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Name Pos Team Age DOB POB Nationality Bats Throws Height Weight Salary
Tantoco, Ephram RF Barrow Downs Wights 25 02/04/2024 Minas Tirith HUM Left Left 6' 0" 195 lbs -
Tanuja, Thaiar SP Anorien Avalanche 32 09/26/2016 Rhun UNK Right Right 6' 5" 205 lbs -
Taralom, Bolodenka RP Eryn Lasgalen Old Forests 26 12/07/2022 Rhun UNK Right Right 6' 0" 185 lbs -
Taralom, Brian LF Anorien Avalanche 25 02/01/2024 Minas Tirith HUM Left Left 6' 2" 215 lbs -
Taralom, Gavin RF Free Agent 30 01/29/2019 Hobbiton HOB Right Right 6' 1" 200 lbs -
Temir, Halflar RF Lithlad Lembas 25 10/06/2023 Alqualonde ELF Right Left 6' 4" 205 lbs -
the Arcane, Dalyor RP Eryn Lasgalen Old Forests 25 05/16/2024 Alqualonde ELF Left Left 6' 0" 200 lbs $502,000
the Badger, Fares RP Eregion Eagles 28 12/23/2020 Nurn UNK Left Left 6' 2" 195 lbs -
the Basher, Nurgak RF Withywindle Weirdos 24 08/06/2024 Rhun UNK Right Right 6' 5" 205 lbs -
the Basket Weaver, Hubnag 3B Entwash Goblins 20 08/04/2028 Isengard ORC Right Right 6' 1" 190 lbs -
the Basket Weaver, Throzpug SP Anorien Avalanche 26 08/20/2022 Minas Morgul ORC Right Right 6' 6" 200 lbs -
the Bucklebury Ferry Driver, Daniel RP West-emnet Orcs 23 09/21/2025 Nindamos HUM Right Right 6' 1" 180 lbs -
the Bucklebury Ferry Driver, Ulf 1B Barrow Downs Wights 23 07/29/2025 Armenelos HUM Right Right 6' 3" 200 lbs -
the Bucklebury Ferry Driver, Vrsodish SS Mount Doom Merrymen 27 10/22/2021 Nurn UNK Right Right 6' 4" 200 lbs -
the Burner, Shamsedeen SP Nisimaldor Knights 22 08/29/2026 Armenelos HUM Switch Right 6' 4" 190 lbs -
the Crazy Bastard, Brorgak SS Mittalmar Herders 23 02/22/2026 Minas Morgul ORC Right Right 6' 2" 180 lbs $502,000
the Crippler, Blognub SP Lhun Stars 20 07/21/2028 Dol Guldur ORC Right Right 6' 5" 195 lbs -
the Crippler, Goshog 3B Mittalmar Herders 21 05/19/2028 Armenelos HUM Right Right 6' 4" 195 lbs -
the Dapper, Aldagrim SP Anfauglith Aristocrats 24 07/08/2024 Nurn UNK Right Right 6' 8" 205 lbs -
the Dapper, Eglantine 1B Gorgoroth Ghosts 22 10/06/2026 Andunie HUM Left Left 6' 2" 200 lbs -
the Derisive, Rubgunk LF Blackroot Blondes 25 06/16/2023 Rhun UNK Right Right 6' 1" 195 lbs -
the Derisive, Snobdug RP Mittalmar Herders 27 02/03/2022 Rhun UNK Right Left 6' 1" 190 lbs -
the Drooler, Trugulg SP Khand Killers 23 06/17/2025 Goblin-town ORC Switch Left 5' 9" 160 lbs -
the Evil, Nurthug RP Lhun Attics 31 12/30/2017 Goblin-town ORC Left Left 6' 2" 200 lbs -
the Goblin Killer, Ghobgagh C Edoras Roughriders 22 09/10/2026 Ondosto HUM Right Right 6' 1" 190 lbs -
the Insane, Borje RP Highland Colts 23 06/21/2025 Edoras HUM Right Right 6' 2" 200 lbs -
the Irked, Gorbaduc RP Highland Colts 25 03/24/2024 Nurn UNK Left Left 6' 9" 205 lbs -
the Knife, Motrug SS Anfauglith Aristocrats 22 03/04/2027 Dol Guldur ORC Right Right 6' 4" 195 lbs -
the Mangler, Blazgurg SS Anorien Avalanche 21 01/18/2028 Armenelos HUM Right Right 6' 2" 175 lbs -
the Masher, Adbug RP Gorgoroth Ghosts 24 04/21/2025 Dol Guldur ORC Left Right 6' 8" 220 lbs -
the Masher, Grotluk RP Lhun Attics 25 01/09/2024 Goblin-town ORC Right Right 6' 1" 200 lbs -
the Masher, Torboz CF Edoras Roughriders 21 04/06/2028 Nurn UNK Right Right 6' 0" 175 lbs -
the Plunderer, Druk RF Aglarond Ice 22 07/07/2026 Minas Tirith HUM Left Right 6' 2" 190 lbs -
the Plunderer, Igbu RP Free Agent 26 12/27/2022 Dale HUM Left Left 6' 3" 200 lbs -
the Plunderer, Smulrarz SP Anfauglith Aristocrats 26 09/04/2022 Edoras HUM Left Right 6' 0" 180 lbs -
the Plunderer, Ubdush 1B Edoras Roughriders 21 08/16/2027 Goblin-town ORC Left Left 6' 6" 230 lbs -
the Seer, Kadush 2B Withywindle Weirdos 27 07/09/2021 Goblin-town ORC Right Right 6' 0" 180 lbs -
the Slobberer, Smulbag RP Lhun Attics 26 05/20/2023 Romenna HUM Right Right 6' 5" 200 lbs -
the Slobberer, Zobbag RP Free Agent 27 12/13/2021 Goblin-town ORC Right Right 6' 6" 200 lbs -
the Smasher, Dudrak SP Methedras Manglers 37 04/02/2012 Rhun UNK Left Left 6' 2" 180 lbs $1,380,000
the Smasher, Skadzud SP Mount Doom Merrymen 22 01/20/2027 Goblin-town ORC Right Right 6' 4" 185 lbs -
the Squeaker, Dejla 2B Khand Killers 23 10/03/2025 Minas Tirith HUM Left Right 6' 1" 190 lbs -
the Squeaker, Obruh RP Anorien Avalanche 24 10/30/2024 Goblin-town ORC Right Right 6' 1" 200 lbs -
the Squealer, Bruznag CF Entwash Goblins 25 05/22/2024 Isengard ORC Left Left 6' 0" 205 lbs -
the Squealer, Oghnab 3B Free Agent 26 07/08/2022 Nurn UNK Switch Right 6' 1" 200 lbs -
the Stutterer, Buknug RP Highland Colts 23 06/30/2025 Minas Tirith HUM Right Right 6' 2" 180 lbs -
the Stutterer, Hogai RP Highland Colts 25 02/11/2024 Armenelos HUM Right Right 6' 2" 200 lbs -
the Ugly, Adgug RP Mittalmar Herders 33 07/06/2015 Minas Morgul ORC Right Right 6' 9" 225 lbs -
the Ugly, Zaghbub LF Anfauglith Aristocrats 21 02/11/2028 Goblin-town ORC Right Right 6' 2" 190 lbs -
the Wacky, Globkog RF Edoras Roughriders 24 06/09/2024 Nurn UNK Left Left 6' 7" 205 lbs $502,000
the Wacky, Smudgug C Edoras Roughriders 24 02/02/2025 Minas Morgul ORC Left Right 6' 0" 200 lbs -
the Whiner, Amandip SP Highland Colts 21 01/18/2028 Andunie HUM Left Left 6' 4" 195 lbs -
the Whiner, Gugnar RP Highland Colts 23 12/11/2025 Goblin-town ORC Left Left 6' 6" 210 lbs -
the Whiner, Mulbulg SS Mount Doom Merrymen 21 04/02/2028 Goblin-town ORC Right Right 6' 2" 190 lbs -
the Wicked, Blulghu 1B Free Agent 27 11/27/2021 Goblin-town ORC Left Left 6' 3" 200 lbs -
Thraramir, Dong-ook LF Blackroot Blondes 22 05/15/2027 Annuminas HUM Switch Right 6' 1" 185 lbs -
Thrilmanduil, Bonnalurie RP Methedras Manglers 34 05/18/2015 Rhun UNK Right Left 6' 1" 200 lbs -
Thrithien, Tiriara LF Entwash Goblins 24 12/10/2024 Grey Havens ELF Left Left 6' 2" 200 lbs -
Throatbelly, Ozpug LF West-emnet Orcs 21 07/03/2027 Goblin-town ORC Left Left 5' 10" 175 lbs -
Throatbelly, Puuggek RP Blackroot Blondes 25 03/16/2024 Goblin-town ORC Left Left 6' 2" 190 lbs -
Throatcrawler, Krukgakh RP Barrow Downs Wights 23 01/04/2026 Goblin-town ORC Switch Right 6' 6" 200 lbs $502,000
Throatscarer, Omzug RP Entwash Goblins 22 08/02/2026 Goblin-town ORC Right Right 6' 2" 200 lbs -
Tibolt, Gishlak RP West-emnet Orcs 23 01/04/2026 Goblin-town ORC Right Right 6' 1" 190 lbs -
Tiley, Angelica C Withywindle Weirdos 25 02/01/2024 Andunie HUM Right Right 6' 5" 210 lbs -
Tinalinde, Ilphas RP Lhun Stars 23 07/27/2025 Valmar ELF Right Right 6' 8" 200 lbs -
Tinoash, Rubzugh RP Khand Killers 22 06/14/2026 Goblin-town ORC Right Right 6' 1" 180 lbs $502,000
Tinonduil, Korrigash CF West-emnet Orcs 23 11/23/2025 Ost-in-Edhil ELF Left Left 6' 0" 185 lbs -
Tissot, Smughnab 1B West-emnet Orcs 24 04/24/2025 Osgiliath HUM Right Right 6' 3" 210 lbs -
Titsworth, Elfstan RP Free Agent 32 03/23/2017 Hobbiton HOB Left Left 6' 4" 200 lbs -
Titsworth, Fatima SP Mittalmar Herders 29 02/16/2020 Nurn UNK Switch Right 6' 0" 180 lbs -
Titsworth, Frodo RP Free Agent 27 04/01/2022 Bucklebury HOB Right Right 5' 11" 190 lbs -
Titsworth, Hyun-suk RF Anorien Avalanche 23 09/29/2025 Rhun UNK Right Right 6' 5" 200 lbs -
Tkachenko, Odovacar RF Free Agent 27 12/12/2021 Armenelos HUM Left Left 6' 2" 200 lbs -
Toecrusher, Freadoc RF Mount Doom Merrymen 26 02/06/2023 Goblin-town ORC Right Right 6' 2" 205 lbs -
Toemasher, Gamailbo 2B Lhun Stars 24 10/28/2024 Minas Tirith HUM Right Right 6' 2" 175 lbs $502,000
Toepunisher, Nulbag RP Free Agent 33 03/31/2016 Goblin-town ORC Left Left 5' 11" 185 lbs -
Tombhammer, Kogduh 3B Mount Doom Merrymen 23 04/13/2026 Goblin-town ORC Right Right 6' 2" 200 lbs -
Tombro, Krubdak 3B Free Agent 25 12/27/2023 Annuminas HUM Right Right 6' 4" 200 lbs -
Took, Avanisvara RF Nisimaldor Knights 21 05/31/2028 Pelargir HUM Left Left 6' 0" 180 lbs -
Took, Cotman LF Long Lake Waves 25 12/02/2023 Greenholm HOB Right Right 6' 4" 200 lbs -
Took, Folco RP Lithlad Lembas 32 12/20/2016 Nurn UNK Left Right 6' 7" 200 lbs -
Toothdrinker, Snugh RP Anfauglith Aristocrats 27 12/24/2021 Goblin-town ORC Right Right 6' 4" 200 lbs -
Toothkicker, Snuruk LF Entwash Goblins 21 02/19/2028 Minas Morgul ORC Left Left 6' 2" 195 lbs -
Toralynnsyr, Petros RP Eregion Eagles 26 07/14/2022 Nurn UNK Left Right 6' 7" 205 lbs -
Towndrowe, Giang SP Anorien Avalanche 31 02/23/2018 Ondosto HUM Switch Right 6' 2" 195 lbs -
Trollbreaker, Mundri SP Free Agent 25 05/15/2024 Iron Hills DWF Right Right 6' 4" 195 lbs -
Trollgobbler, Prikak RP Free Agent 28 05/08/2021 Goblin-town ORC Right Right 6' 3" 200 lbs -
Tumbletoe, Dong-su RP Aglarond Ice 26 12/18/2022 Armenelos HUM Right Right 6' 1" 190 lbs -
Tumbletoe, Kol-in-sen RP Old Ford Otters 21 07/15/2027 Nurn UNK Switch Left 6' 4" 200 lbs -
Tumbletoe, Rosa RF Anorien Avalanche 22 12/08/2026 Osgiliath HUM Switch Right 6' 4" 200 lbs -
Tuttwitz, Altin 1B Free Agent 27 01/31/2022 Annuminas HUM Right Right 6' 4" 205 lbs -
Tyldsley, Pier-Alexandre LF Free Agent 31 01/01/2018 Pelargir HUM Right Right 6' 3" 200 lbs -
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Monday, September 9th , 2024 - OOTP Baseball 24.11 Build 85