick Award at 1B.
2B Thrugnub Hix of the Angband College Blackbirds honored: Wins the 2046 SCOL BMC Platinum Stick Award at 2B.
3B Blazgurg the Mangler of the Moontower College Metros honored: Wins the 2046 SCOL BMC Platinum Stick Award at 3B.
SS Merilmir Autumnfire of the Lond Daer College Matadors honored: Wins the 2046 SCOL BMC Platinum Stick Award at SS.
LF Elrealob Durothil of the Nindamos College Flash honored: Wins the 2046 SCOL BMC Platinum Stick Award at LF.
CF Hiroharu Mithrandir of the Hardbottle College Banshees honored: Wins the 2046 SCOL BMC Platinum Stick Award at CF.
RF Musin Hemus of the Utumno College Ostriches honored: Wins the 2046 SCOL BMC Platinum Stick Award at RF.
1B Jonik Galadriendel of the Hardbottle College Banshees honored: Wins the 2046 SCOL BMC Platinum Stick Award at DH.
C Eskinder Bridger of the Carchost College Admirals honored: Wins the 2046 SCOL IHC Platinum Stick Award at C.
1B Urddusk Orbryn of the Calembel College Rottweilers honored: Wins the 2046 SCOL IHC Platinum Stick Award at 1B.
2B Mink Gamgee of the Hidden Rock College Golden Bears honored: Wins the 2046 SCOL IHC Platinum Stick Award at 2B.
3B Nurbog Earkiller of the Swanhaven College Mastodons honored: Wins the 2046 SCOL IHC Platinum Stick Award at 3B.
SS Snuugh Moonraper of the Deephallow College Snakes honored: Wins the 2046 SCOL IHC Platinum Stick Award at SS.
2B Myrddin Elrorion of the Ethring College Mercenaries honored: Wins the 2046 SCOL IHC Platinum Stick Award at LF.
CF Quitério Okrisson of the Haven of Umbar College A's honored: Wins the 2046 SCOL IHC Platinum Stick Award at CF.
RF Celeodur Rivleam of the Fornost College Killer Whales honored: Wins the 2046 SCOL IHC Platinum Stick Award at RF.
LF Geadriel Boraulf of the Hidden Rock College Golden Bears honored: Wins the 2046 SCOL IHC Platinum Stick Award at DH.
Monday, May 28th , 2046
SP Viansola Gamaiborn of the Pelargir College Skyline honored: Wins the 2046 SCOL BMC Reliever of the Year Award.
SP Sampo Stelymes of the Linhir College Roosters honored: Finished 2nd in 2046 SCOL BMC Reliever of the Year Award voting.
CL Daniel the Bucklebury Ferry Driver of the Hardbottle College Banshees honored: Finished 3rd in 2046 SCOL BMC Reliever of the Year Award voting.
RP Krubzurg Heartdragger of the Harlond College Pelicans honored: Wins the 2046 SCOL IHC Reliever of the Year Award.
SP Lumdor Tunnelsnapper of the Edoras College Bullies honored: Finished 2nd in 2046 SCOL IHC Reliever of the Year Award voting.
CL Adelaide Isadrielad of the Annuminas College Raccoons honored: Finished 3rd in 2046 SCOL IHC Reliever of the Year Award voting.
Sunday, May 27th , 2046
CL Mattéo McClonaghan of the Lond Daer College Matadors honored: Wins the 2046 SCOL BMC Great Glove Award at P.
C Tholbug Daggerdrinker of the Linhir College Roosters honored: Wins the 2046 SCOL BMC Great Glove Award at C.
1B Nazbog Ulongyr of the Linhir College Roosters honored: Wins the 2046 SCOL BMC Great Glove Award at 1B.
2B Theodorus Chubb of the Minas Tirith College Reds honored: Wins the 2046 SCOL BMC Great Glove Award at 2B.
3B Hhora Iselinde of the Nindamos College Flash honored: Wins the 2046 SCOL BMC Great Glove Award at 3B.
SS Sadalymn Tinonduil of the Calmindon College Reapers honored: Wins the 2046 SCOL BMC Great Glove Award at SS.
LF Bladud Buckland of the Weathertop College Breakouts honored: Wins the 2046 SCOL BMC Great Glove Award at LF.
CF Sokollu Lorsson of the Overhill College Doctors honored: Wins the 2046 SCOL BMC Great Glove Award at CF.
RF Musin Hemus of the Utumno College Ostriches honored: Wins the 2046 SCOL BMC Great Glove Award at RF.
RP Taus Badgerdicer of the Hidden Rock College Golden Bears honored: Wins the 2046 SCOL IHC Great Glove Award at P.
C Rogrug Daggerkicker of the Esgaroth College Bulls honored: Wins the 2046 SCOL IHC Great Glove Award at C.
1B Diamanda Gamgee-Took of the Esgaroth College Bulls honored: Wins the 2046 SCOL IHC Great Glove Award at 1B.
SS Beama Chamaranthe of the Fornost College Killer Whales honored: Wins the 2046 SCOL IHC Great Glove Award at 2B.
3B Jago Willowbottom of the Ephel Brandir College Centurions honored: Wins the 2046 SCOL IHC Great Glove Award at 3B.
SS Mubrog Dryadslasher of the Esgaroth College Bulls honored: Wins the 2046 SCOL IHC Great Glove Award at SS.
LF Firdoze Meggison of the Fornost College Killer Whales honored: Wins the 2046 SCOL IHC Great Glove Award at LF.
CF Arabella Boffin of the Ephel Brandir College Centurions honored: Wins the 2046 SCOL IHC Great Glove Award at CF.
RF Haiduc Grimm of the Calembel College Rottweilers honored: Wins the 2046 SCOL IHC Great Glove Award at RF.
Tuesday, May 1st , 2046
RF Musin Hemus of the Utumno College Ostriches honored: Wins the SCOL BMC Batter of the Month Award.
RF Celeodur Rivleam of the Fornost College Killer Whales honored: Wins the SCOL IHC Batter of the Month Award.
SP Ezerhan Marim of the Minas Morgul College Cottonmouths honored: Wins the SCOL BMC Pitcher of the Month Award.
RP Hélder Halliday of the Edoras College Bullies honored: Wins the SCOL IHC Pitcher of the Month Award.
Monday, April 30th , 2046
Edoras College Bullies: Hufur Ketilsson sets the IHC playoff extra-inning game record for hits with 5.
Edoras College Bullies: Hufur Ketilsson goes 5-6 against the Esgaroth College Bulls, with 1 2B, 0 RBI and 2 R.
Tuesday, April 24th , 2046
Angband College Blackbirds: Donnamira Knotwise sets the BMC regular season game record for hits with 7.
Angband College Blackbirds: Donnamira Knotwise sets the BMC regular season game record for RBI with 11.
Angband College Blackbirds: Donnamira Knotwise goes 7-7 against the Budgeford College Kamikazes, with 1 2B, 2 HR, 11 RBI and 4 R.
Mithlond College Skyliners: Vabis Faramir goes 6-6 against the Weathertop College Breakouts, with 2 2B, 2 RBI and 3 R.
Carchost College Admirals: Brugrub Horse-lover sets the IHC regular season game record for bases on balls with 6.
Monday, April 23rd , 2046
RF Korg the Crippler of the Minas Morgul College Cottonmouths honored: Wins the SCOL BMC Player of the Week Award.
RF Celeodur Rivleam of the Fornost College Killer Whales honored: Wins the SCOL IHC Player of the Week Award.
Angband College Blackbirds: Bruzdrog Headmasher goes 5-6 against the Budgeford College Kamikazes, with 2 2B, 2 HR, 7 RBI and 4 R.
Angband College Blackbirds: Thrugnub Hix hits three home runs against the Budgeford College Kamikazes, going 3-5 with 3 RBI and 6 runs scored!
Mithlond College Skyliners: Vabis Faramir goes 5-6 against the Weathertop College Breakouts, with 1 3B, 4 RBI and 1 R.
Sunday, April 22nd , 2046
Carchost College Admirals: Brugrub Horse-lover sets the IHC regular season game record for hits with 6.
Carchost College Admirals: Brugrub Horse-lover goes 6-7 against the Staddle College Bohemians, with 2 HR, 5 RBI and 4 R.
Carchost College Admirals: Owa Liscano hits three home runs against the Staddle College Bohemians, going 3-4 with 7 RBI and 3 runs scored!
Lond Daer College Matadors: Nanda Paisley got suspended 2 games after ejection following arguing a strike call.
Saturday, April 21st , 2046
Angband College Blackbirds: Abdul Rehman Nersessian sets the BMC regular season game record for hits with 6.
Angband College Blackbirds: Donnamira Knotwise goes 5-6 against the Weathertop College Breakouts, with 1 2B, 1 3B, 3 RBI and 5 R.
Angband College Blackbirds: Abdul Rehman Nersessian goes 6-7 against the Weathertop College Breakouts, with 1 HR, 5 RBI and 3 R.
Thursday, April 19th , 2046
Calembel College Rottweilers: Giilvas Yundraer sets the IHC regular season extra-inning game record for hits with 6.
Calembel College Rottweilers: Giilvas Yundraer goes 6-6 against the Haven of Umbar College A's, with 1 2B, 2 3B, 0 RBI and 2 R.
Tuesday, April 17th , 2046
Weathertop College Breakouts: Jae-shin Nilcarion goes 5-5 against the Utumno College Ostriches, with 1 HR, 3 RBI and 3 R.
Utumno College Ostriches: Nozdakh Livertrembler goes 5-6 against the Weathertop College Breakouts, with 4 RBI and 4 R.
Harlond College Pelicans: Legeron Gezalian goes 5-7 against the Carchost College Admirals, with 4 RBI and 2 R.
Hidden Rock College Golden Bears: Gülhan Never goes 5-5 against the Almaida College Sabre-Tooth Cats, with 1 2B, 1 HR, 4 RBI and 4 R.
Annuminas College Raccoons: Arto Bruder sets the IHC regular season game record for bases on balls with 5.
Monday, April 16th , 2046
RF Musin Hemus of the Utumno College Ostriches honored: Wins the SCOL BMC Player of the Week Award.
1B Diamanda Gamgee-Took of the Esgaroth College Bulls honored: Wins the SCOL IHC Player of the Week Award.
Utumno College Ostriches: Dinendal Greencloak hits three home runs against the Weathertop College Breakouts, going 3-4 with 3 RBI and 3 runs scored!
Hidden Rock College Golden Bears: Razmik Gamgee goes 5-6 against the Almaida College Sabre-Tooth Cats, with 1 2B, 1 RBI and 2 R.
Ethring College Mercenaries: Eitel Oathworker goes 5-5 against the Esgaroth College Bulls, with 0 RBI and 2 R.
Saturday, April 14th , 2046
Almaida College Sabre-Tooth Cats: Migbu the Knife sets the IHC regular season extra-inning game record for strikeouts with 5.
Esgaroth College Bulls: Marmadoc Bridger sets the IHC regular season extra-inning game record for home runs with 3.
Esgaroth College Bulls: Marmadoc Bridger sets the IHC regular season extra-inning game record for RBI with 7.
Esgaroth College Bulls: Marmadoc Bridger hits three home runs against the Almaida College Sabre-Tooth Cats, going 3-4 with 7 RBI and 4 runs scored!
Friday, April 13th , 2046
Fornost College Killer Whales: Rosa Fumlefot goes 5-5 against the Swanhaven College Mastodons, with 6 RBI and 2 R.
Wednesday, April 11th , 2046
Haven of Umbar College A's: Quitério Okrisson hits for the CYCLE, going 4-7 against the Carchost College Admirals, with 6 RBI and 2 runs scored.
Monday, April 9th , 2046
1B Jonik Galadriendel of the Hardbottle College Banshees honored: Wins the SCOL BMC Player of the Week Award.
1B Nogkugh Humancrawler of the Staddle College Bohemians honored: Wins the SCOL IHC Player of the Week Award.
Esgaroth College Bulls: Diamanda Gamgee-Took hits three home runs against the Swanhaven College Mastodons, going 3-4 with 4 RBI and 3 runs scored!
Friday, April 6th , 2046
Staddle College Bohemians: Nogkugh Humancrawler goes 5-5 against the Edoras College Bullies, with 3 2B, 3 RBI and 4 R.
Minas Morgul College Cottonmouths: Gundobad Marblerage hits for the CYCLE, going 4-5 against the Hardbottle College Banshees, with 6 RBI and 4 runs scored.
Monday, April 2nd , 2046
1B Smughbub Throatshaker of the Moontower College Metros honored: Wins the SCOL BMC Player of the Week Award.
1B Urddusk Orbryn of the Calembel College Rottweilers honored: Wins the SCOL IHC Player of the Week Award.
Sunday, April 1st , 2046
1B Thubnarg Long Cleve of the Minas Tirith College Reds honored: Wins the SCOL BMC Batter of the Month Award.
1B Urddusk Orbryn of the Calembel College Rottweilers honored: Wins the SCOL IHC Batter of the Month Award.
SP Seishiro the Render of the Pelargir College Skyline honored: Wins the SCOL BMC Pitcher of the Month Award.
SP Agis Shyr of the Esgaroth College Bulls honored: Wins the SCOL IHC Pitcher of the Month Award.
Blue Mountains Conference All-Star Game Selections announced:
SP Griffo Bracewaith (MMC) - 2-0, 1.06 ERA, 34.0 IP, 1.09 WHIP, 9.3 K/9, 1.6 WAR
SP Hoilir Rockmaster (HC) - 2-0, 2.30 ERA, 31.1 IP, 1.28 WHIP, 9.8 K/9, 1.3 WAR
SP Lalia Sackville (CC) - 4-0, 1.78 ERA, 35.1 IP, 1.05 WHIP, 9.9 K/9, 1.3 WAR
SP Masin Silentmallet (AC) - 4-0, 2.16 ERA, 41.2 IP, 0.94 WHIP, 7.1 K/9, 1.7 WAR
SP Beppe Smirti (UC) - 4-0, 1.67 ERA, 37.2 IP, 1.17 WHIP, 10.5 K/9, 1.6 WAR
SP Seishiro the Render (PC) - 4-0, 0.72 ERA, 37.1 IP, 0.78 WHIP, 11.1 K/9, 2.1 WAR
RP Shigekazu Afasijev (CC) - 3-1, 3.86 ERA, 35.0 IP, 1.80 WHIP, 8.0 K/9, 0.3 WAR
RP Agnivesa Handwalker (LC) - 3-0, 2.89 ERA, 28.0 IP, 1.36 WHIP, 10.3 K/9, 0.5 WAR
RP Lance Lang (LC) - 2-0, 1.44 ERA, 25.0 IP, 1.00 WHIP, 9.4 K/9, 0.8 WAR
RP Zhirair Preposterous (MTC) - 1-1, 2.84 ERA, 25.1 IP, 1.22 WHIP, 9.6 K/9, 0.3 WAR
RP Dharmayasas Tawaraya (NC) - 4-0, 3.29 ERA, 27.1 IP, 1.32 WHIP, 10.2 K/9, 0.8 WAR
C Ugug Dryadgobber (MC) - .427/.505/.730, 89 AB, 6 HR, 175 wRC+, 1.2 WAR
C Bruzdrog Headmasher (AC) - .408/.487/.633, 98 AB, 6 HR, 153 wRC+, 0.9 WAR
1B Thubnarg Long Cleve (MTC) - .396/.507/1.045, 111 AB, 22 HR, 213 wRC+, 2.0 WAR
1B Smughbub Throatshaker (MC) - .398/.493/.982, 113 AB, 19 HR, 197 wRC+, 1.5 WAR
2B Thrugnub Hix (AC) - .378/.477/.551, 127 AB, 4 HR, 12 SB, 142 wRC+, 1.1 WAR
3B Skigzog Girk (LD) - .305/.400/.805, 82 AB, 13 HR, 145 wRC+, 0.5 WAR
3B Bengt Ribafria (BC) - .331/.419/.619, 118 AB, 11 HR, 129 wRC+, 0.7 WAR
3B Blazgurg the Mangler (MC) - .377/.466/.781, 114 AB, 12 HR, 3 SB, 169 wRC+, 1.5 WAR
LF Bladud Buckland (WC) - .281/.359/.579, 114 AB, 9 HR, 100 wRC+, 0.7 WAR
LF Glagmog the Basket Weaver (MC) - .315/.415/.784, 111 AB, 14 HR, 145 wRC+, 0.8 WAR
CF Halfred Loamsdown (AC) - .409/.492/.773, 110 AB, 6 HR, 175 wRC+, 1.7 WAR
CF Sokollu Lorsson (OC) - .322/.364/.602, 118 AB, 8 HR, 3 SB, 104 wRC+, 0.7 WAR
RF Ubdug Brainthrottler (AC) - .336/.426/.761, 113 AB, 15 HR, 2 SB, 147 wRC+, 1.1 WAR
RF Musin Hemus (UC) - .402/.496/.944, 107 AB, 15 HR, 1 SB, 200 wRC+, 2.1 WAR
Iron Hills Conference All-Star Game Selections announced:
SP Ngouna Bjørndal (HUC) - 3-1, 2.70 ERA, 30.0 IP, 1.07 WHIP, 9.0 K/9, 1.0 WAR
SP Cymbiir Falathion (EC) - 3-2, 3.21 ERA, 33.2 IP, 1.19 WHIP, 8.8 K/9, 1.3 WAR
SP Smabnag Fingertorturer (CC) - 0-1, 2.65 ERA, 37.1 IP, 1.18 WHIP, 9.9 K/9, 1.8 WAR
SP Sundak Goodrich (FC) - 1-1, 2.11 ERA, 42.2 IP, 0.87 WHIP, 11.8 K/9, 1.7 WAR
SP Olo Nightstalker (EBC) - 3-2, 1.50 ERA, 36.0 IP, 1.03 WHIP, 15.5 K/9, 2.1 WAR
SP Agis Shyr (EC) - 4-0, 1.12 ERA, 40.1 IP, 0.97 WHIP, 9.8 K/9, 1.7 WAR
RP Hélder Halliday (EC) - 3-2, 5.08 ERA, 33.2 IP, 1.28 WHIP, 9.4 K/9, 0.3 WAR
RP Krubzurg Heartdragger (HC) - 2-1, 1.74 ERA, 20.2 IP, 1.21 WHIP, 10.9 K/9, 0.5 WAR
RP Ghugbub Toemasher (EC) - 4-1, 2.79 ERA, 29.0 IP, 1.31 WHIP, 15.5 K/9, 0.5 WAR
CL Adelaide Isadrielad (AC) - 0-0, 4 SV, 1.27 ERA, 21.1 IP, 0.80 WHIP, 13.5 K/9, 0.8 WAR
C Moeaktola Devilgobbler (EBC) - .341/.431/.545, 88 AB, 5 HR, 126 wRC+, 0.4 WAR
C Dan-zu Forest-seeker (DC) - .353/.422/.618, 102 AB, 8 HR, 1 SB, 123 wRC+, 0.6 WAR
C Thallan Nilcarion (AC) - .286/.333/.571, 56 AB, 4 HR, 91 wRC+, -0.1 WAR
1B Rosa Fumlefot (FC) - .340/.437/.764, 106 AB, 14 HR, 150 wRC+, 0.9 WAR
1B Urddusk Orbryn (CC) - .382/.484/.922, 102 AB, 17 HR, 192 wRC+, 1.5 WAR
2B Kubzub Cais (SC) - .297/.445/.545, 101 AB, 5 HR, 8 SB, 127 wRC+, 0.9 WAR
SS Aubaudameira Celumli (HRC) - .337/.415/.644, 104 AB, 9 HR, 1 SB, 132 wRC+, 1.0 WAR
SS Mubrog Dryadslasher (EC) - .352/.448/.615, 122 AB, 7 HR, 6 SB, 141 wRC+, 1.5 WAR
SS Snuugh Moonraper (DC) - .406/.515/.632, 106 AB, 5 HR, 2 SB, 170 wRC+, 1.5 WAR
LF Myrddin Elrorion (EC) - .377/.454/.702, 114 AB, 9 HR, 1 SB, 156 wRC+, 1.0 WAR
LF Arabella Underhill (SC) - .322/.418/.570, 121 AB, 6 HR, 4 SB, 121 wRC+, 0.7 WAR
LF Jeirgif Vevle (DC) - .350/.468/.738, 103 AB, 11 HR, 1 SB, 159 wRC+, 1.1 WAR
CF Quitério Okrisson (HUC) - .385/.469/.697, 109 AB, 8 HR, 3 SB, 156 wRC+, 1.3 WAR
RF Saredur Falathion (AC) - .427/.500/.709, 117 AB, 8 HR, 171 wRC+, 1.4 WAR
RF Drikduh the Mauler (HC) - .375/.458/.616, 112 AB, 5 HR, 146 wRC+, 1.1 WAR
Edoras College Bullies: In-sung Elririand goes 5-6 against the Swanhaven College Mastodons, with 2 HR, 4 RBI and 3 R.
Lond Daer College Matadors: Qi-zhen Giantprodder sets the BMC regular season game record for doubles with 3.
Deephallow College Snakes: Frédéryk Amora hits three home runs against the Staddle College Bohemians, going 3-5 with 6 RBI and 4 runs scored!
Calembel College Rottweilers: Giilvas Yundraer goes 5-6 against the Ethring College Mercenaries, with 1 2B, 1 HR, 3 RBI and 3 R.
Saturday, March 31st , 2046
Moontower College Metros: Smughbub Throatshaker goes 5-5 against the Weathertop College Breakouts, with 1 3B, 2 HR, 5 RBI and 4 R.
Friday, March 30th , 2046
Mithlond College Skyliners: Glagmog the Basket Weaver hits three home runs against the Overhill College Doctors, going 3-5 with 6 RBI and 3 runs scored!
Calmindon College Reapers: Nurlag Derrohammer goes 5-7 against the Angband College Blackbirds, with 2 2B, 1 HR, 3 RBI and 4 R.
Calembel College Rottweilers: Urddusk Orbryn goes 5-6 against the Almaida College Sabre-Tooth Cats, with 2 HR, 7 RBI and 5 R.
Thursday, March 29th , 2046
Haven of Umbar College A's: Llombaerth Iseomer goes 0-3 against the Hidden Rock College Golden Bears, ending his hitting streak at 20 games.
Wednesday, March 28th , 2046
Staddle College Bohemians: Kubzub Cais sets the IHC regular season game record for runs with 6.
Minas Tirith College Reds: Ksitisa Cerino goes 5-6 against the Lond Daer College Matadors, with 2 2B, 1 HR, 1 RBI and 4 R.
Haven of Umbar College A's: Llombaerth Iseomer goes 1-3 against the Esgaroth College Bulls, extending his hitting streak to 20 games!
Monday, March 26th , 2046
RF Musin Hemus of the Utumno College Ostriches honored: Wins the SCOL BMC Player of the Week Award.
2B Martainn Elrilmamir of the Ephel Brandir College Centurions honored: Wins the SCOL IHC Player of the Week Award.
Sunday, March 25th , 2046
Weathertop College Breakouts: Berde Dita hits three home runs against the Budgeford College Kamikazes, going 5-7 with 9 RBI and 3 runs scored!
Weathertop College Breakouts: Berde Dita goes 5-7 against the Budgeford College Kamikazes, with 3 HR, 9 RBI and 3 R.
Angband College Blackbirds: Halfred Loamsdown goes 5-7 against the Moontower College Metros, with 1 2B, 2 3B, 3 RBI and 0 R.
Fornost College Killer Whales: Firdoze Meggison goes 0-3 against the Esgaroth College Bulls, ending his hitting streak at 21 games.
Minas Tirith College Reds: Thubnarg Long Cleve hits three home runs against the Pelargir College Skyline, going 3-6 with 3 RBI and 4 runs scored!
Saturday, March 24th , 2046
Budgeford College Kamikazes: Ukgor Lapa sets the BMC regular season game record for strikeouts with 13.
Utumno College Ostriches: Musin Hemus sets the BMC regular season extra-inning game record for home runs with 3.
Utumno College Ostriches: Musin Hemus sets the BMC regular season extra-inning game record for runs with 4.
Utumno College Ostriches: Musin Hemus hits three home runs against the Calmindon College Reapers, going 4-5 with 5 RBI and 4 runs scored!
Mithlond College Skyliners: Glagmog the Basket Weaver hits three home runs against the Lond Daer College Matadors, going 3-5 with 9 RBI and 4 runs scored!
Swanhaven College Mastodons: T’karon Frilmer goes 5-7 against the Almaida College Sabre-Tooth Cats, with 1 HR, 5 RBI and 3 R.
Friday, March 23rd , 2046
Harlond College Pelicans: Drikduh the Mauler goes 5-7 against the Almaida College Sabre-Tooth Cats, with 1 2B, 3 RBI and 4 R.
Ephel Brandir College Centurions: Hombub Earkiller sets the IHC regular season game record for doubles with 3.
Fornost College Killer Whales: Firdoze Meggison goes 1-4 against the Ephel Brandir College Centurions, extending his hitting streak to 20 games!
Minas Tirith College Reds: Thubnarg Long Cleve hits three home runs against the Budgeford College Kamikazes, going 4-4 with 7 RBI and 3 runs scored!
Angband College Blackbirds: Halfred Loamsdown hits three home runs against the Lond Daer College Matadors, going 3-4 with 6 RBI and 3 runs scored!
Thursday, March 22nd , 2046
Angband College Blackbirds: Ubdug Brainthrottler hits three home runs against the Lond Daer College Matadors, going 3-6 with 5 RBI and 3 runs scored!
Linhir College Roosters: Arshaluys Ceriani goes 5-5 against the Nindamos College Flash, with 2 2B, 1 RBI and 2 R.
Wednesday, March 21st , 2046
Hidden Rock College Golden Bears: Olo Nightstalker sets the IHC regular season game record for strikeouts with 14.
Hidden Rock College Golden Bears: Olo Nightstalker sets the IHC regular season game record for strikeouts with 15.
Hidden Rock College Golden Bears: Olo Nightstalker sets the IHC regular season game record for strikeouts with 16.
Hidden Rock College Golden Bears: Olo Nightstalker sets the IHC regular season game record for strikeouts with 17.
Ephel Brandir College Centurions: Olo Nightstalker strikes out 17 against the Hidden Rock College Golden Bears.
Weathertop College Breakouts: Dugmog Blacktooth hits three home runs against the Minas Tirith College Reds, going 3-4 with 5 RBI and 3 runs scored!
Carchost College Admirals: Gjelt the Malicious sets the IHC regular season game record for walks with 9.
Carchost College Admirals: Gjelt the Malicious sets the IHC regular season game record for walks with 10.
Carchost College Admirals: Merimas Trample goes 5-7 against the Almaida College Sabre-Tooth Cats, with 1 HR, 5 RBI and 3 R.
Monday, March 19th , 2046
CF Hiroharu Mithrandir of the Hardbottle College Banshees honored: Wins the SCOL BMC Player of the Week Award.
RF Saredur Falathion of the Annuminas College Raccoons honored: Wins the SCOL IHC Player of the Week Award.
Mithlond College Skyliners: Lumth MacClachlan goes 5-6 against the Weathertop College Breakouts, with 1 2B, 4 RBI and 5 R.
Mithlond College Skyliners: Marguk Drowthrower goes 5-6 against the Weathertop College Breakouts, with 1 2B, 5 RBI and 3 R.
Angband College Blackbirds: Halfred Loamsdown hits for the CYCLE, going 4-5 against the Budgeford College Kamikazes, with 1 RBI and 3 runs scored.
Annuminas College Raccoons: Bilbo Magefinder goes 5-6 against the Almaida College Sabre-Tooth Cats, with 2 HR, 4 RBI and 5 R.
Sunday, March 18th , 2046
Hardbottle College Banshees: Hiroharu Mithrandir goes 5-6 against the Moontower College Metros, with 1 RBI and 3 R.
Utumno College Ostriches: Dinendal Greencloak hits three home runs against the Lond Daer College Matadors, going 3-4 with 5 RBI and 3 runs scored!
Saturday, March 17th , 2046
Budgeford College Kamikazes: Trarg Barrette sets the BMC regular season game record for bases on balls with 5.
Angband College Blackbirds: Ubdug Brainthrottler sets the BMC regular season game record for runs with 6.
Minas Morgul College Cottonmouths: Ogug Kulyuk goes 5-6 against the Budgeford College Kamikazes, with 1 RBI and 2 R.
Friday, March 16th , 2046
Haven of Umbar College A's: Quitério Okrisson sets the IHC regular season game record for RBI with 8.
Pelargir College Skyline: Drigrin Paddlefoot sets the BMC regular season extra-inning game record for hits with 5.
Pelargir College Skyline: Drigrin Paddlefoot sets the BMC regular season extra-inning game record for hits with 6.
Pelargir College Skyline: Drigrin Paddlefoot goes 6-6 against the Utumno College Ostriches, with 1 2B, 2 RBI and 4 R.
Thursday, March 15th , 2046
Fornost College Killer Whales: Thallan Nilcarion sets the IHC regular season game record for walks with 8.
Wednesday, March 14th , 2046
Minas Morgul College Cottonmouths: Gundobad Marblerage goes 5-6 against the Weathertop College Breakouts, with 2 2B, 2 HR, 6 RBI and 4 R.
Hardbottle College Banshees: Seishiro the Render sets the BMC regular season game record for strikeouts with 12.
Monday, March 12th , 2046
1B Jonik Galadriendel of the Hardbottle College Banshees honored: Wins the SCOL BMC Player of the Week Award.
1B Caradoc Rubyeye of the Esgaroth College Bulls honored: Wins the SCOL IHC Player of the Week Award.
Hardbottle College Banshees: Besim Guarado sets the BMC regular season game record for bases on balls with 4.
Hardbottle College Banshees: Hiroharu Mithrandir hits three home runs against the Budgeford College Kamikazes, going 4-6 with 8 RBI and 3 runs scored!
Sunday, March 11th , 2046
Hidden Rock College Golden Bears: Mink Gamgee goes 5-7 against the Almaida College Sabre-Tooth Cats, with 1 HR, 7 RBI and 3 R.
Deephallow College Snakes: Dan-zu Forest-seeker goes 5-6 against the Ephel Brandir College Centurions, with 1 HR, 2 RBI and 2 R.
Pelargir College Skyline: Falco Greenholm sets the BMC regular season game record for strikeouts with 5.
Saturday, March 10th , 2046
Nindamos College Flash: Melik Kelm sets the BMC regular season game record for walks with 10.
Nindamos College Flash: Elrealob Durothil sets the BMC regular season game record for RBI with 10.
Nindamos College Flash: Elrealob Durothil hits three home runs against the Budgeford College Kamikazes, going 4-6 with 10 RBI and 4 runs scored!
Nindamos College Flash: Kobzub Blacktooth goes 5-7 against the Budgeford College Kamikazes, with 4 RBI and 4 R.
Staddle College Bohemians: Nogkugh Humancrawler sets the IHC regular season extra-inning game record for runs with 4.
Lond Daer College Matadors: Ilphas Tohrthaal hits three home runs against the Calmindon College Reapers, going 3-4 with 6 RBI and 4 runs scored!
Ethring College Mercenaries: Birger Ni’Tessine sets the IHC regular season game record for triples with 2.
Friday, March 9th , 2046
Esgaroth College Bulls: Caradoc Rubyeye hits three home runs against the Almaida College Sabre-Tooth Cats, going 4-6 with 7 RBI and 4 runs scored!
Calembel College Rottweilers: Razmik Gamgee sets the IHC regular season game record for strikeouts with 13.
Hidden Rock College Golden Bears: Razmik Gamgee pitches a 4-hit shutout against the Calembel College Rottweilers with 13 strikeouts and 1 BB allowed!
Thursday, March 8th , 2046
Angband College Blackbirds: Brobzugh Driderslurper sets the BMC regular season game record for walks with 8.
Angband College Blackbirds: Brobzugh Driderslurper sets the BMC regular season game record for walks with 9.
Esgaroth College Bulls: Irwah Earadriewen pitches a NO-HITTER against the Calembel College Rottweilers with 9 strikeouts and 1 BB allowed!
Budgeford College Kamikazes: Brudgug the Flatulent goes 5-5 against the Linhir College Roosters, with 2 RBI and 1 R.
Hidden Rock College Golden Bears: Fren Taralom goes 5-6 against the Staddle College Bohemians, with 1 2B, 1 HR, 2 RBI and 2 R.
Wednesday, March 7th , 2046
Lond Daer College Matadors: Synnorha Olortynnal hits three home runs against the Overhill College Doctors, going 4-5 with 6 RBI and 3 runs scored!
Tuesday, March 6th , 2046
Calmindon College Reapers: Sadalymn Tinonduil goes 5-7 against the Budgeford College Kamikazes, with 1 3B, 2 RBI and 2 R.
Monday, March 5th , 2046
Mithlond College Skyliners: Amaranthae McRuer goes 5-6 against the Hardbottle College Banshees, with 1 HR, 4 RBI and 3 R.
Linhir College Roosters: Brangub the Terrible sets the BMC regular season game record for triples with 2.
Esgaroth College Bulls: Ghanim Mujardin sets the IHC regular season game record for runs with 5.
Sunday, March 4th , 2046
Deephallow College Snakes: Jeirgif Vevle sets the IHC regular season game record for home runs with 3.
Deephallow College Snakes: Jeirgif Vevle sets the IHC regular season game record for RBI with 7.
Deephallow College Snakes: Hasad Kemble sets the IHC regular season game record for bases on balls with 4.
Deephallow College Snakes: Jeirgif Vevle hits three home runs against the Almaida College Sabre-Tooth Cats, going 3-4 with 7 RBI and 3 runs scored!
Edoras College Bullies: Glugmug Armpoker sets the IHC regular season game record for hits with 5.
Edoras College Bullies: Glugmug Armpoker goes 5-5 against the Calembel College Rottweilers, with 1 2B, 2 HR, 2 RBI and 4 R.
Hardbottle College Banshees: Soifur Pendharkar sets the BMC regular season game record for hits with 5.
Hardbottle College Banshees: Hiroharu Mithrandir sets the BMC regular season game record for runs with 5.
Hardbottle College Banshees: Soifur Pendharkar goes 5-6 against the Angband College Blackbirds, with 1 2B, 3 RBI and 4 R.
Saturday, March 3rd , 2046
Esgaroth College Bulls: Mubrog Dryadslasher sets the IHC regular season game record for strikeouts with 5.
Friday, March 2nd , 2046
Moontower College Metros: Blazgurg the Mangler sets the BMC regular season game record for home runs with 3.
Moontower College Metros: Blazgurg the Mangler sets the BMC regular season game record for RBI with 7.
Moontower College Metros: Blazgurg the Mangler hits three home runs against the Budgeford College Kamikazes, going 4-6 with 7 RBI and 3 runs scored!
Thursday, March 1st , 2046
Linhir College Roosters: Ghubbag Demoneater sets the BMC regular season game record for runs with 4.
Deephallow College Snakes: Holi Ciurksson sets the IHC regular season game record for runs with 4.
Calembel College Rottweilers: Suglut Oramos sets the IHC regular season game record for strikeouts with 12.
Monday, September 9th , 2024 - OOTP Baseball 24.11 Build 85