P Bulbo 'Echo' Moss #15
Age: 45 | Bats: R | Throws: R | Morale: Normal
OA: 24 POT: 24
0 0 0-0 0 0.00 0.0 0 0 0 0 0.00 0.0
Overall Pot. Overall Vs Left Vs Right Pot.
Stuff 17 17 17 17
Movement 79 77 81 79
Control 77 77 78 77
Pitch Cur. Pot.
Fastball 63 63
Curveball 10 10
Cutter 33 33
Velocity 89-91 Mph
Stamina 86
Suggested Role Bullpen
Type Extreme Groundball
Hold Runners 86
Defense 5
Running Speed: 1
Stealing Ability: 26
Baserunning Inst.: 9
Sacrifice Bunt: 22
Bunt for Hit: 1
Date Vs. Result Start IP H R ER BB K Dec
Moss is very intelligent.
High: Intelligence
Low: Leader, Adaptability
Born in:Tookbank, TOO
Height:6' 2"
Weight:240 lbs
Local Popularity:Well Known
National Pop.:Well Known
Signed Through:-
Major Service:14 Years, 124 Days
Service This Yr:None
40-Man Service:15 Years, None
Pro Service:15 Years
Arbitration Eligibility:Not eligible, free agent after contract expires!
Option Years:3 option years left
Contract Extension: -
Drafted:2027, 10th Pick in Round 1
2028 Dead Marshes - SGCBL 24 23 23 9 11 0 4.00 148.2 140 68 66 20 44 138 1 0 1.24 .291 3.99 3.0 115
2029 Dead Marshes - SGCBL 25 46 45 18 10 0 2.65 265.1 212 81 78 19 70 269 4 3 1.06 .277 2.94 8.4 165
2030 Dead Marshes - SGCBL 26 36 36 23 6 0 2.16 279.1 208 73 67 22 50 302 9 4 0.92 .270 2.57 10.5 202
2031 Dead Marshes - SGCBL 27 34 34 18 9 0 2.66 243.1 210 77 72 10 34 269 7 3 1.00 .319 1.88 11.2 156
2032 Dead Marshes - SGCBL 28 33 33 19 7 0 2.36 244.1 177 71 64 12 42 302 6 3 0.90 .290 1.96 11.2 180
2033 Dead Marshes - SGCBL 29 34 34 22 4 0 1.72 261.2 157 54 50 10 59 315 8 3 0.83 .247 1.85 12.6 245
2034 Dead Marshes - SGCBL 30 70 70 17 14 0 2.97 354.2 319 128 117 28 58 405 3 1 1.06 .320 2.34 13.0 136
2035 Dead Marshes - SGCBL 31 33 33 17 9 0 2.49 228.0 173 71 63 20 41 261 3 1 0.94 .274 2.53 7.5 158
2036 Bucklebury - SGCBL 32 34 34 21 8 0 2.37 258.2 218 77 68 25 42 255 14 7 1.01 .278 2.95 7.8 178
2037 Dead Marshes - SGCBL 33 33 33 17 10 0 2.60 255.2 241 76 74 17 45 264 13 4 1.12 .328 2.27 9.2 146
2038 Dead Marshes - SGCBL 34 31 31 14 12 0 3.00 237.1 225 85 79 23 37 214 8 2 1.10 .301 2.72 6.4 122
2039 Dead Marshes - SGCBL 35 17 17 3 11 0 5.65 121.0 142 79 76 16 32 100 3 1 1.44 .340 3.63 1.9 68
2039 Lake Town - SGCBL 35 16 16 8 6 0 2.90 127.1 123 43 41 14 20 120 8 0 1.12 .313 2.77 3.6 132
2039 Total - SGCBL 35 33 33 11 17 0 4.24 248.1 265 122 117 30 52 220 11 1 1.28 .327 3.18 5.5 90
2040 Lake Town - SGCBL 36 34 34 14 13 0 4.31 240.0 257 126 115 29 32 180 7 3 1.20 .305 3.52 4.9 94
2041 Old Forest - SGCBL 37 32 32 11 9 0 4.39 180.1 200 90 88 19 29 125 4 1 1.27 .319 3.52 4.2 98
2042 Bucklebury - SGCBL 38 29 29 12 9 0 4.66 193.0 245 106 100 21 38 80 7 0 1.47 .321 4.15 2.2 85
Total SGCBL 535 534 243 148 0 3.01 3638.2 3247 1305 1218 305 673 3599 105 36 1.08 .299 2.74 117.7 135
2023 Calembel College - COL 19 10 10 4 3 0 3.45 62.2 56 29 24 6 16 77 3 0 1.15 .305 3.40 2.0 142
2024 Calembel College - COL 20 10 10 7 1 0 1.78 81.0 59 20 16 1 13 106 4 2 0.89 .299 1.47 4.1 211
2025 Calembel College - COL 21 11 11 7 3 0 1.89 90.2 56 21 19 3 16 101 5 1 0.79 .243 2.22 3.6 211
2026 Calembel College - COL 22 11 11 7 1 0 1.02 79.2 47 13 9 3 6 106 0 0 0.67 .256 1.59 3.8 366
2027 Langflood - A+ 23 1 0 0 0 1 0.00 1.2 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0.00 .000 1.35 0.1 999
2027 Entwash - AA 23 1 0 0 0 0 0.00 0.1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0.00 .000 0.00 0.0 999
2027 Emyn Muil - AAA 23 20 0 0 1 13 2.49 21.2 16 6 6 1 8 23 0 0 1.11 .283 3.44 0.5 215
2028 Emyn Muil - AAA 24 11 11 4 1 0 3.45 78.1 69 31 30 11 28 80 3 1 1.24 .282 4.91 1.7 165
Total AAA 31 11 4 2 13 3.24 100.0 85 37 36 12 36 103 3 1 1.21 .282 4.59 173.9
Total AA 1 0 0 0 0 0.00 0.1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0.00 .000 0.00 999.0
Total A+ 1 0 0 0 1 0.00 1.2 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0.00 .000 1.35 999.0
Total SGCBLCOL1 42 42 25 8 0 1.95 314.0 218 83 68 13 51 390 12 3 0.86 .274 2.11 213.2
2028 Dead Marshes - SGCBL 24 1 1 0 0 0 12.00 3.0 6 4 4 1 2 4 0 0 2.67 .500 6.83 -0.0 38
2029 Dead Marshes - SGCBL 25 6 6 2 3 0 5.12 38.2 46 23 22 8 8 28 0 0 1.40 .322 5.21 0.1 85
2031 Dead Marshes - SGCBL 27 1 1 0 0 0 2.35 7.2 7 2 2 0 1 9 0 0 1.04 .350 0.74 0.5 177
2032 Dead Marshes - SGCBL 28 1 1 0 1 0 5.40 6.2 8 4 4 0 3 5 0 0 1.65 .381 2.56 0.2 79
2033 Dead Marshes - SGCBL 29 7 7 3 2 0 2.89 46.2 35 15 15 5 10 62 0 0 0.96 .288 2.62 1.6 146
2034 Dead Marshes - SGCBL 30 2 2 0 1 0 2.84 12.2 14 5 4 1 1 12 0 0 1.18 .333 2.40 0.5 142
2035 Dead Marshes - SGCBL 31 1 1 0 0 0 2.57 7.0 6 2 2 1 3 3 0 0 1.29 .217 5.41 -0.0 153
2040 Lake Town - SGCBL 36 6 5 4 1 0 2.36 42.0 32 11 11 4 7 29 3 1 0.93 .230 3.46 0.9 173
2041 Old Forest - SGCBL 37 7 7 2 4 0 4.93 38.1 42 21 21 6 9 31 0 0 1.33 .310 4.22 0.6 87
2042 Bucklebury - SGCBL 38 1 1 0 1 0 189.00 0.1 5 7 7 0 2 0 0 0 21.00 .833 21.20 -0.1 2
Total SGCBL 33 32 11 13 0 4.08 203.0 201 94 92 26 46 183 3 1 1.22 .302 3.69 103.8
2028 Dead Marshes - MLB P 23 23 6 23 1 32 3 .906 148.2 1.76 -0.4 1.031
2029 Dead Marshes - MLB P 46 45 14 39 2 54 1 .981 265.1 1.80 +0.6 1.030
2030 Dead Marshes - MLB P 36 36 18 41 3 62 3 .952 279.1 1.90 +1.1 .998
2031 Dead Marshes - MLB P 34 34 14 25 2 42 3 .929 243.1 1.44 -0.1 .890
2032 Dead Marshes - MLB P 33 33 17 40 1 58 1 .983 244.1 2.10 +0.1 .982
2033 Dead Marshes - MLB P 34 34 27 22 2 50 1 .980 261.2 1.69 +1.4 1.014
2034 Dead Marshes - MLB P 69 69 16 41 4 59 2 .966 354.2 1.45 -0.1 .910
2034 Dead Marshes - MLB SS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .000 0.0 0.00 0.0 .000
2035 Dead Marshes - MLB P 33 33 7 28 1 36 1 .972 228.0 1.38 -1.0 1.011
2036 Bucklebury - MLB P 34 34 13 29 4 48 6 .875 258.2 1.46 -2.0 .905
2037 Dead Marshes - MLB P 33 33 10 23 2 36 3 .917 255.2 1.16 +1.8 1.024
2037 Dead Marshes - MLB 3B 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 .000 4.0 0.00 0.0 .000
2038 Dead Marshes - MLB P 31 31 5 41 1 48 2 .958 237.1 1.74 -0.6 .946
2039 Dead Marshes - MLB P 17 17 3 20 1 24 1 .958 121.0 1.71 -1.3 .855
2039 Lake Town - MLB P 16 16 7 23 3 31 1 .968 127.1 2.12 +0.1 .995
2040 Lake Town - MLB P 34 34 9 38 1 50 3 .940 240.0 1.76 -0.1 .929
2041 Old Forest - MLB P 31 31 5 21 2 29 3 .897 180.1 1.30 +1.5 .966
2042 Bucklebury - MLB P 29 29 16 19 0 37 2 .946 193.0 1.63 +0.2 .946
TOTAL P 533 532 187 473 30 696 36 .948 3638.2 1.63 +1.2 .965
TOTAL 3B 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 .000 4.0 0.00 0.0 .000
06/15/2022 Joined the Calembel College Rottweilers.
01/01/2023 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Stuff: 24 (87); Movement: 36 (68); Control: 18 (85).
04/17/2023 Injured (sore ankle), day-to-day for 5 days.
05/05/2023 Injured (back spasms), day-to-day for 6 days.
01/01/2024 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Stuff: 29 (93); Movement: 43 (68); Control: 32 (85).
05/01/2024 Wins the SGCBLCOL1 CA Pitcher of the Month Award.
05/05/2024 Pitches a 4-hit shutout against the Nindamos College Flash with 17 strikeouts and 1 BB allowed!
05/11/2024 Pitches a 2-hit shutout against the Osgiliath College Devilfish with 10 strikeouts and 1 BB allowed!
01/01/2025 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Stuff: 35 (93); Movement: 55 (74); Control: 42 (85).
05/08/2025 Pitches a 2-hit shutout against the Armenelos College Imperials with 17 strikeouts and 1 BB allowed!
01/01/2026 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Stuff: 41 (93); Movement: 59 (72); Control: 46 (85).
05/30/2026 Pitches a 2-hit shutout against the Lond Daer College Matadors with 5 strikeouts and 0 BB allowed!
06/21/2026 Released by the Calembel College Rottweilers.
07/02/2026 Wins the 2026 SGCBLCOL1 CA Outstanding Pitcher Award.
01/01/2027 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Stuff: 45 (93); Movement: 64 (75); Control: 55 (85).
06/15/2027 Drafted in the 2027 first-year player draft (Round 1, Pick 10, 10th overall pick) by the Dead Marshes Uruk-hai.
06/25/2027 Injured on 06/21/2027, diagnosed with elbow inflammation, will miss one week.
01/01/2028 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Stuff: 58 (103); Movement: 75 (81); Control: 55 (85).
04/01/2028 Named the #1 prospect in the SGCBL
05/04/2028 Pitches a 4-hit shutout against the Pleasant Vale Stallions with 8 strikeouts and 1 BB allowed!
11/24/2028 Received a 1-year contract worth a total of $432,000 through automatic renewal.
01/01/2029 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Stuff: 75 (124); Movement: 80 (81); Control: 68 (85).
06/02/2029 Pitches a 4-hit shutout against the Moria Miners with 4 strikeouts and 2 BB allowed!
11/28/2029 Received a 1-year contract worth a total of $432,000 through automatic renewal.
01/01/2030 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Stuff: 83 (124); Movement: 79 (80); Control: 81 (85).
01/24/2030 Signed a 7-year contract extension worth a total of $46,210,000 with the Dead Marshes Uruk-hai organization.
04/11/2030 Pitches a 2-hit shutout against the Isengard Raiders with 11 strikeouts and 1 BB allowed!
06/24/2030 Was selected to the 2030 Tolkien Baseball All-Star Game.
07/07/2030 Pitches a 6-hit shutout against the Lothlorien Lumberjacks with 9 strikeouts and 0 BB allowed!
08/01/2030 Wins the SGCBL MC Pitcher of the Month Award.
08/26/2030 Pitches a 6-hit shutout against the Dagorlad Disaster with 14 strikeouts and 0 BB allowed!
09/01/2030 Wins the SGCBL MC Pitcher of the Month Award.
09/05/2030 Pitches a PERFECT GAME against the Carrock Bears, striking out 9 hitters!
11/11/2030 Wins the 2030 SGCBL MC Gandalf Pitcher Award.
11/11/2030 Wins the 2030 SGCBL MC Aragorn MVP Award.
01/01/2031 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Stuff: 90 (124); Movement: 83 (83); Control: 88 (88).
03/24/2031 Injured (infected orc tattoo), day-to-day for 1-2 weeks.
06/20/2031 Was selected to the 2031 Tolkien Baseball All-Star Game.
07/02/2031 Pitches a 5-hit shutout against the Ravenhill Darkwings with 9 strikeouts and 0 BB allowed!
07/28/2031 Pitches a 5-hit shutout against the Dol Guldur Dragons with 11 strikeouts and 1 BB allowed!
08/01/2031 Wins the SGCBL MC Pitcher of the Month Award.
08/08/2031 Pitches a 5-hit shutout against the Grey Havens Stars with 10 strikeouts and 1 BB allowed!
09/12/2031 Injured (strained back), day-to-day for 3 days.
11/14/2031 Wins the 2031 SGCBL MC Gandalf Pitcher Award.
01/01/2032 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Stuff: 98 (124); Movement: 84 (84); Control: 88 (88).
04/01/2032 Pitches a 4-hit shutout against the Lothlorien Lumberjacks with 8 strikeouts and 0 BB allowed!
04/29/2032 Pitches a 1-hit shutout against the Old Forest Merry Fellows with 9 strikeouts and 1 BB allowed!
05/04/2032 Pitches a 2-hit shutout against the Dunharrow Devils with 10 strikeouts and 1 BB allowed!
07/01/2032 Wins the SGCBL MC Pitcher of the Month Award.
07/04/2032 Was selected to the 2032 Tolkien Baseball All-Star Game.
11/14/2032 Wins the 2032 SGCBL MC Gandalf Pitcher Award.
11/14/2032 Finished 2nd in 2032 SGCBL MC Aragorn MVP Award voting.
01/01/2033 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Stuff: 76 (99); Movement: 77 (77); Control: 79 (79).
04/20/2033 Pitches a 3-hit shutout against the Misty Mountain Hops with 11 strikeouts and 1 BB allowed!
05/01/2033 Wins the SGCBL MC Pitcher of the Month Award.
06/01/2033 Wins the SGCBL MC Pitcher of the Month Award.
06/25/2033 Pitches a 1-hit shutout against the Grey Havens Stars with 10 strikeouts and 2 BB allowed!
07/10/2033 Was selected to the 2033 Tolkien Baseball All-Star Game.
08/19/2033 Pitches a 6-hit shutout against the Misty Mountain Hops with 9 strikeouts and 0 BB allowed!
10/05/2033 Wins the Tolkien Baseball triple-crown!!
11/21/2033 Wins the 2033 SGCBL MC Gandalf Pitcher Award.
11/21/2033 Wins the 2033 SGCBL MC Aragorn MVP Award.
01/01/2034 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Stuff: 76 (101); Movement: 77 (77); Control: 77 (77).
05/02/2034 Injured (finger blister), day-to-day for 3 days.
05/20/2034 Injured (back spasms), day-to-day for 1 day.
07/08/2034 Pitches a 3-hit shutout against the Numenor Kings with 8 strikeouts and 1 BB allowed!
07/09/2034 Was selected to the 2034 Tolkien Baseball All-Star Game.
09/30/2034 Collects his 2000th career Tolkien Baseball strikeout!
11/19/2034 Wins the 2034 SGCBL MC Aragorn MVP Award.
01/01/2035 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Stuff: 75 (100); Movement: 76 (77); Control: 79 (79).
04/02/2035 Strikes out 15 against the Dol Guldur Dragons.
05/22/2035 Strikes out 19 against the Lothlorien Lumberjacks.
07/08/2035 Was selected to the 2035 Tolkien Baseball All-Star Game.
08/18/2035 Injured (mild hamstring strain), day-to-day for 1 day.
09/07/2035 Pitches a 4-hit shutout against the Minas Morgul Slayers with 12 strikeouts and 0 BB allowed!
09/30/2035 Injured (tender elbow), out for 1-2 weeks.
11/15/2035 Declined his contract option.
12/09/2035 Became a free agent.
12/17/2035 Signed a 2-year contract worth a total of $42,400,000 with the Bucklebury Fairies organization.
01/01/2036 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Stuff: 71 (98); Movement: 72 (76); Control: 76 (76).
03/03/2036 Injured (Elbow inflammation), out for 1-2 weeks.
05/05/2036 Pitches a 4-hit shutout against the Bywater Bounders with 10 strikeouts and 1 BB allowed!
05/23/2036 Pitches a 3-hit shutout against the Mirkwood Sylvan with 9 strikeouts and 3 BB allowed!
05/27/2036 Pitches a 5-hit shutout against the Rivendell Royals with 13 strikeouts and 0 BB allowed!
06/01/2036 Wins the SGCBL SC Pitcher of the Month Award.
06/11/2036 Pitches a 6-hit shutout against the Dunharrow Devils with 9 strikeouts and 1 BB allowed!
07/04/2036 Pitches a 2-hit shutout against the Old Forest Merry Fellows with 10 strikeouts and 0 BB allowed!
07/13/2036 Was selected to the 2036 Tolkien Baseball All-Star Game.
07/21/2036 Pitches a 6-hit shutout against the Erebor Eagles with 5 strikeouts and 2 BB allowed!
07/26/2036 Injured (Mild calf strain), day-to-day for 4 days.
09/17/2036 Pitches a 5-hit shutout against the Minas Ithil Wyrms with 8 strikeouts and 4 BB allowed!
09/28/2036 Collects his 2500th career Tolkien Baseball strikeout!
10/01/2036 Wins the SGCBL SC Pitcher of the Month Award.
11/19/2036 Declined his contract option.
11/26/2036 Finished 2nd in 2036 SGCBL SC Gandalf Pitcher Award voting.
12/12/2036 Became a free agent.
12/23/2036 Signed a 6-year contract worth a total of $114,000,000 with the Dead Marshes Uruk-hai organization.
01/01/2037 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Stuff: 70 (103); Movement: 72 (74); Control: 76 (76).
05/15/2037 Pitches a 6-hit shutout against the Numenor Kings with 11 strikeouts and 1 BB allowed!
06/01/2037 Wins the SGCBL MC Pitcher of the Month Award.
06/16/2037 Injured (Hamstring soreness), day-to-day for 2 days.
07/12/2037 Was selected to the 2037 Tolkien Baseball All-Star Game.
07/30/2037 Pitches a 6-hit shutout against the Misty Mountain Hops with 8 strikeouts and 3 BB allowed!
08/01/2037 Wins the SGCBL MC Pitcher of the Month Award.
08/22/2037 Injured (Hamstring soreness), day-to-day for 1 day.
08/28/2037 Pitches a 10-hit shutout against the Isengard Raiders with 13 strikeouts and 1 BB allowed!
09/28/2037 Pitches a 7-hit shutout against the Misty Mountain Hops with 9 strikeouts and 1 BB allowed!
11/28/2037 Finished 3rd in 2037 SGCBL MC Gandalf Pitcher Award voting.
01/01/2038 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Stuff: 78 (115); Movement: 74 (79); Control: 81 (81).
05/07/2038 Pitches a 5-hit shutout against the Grey Havens Stars with 8 strikeouts and 1 BB allowed!
06/14/2038 Injured (Back spasms), day-to-day for 2 days.
06/19/2038 Injured (Sore shoulder), day-to-day for 2 weeks.
08/21/2038 Pitches a 6-hit shutout against the Misty Mountain Hops with 9 strikeouts and 1 BB allowed!
01/01/2039 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Stuff: 82 (116); Movement: 75 (78); Control: 80 (80).
04/09/2039 Collects his 3000th career Tolkien Baseball strikeout!
06/08/2039 Pitches a 4-hit shutout against the Erebor Eagles with 6 strikeouts and 3 BB allowed!
07/06/2039 Was traded by the Dead Marshes Uruk-hai to the Lake Town Archers in exchange for 1B Ollla Nerith.
07/24/2039 Earns his 200th career Tolkien Baseball victory!
08/21/2039 Strikes out 15 against the Mirkwood Sylvan.
09/11/2039 Injured (Shoulder tendinitis), day-to-day for one week.
01/01/2040 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Stuff: 68 (99); Movement: 77 (78); Control: 80 (80).
04/12/2040 Injured (Flu-like symptoms), day-to-day for 2 days.
04/29/2040 Injured (Back spasms), day-to-day for 5 days.
05/05/2040 Injured (Mild abdominal strain), day-to-day for 2 days.
06/07/2040 Pitches a 7-hit shutout against the Ravenhill Darkwings with 5 strikeouts and 2 BB allowed!
06/29/2040 Pitches a 3-hit shutout against the Moria Miners with 12 strikeouts and 1 BB allowed!
07/01/2040 Wins the SGCBL SC Pitcher of the Month Award.
09/13/2040 Pitches a 4-hit shutout against the Bree Cheese with 9 strikeouts and 1 BB allowed!
09/18/2040 Injured (Back spasms), day-to-day for 2 weeks.
10/13/2040 Pitches a 4-hit shutout against the Mirkwood Sylvan with 8 strikeouts and 2 BB allowed!
11/12/2040 Lake Town Archers voided the team option year for a buyout of $2,850,000.
12/05/2040 Became a free agent.
01/01/2041 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Stuff: 57 (84); Movement: 76 (76); Control: 83 (83).
01/04/2041 Signed a 5-year contract worth a total of $70,000,000 with the Old Forest Merry Fellows organization.
05/31/2041 Pitches a 10-hit shutout against the Minas Tirith Titans with 6 strikeouts and 1 BB allowed!
06/06/2041 Injured (Hamstring soreness), day-to-day for 3 days.
07/18/2041 Injured (Oblique strain), out for 2 weeks.
09/05/2041 Collects his 3500th career Tolkien Baseball strikeout!
01/01/2042 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Stuff: 46 (46); Movement: 72 (72); Control: 80 (80).
02/17/2042 Was traded by the Old Forest Merry Fellows to the Bucklebury Fairies, along with RF Ferdinand Greenthumb, CF Rubgunk the Derisive, in exchange for CL Darrick Hafer, 2B Aglanthol Elril-gambor.
05/06/2042 Injured (Cold), day-to-day for 2 days.
07/31/2042 Injured (Elbow inflammation), out for 2 weeks.
08/23/2042 Injured (Back spasms), day-to-day for 1 day.
11/19/2042 Decided not to opt out of the remaining portion of his contract.
11/19/2042 Retired from professional baseball.
06/30/2043 Was inducted to the Hall of Fame!
Year SH Rank
2029 17 2
2031 12 10
2033 12 6
2034 16 1
Year GS Rank
2029 45 1
2030 36 3
2031 34 9
2033 34 10
2034 70 1
2035 33 8
2036 34 1
2037 33 5
2040 34 3
Year W Rank
2029 18 3
2030 23 1
2031 18 4
2032 19 3
2033 22 1
2034 17 6
2035 17 5
2036 21 1
2037 17 2
2038 14 10
Year Win. % Rank
2029 .643 6
2030 .793 1
2031 .667 7
2032 .731 6
2033 .846 1
2035 .654 8
2036 .724 3
2037 .630 8
Year IP Rank
2029 265.1 1
2030 279.1 1
2031 243.1 4
2032 244.1 4
2033 261.2 3
2034 354.2 1
2035 228.0 10
2036 258.2 1
2037 255.2 1
2040 240.0 7
Year BF Rank
2029 1066 1
2030 1081 1
2031 954 9
2032 945 8
2033 993 4
2034 1423 1
2036 1028 1
2037 1024 1
2040 998 6
Year K Rank
2029 269 4
2030 302 1
2031 269 1
2032 302 2
2033 315 1
2034 405 1
2035 261 4
2036 255 4
2037 264 1
2038 214 10
Year WP Rank
2029 11 3
Year ERA Rank
2029 2.65 3
2030 2.16 1
2031 2.66 4
2032 2.36 3
2033 1.72 1
2034 2.97 7
2035 2.49 4
2036 2.37 1
2037 2.60 8
Year BABIP Rank
2029 .277 10
2030 .270 6
2032 .290 10
2033 .247 1
2035 .274 5
2036 .278 3
Year WHIP Rank
2029 1.06 4
2030 0.92 2
2031 1.00 1
2032 0.90 2
2033 0.83 1
2034 1.06 6
2035 0.94 2
2036 1.01 2
Year K/BB Rank
2029 3.84 5
2030 6.04 4
2031 7.91 2
2032 7.19 2
2033 5.34 3
2034 6.98 3
2035 6.37 4
2036 6.07 3
2037 5.87 5
2038 5.78 5
2040 5.62 5
2041 4.31 6
Year RA/9 Rank
2029 9.84 4
2030 8.51 2
2031 9.28 1
2032 8.47 2
2033 7.64 1
2034 9.82 5
2035 8.57 2
2036 9.43 3
Year HR/9 Rank
2029 0.64 7
2030 0.71 9
2031 0.37 2
2032 0.44 3
2033 0.34 2
2037 0.60 7
Year H/9 Rank
2029 7.19 5
2030 6.70 2
2032 6.52 2
2033 5.40 1
2035 6.83 4
2036 7.59 5
Year BB/9 Rank
2029 2.37 6
2030 1.61 3
2031 1.26 2
2032 1.55 3
2033 2.03 8
2034 1.47 4
2035 1.62 6
2036 1.46 3
2037 1.58 6
2038 1.40 5
2040 1.20 3
2041 1.45 3
2042 1.77 8
Year K/9 Rank
2029 9.12 8
2030 9.73 8
2031 9.95 2
2032 11.12 3
2033 10.83 2
2034 10.28 4
2035 10.30 4
2036 8.87 8
2037 9.29 2
2038 8.12 9
Year QS Rank
2029 22 5
2030 29 1
2031 24 4
2032 26 3
2033 31 1
2035 26 4
2036 26 1
2037 26 2
Year QSP Rank
2030 .806 2
2031 .706 5
2032 .788 2
2033 .912 1
2035 .788 3
2036 .765 4
2037 .788 4
Year CG Rank
2029 4 7
2030 9 2
2031 7 2
2032 6 2
2033 8 2
2036 14 1
2037 13 1
2038 8 4
2039 8 6
2042 7 10
Year CGP Rank
2030 .250 3
2031 .206 4
2032 .182 2
2033 .235 3
2036 .412 2
2037 .394 1
2038 .258 4
2042 .241 10
Year SHO Rank
2029 3 2
2030 4 1
2031 3 1
2032 3 1
2033 3 1
2034 1 5
2035 1 8
2036 7 1
2037 4 2
2040 3 3
Year GB% Rank
2031 0.69 7
2032 0.73 1
2033 0.60 1
2034 0.61 1
2035 0.60 6
2036 0.62 1
2037 0.62 1
2038 0.62 2
2040 0.57 7
2042 0.58 3
Year WAR Rank
2028 3.4 10
2029 9.4 2
2030 11.4 1
2031 11.8 1
2032 11.5 1
2033 12.7 1
2034 13.1 1
2035 8.0 6
2036 7.3 3
2037 10.1 1
2038 6.9 7
Monday, September 9th , 2024 - OOTP Baseball 24.11 Build 85