Stupid Cowboys

Stupid Redskins. I missed points in our office pool this week by one lousy game. Still, I only missed 4 this week.

34-12. Why the hell am I not making money at this? (Heh. I just saw Fate put on her steel-toed boot and warm up her ass-kicking move.)

Meanwhile, the Sox clinched their annual tease-us-into-thinking-this-might-be-the-year playoff spot. And there was much rejoicing.

Go, go, Ichiro!

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3 Responses to Stupid Cowboys

  1. Ric The Schmuck says:

    I was afraid of that game. Damn tough one to call…

  2. Jenn says:

    Thanks for the comment and stopping by my little piece of insanity. Loved the comment. Your sooooo bad… me likes!! LOL Take Care… :0)

  3. suzie says:

    this is the year. this is the year.

    no really.

    this is the year.

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