Position Top player Team ranking Top prospect Organizational ranking Overall ranking
Catchers Samuli Buergo 8th Samuli Buergo 6th 5th
First Basemen Sadðk Mitenev 23rd Sadðk Mitenev 10th 20th
Second Basemen Salheddine Paddlefoot 30th Almithara Meneldur 11th 26th
Third Basemen Ella Narksson 10th Ella Narksson 3rd 4th
Shortstops Dong-ju Casuano 6th Dong-ju Casuano 14th 13th
Left Fielders Ijo Baneguard 25th Berin Pura 9th 21st
Center Fielders Sadri Soare 17th Sadri Soare 18th 21st
Right Fielders Legesse Wakhnyuk 20th Legesse Wakhnyuk 10th 19th
Starting Pitchers Ardryll Kelpor’ral 19th Muzbuzg Ormston 26th 24th
Relievers Kanetada Tseng 2nd Kanetada Tseng 3rd 2nd
Closers Thrugmag Filthsludgefad 11th Thrugmag Filthsludgefad 12th 11th
Position Top player Team ranking Top prospect Organizational ranking Overall ranking
Catchers Martial Nightmeadow 11th Martial Nightmeadow 29th 18th
First Basemen Tsarra Folly 29th Tsarra Folly 10th (tied) 22nd
Second Basemen Yin-xiang Greenthumb 7th Yin-xiang Greenthumb 7th 5th
Third Basemen Tolthe Gandillas 23rd Tolthe Gandillas 6th 18th
Shortstops O-min Ciasca 25th O-min Ciasca 28th 27th
Left Fielders Gloriana Evje 11th Gloriana Evje 9th (tied) 6th
Center Fielders Belba Sorondo 25th Belba Sorondo 2nd 7th
Right Fielders Khusrau Velasque 21st Khusrau Velasque 29th 30th
Starting Pitchers Seung-hwa Candellas 15th Seung-hwa Candellas 17th 14th
Relievers Nevan Goblinshaker 12th Nevan Goblinshaker 14th 13th
Closers Jae-hyung Haslam 23rd Jae-hyung Haslam 25th 25th
Position Top player Team ranking Top prospect Organizational ranking Overall ranking
Catchers Begrin Biggins-Bunce 15th Begrin Biggins-Bunce 12th 15th
First Basemen Dravid Lyachin 14th Dravid Lyachin 10th (tied) 14th
Second Basemen Uinen Erikasson 14th Uinen Erikasson 11th (tied) 14th
Third Basemen Ruby Uusitalo 29th Gottfried Numenesse 2nd 17th
Shortstops Oruk Horse-lover 11th Oruk Horse-lover 18th 16th
Left Fielders Mimum Matarranz 5th Gandemer Ulongyr 4th 3rd
Center Fielders Andrack Muddyfoot 6th Andrack Muddyfoot 3rd 3rd
Right Fielders Bulbo Rubyeye 15th Bulbo Rubyeye 27th 28th
Starting Pitchers Sulak Mortis 8th Sulak Mortis 22nd 12th
Relievers Hai Anake 30th Hai Anake 13th 27th
Closers Duiliu Roper 30th Duiliu Roper 28th 28th
Position Top player Team ranking Top prospect Organizational ranking Overall ranking
Catchers Smobhosh the Squasher 22nd Smobhosh the Squasher 21st 27th
First Basemen Jung-gwon Roper 20th Jung-gwon Roper 10th (tied) 17th
Second Basemen Dulrarz Guice 12th Dulrarz Guice 11th (tied) 13th
Third Basemen Sobur Skår 9th Sobur Skår 6th (tied) 9th
Shortstops Sergej Kittler 22nd Sergej Kittler 2nd 8th
Left Fielders Isreal Gadrienduil 14th Isreal Gadrienduil 14th 14th
Center Fielders Sasil Bartolomej 8th Sasil Bartolomej 17th 17th
Right Fielders Ririn Ploughman 22nd Ririn Ploughman 10th (tied) 20th
Starting Pitchers Kunio Jespersen 14th Adelard Bridge 4th 8th
Relievers Flambard Greenthumb 21st Flambard Greenthumb 14th (tied) 21st
Closers Guudrak Paré 20th Guudrak Paré 16th 21st
Position Top player Team ranking Top prospect Organizational ranking Overall ranking
Catchers Ludor Candies 1st Ludor Candies 14th 1st
First Basemen Tengiz Bridger 3rd Tengiz Bridger 9th 1st
Second Basemen Ralok Beardtwister 21st Ralok Beardtwister 11th (tied) 20th
Third Basemen Gundolpho Rougecheeks 12th Mothrys Gandir 6th (tied) 11th
Shortstops Dagug Blacktooth 10th Dagug Blacktooth 2nd (tied) 5th
Left Fielders Araiwyn Shinsnapper 30th Araiwyn Shinsnapper 2nd 27th
Center Fielders Pansy Barthen 30th Pansy Barthen 30th 30th
Right Fielders Kirin Rusinsson 4th Kirin Rusinsson 26th 26th
Starting Pitchers Hoignar Soltvedt 13th Hoignar Soltvedt 11th 11th
Relievers Bargok Headhater 29th Sumli Haines 21st 30th
Closers Noimli Delozada 29th Noimli Delozada 29th 29th
Position Top player Team ranking Top prospect Organizational ranking Overall ranking
Catchers Kamisese Shieldmover 20th Kamisese Shieldmover 27th 28th
First Basemen Fomige the Candlemaker 8th Fomige the Candlemaker 10th (tied) 7th
Second Basemen Ijaz Dalaque 11th Ijaz Dalaque 11th (tied) 11th
Third Basemen Vrunak Ceclio 25th Vrunak Ceclio 6th (tied) 20th
Shortstops Alvin Heartmasher 3rd Alvin Heartmasher 26th 15th
Left Fielders Chu-chu Winchugov 28th Felarathael Elralith 13th 24th
Center Fielders Gurni Gollalfsson 5th Gurni Gollalfsson 3rd (tied) 2nd
Right Fielders Jatinder Lang 2nd Jatinder Lang 10th (tied) 2nd
Starting Pitchers Natalino Hatt 17th Natalino Hatt 16th 19th
Relievers Odo Vijayashree 22nd Odo Vijayashree 28th 26th
Closers Edemariam Fontenla 3rd Edemariam Fontenla 1st 3rd
Position Top player Team ranking Top prospect Organizational ranking Overall ranking
Catchers Nimue Galadrienduil 19th Yghiilra Forfilas 21st (tied) 23rd
First Basemen Vatok Gandudriel 13th Ariadriel Eemli 2nd 4th
Second Basemen Nuala Sathien 9th Nuala Sathien 28th 28th
Third Basemen Irhaal Tsornyl 19th Shonassir Celebalataiel 6th (tied) 16th
Shortstops Shadowmoon Yundraer 21st Shadowmoon Yundraer 22nd 24th
Left Fielders Haleodur Elradrieng 18th Haleodur Elradrieng 16th 17th
Center Fielders Kimra Gwaimir 24th Kimra Gwaimir 3rd (tied) 10th
Right Fielders Amlaruil Amrallatha 7th Amlaruil Amrallatha 10th (tied) 5th
Starting Pitchers Ryllae Eowebrilas 12th Ryllae Eowebrilas 29th 15th
Relievers Goronyyv Gamaimli 27th Goronyyv Gamaimli 3rd (tied) 22nd
Closers Keerla Yeschant 7th Keerla Yeschant 13th 8th
Position Top player Team ranking Top prospect Organizational ranking Overall ranking
Catchers Amalda Bridger 20th (tied) Fatima Gardner 5th 17th
First Basemen Pandora Greenthumb 9th Pandora Greenthumb 10th (tied) 8th
Second Basemen Alberic Bracewaith 24th Alberic Bracewaith 11th (tied) 22nd
Third Basemen Nora Knotwise 5th Nora Knotwise 6th (tied) 6th
Shortstops Caradas Fumlefot 15th Caradas Fumlefot 17th 19th
Left Fielders Holman Mudruffin 16th Hal Grub 5th 11th
Center Fielders Saradoc Budo-Chubb 16th Saradoc Budo-Chubb 23rd 24th
Right Fielders Adaldrida Baggins 3rd Adaldrida Baggins 10th (tied) 3rd
Starting Pitchers Tomburän Stonemould 4th Tomburän Stonemould 26th (tied) 4th
Relievers Ferdinand Willowbottom 26th Ferdinand Willowbottom 9th 23rd
Closers Berylla Loamsdown 16th Berylla Loamsdown 19th 17th
Position Top player Team ranking Top prospect Organizational ranking Overall ranking
Catchers Gormadoc Baneguard 3rd Gormadoc Baneguard 28th 6th
First Basemen Demessie Manshert 25th Demessie Manshert 6th 19th
Second Basemen Lorik Peñales 19th Lorik Peñales 11th (tied) 17th
Third Basemen Holfast Lemanczyk 3rd Holfast Lemanczyk 6th (tied) 3rd
Shortstops Lan-fang Igarashi 12th Lan-fang Igarashi 25th 21st
Left Fielders Curt Rorris 9th Curt Rorris 16th (tied) 12th
Center Fielders Thaija Skymantle 3rd Thaija Skymantle 3rd (tied) 1st
Right Fielders Odush the Nasty 13th Odush the Nasty 10th (tied) 10th
Starting Pitchers Nafiz Earararil 21st Abdul Hakeen Bramble 7th 16th
Relievers Carl Mulhall 6th Carl Mulhall 27th 8th
Closers Firdaus Grudgetearer 1st Firdaus Grudgetearer 2nd 1st
Position Top player Team ranking Top prospect Organizational ranking Overall ranking
Catchers Ceredic Rascaltamer 27th Wilibald Bracewaith 1st 20th
First Basemen Briffo Fields 6th Briffo Fields 24th 25th
Second Basemen Borin Headstrong 17th Borin Headstrong 9th 12th
Third Basemen Dina Madlight 17th Dina Madlight 6th (tied) 15th
Shortstops Hildibrand Chubb 29th Hildibrand Chubb 27th 29th
Left Fielders Mist Black 2nd Mist Black 16th (tied) 2nd
Center Fielders Jessamine Hilldweller 10th Jessamine Hilldweller 3rd (tied) 4th
Right Fielders Jago the Candlemaker 6th Bandobras Marblerage 10th (tied) 4th
Starting Pitchers Columbus Bridger 27th Columbus Bridger 14th 29th
Relievers Isengrim Goodrich 16th Isengrim Goodrich 19th 20th
Closers Semolina Foxburr 25th Semolina Foxburr 22nd 24th
Position Top player Team ranking Top prospect Organizational ranking Overall ranking
Catchers Gord Trollthrottler 29th Cadao Wikstrom 20th 29th
First Basemen Ulgob Sediles 1st Ulgob Sediles 10th (tied) 2nd
Second Basemen Isengrim Brownlock 25th Higor Nimsson 6th 19th
Third Basemen Tran Carosi 20th Tran Carosi 26th 27th
Shortstops Jemima Norcross 2nd Jemima Norcross 11th 11th
Left Fielders Knute Gardener 14th (tied) Knute Gardener 1st 7th
Center Fielders Skazguh Witch-hunter 15th Skazguh Witch-hunter 26th 25th
Right Fielders Mannuell Bauwyn 24th Mannuell Bauwyn 28th 29th
Starting Pitchers Zuthor Lomebrildur 6th Hüdaverdi Kizza 23rd 7th
Relievers Thorbal Karoliussen 4th Thorbal Karoliussen 17th 4th
Closers Seredic Gardener 22nd Seredic Gardener 24th 23rd
Position Top player Team ranking Top prospect Organizational ranking Overall ranking
Catchers Eoghan Knifehammer 7th Eoghan Knifehammer 17th 8th
First Basemen Vorthor Schram 18th Vorthor Schram 8th 11th
Second Basemen Arenik Hisamatsu 20th Arenik Hisamatsu 9th (tied) 15th
Third Basemen Sruukor Wolfshaker 28th Sruukor Wolfshaker 6th (tied) 24th
Shortstops Uzbuzg Toecrusher 16th Uzbuzg Toecrusher 19th 20th
Left Fielders Yerazik Kulyuk 27th Yerazik Kulyuk 16th (tied) 26th
Center Fielders Tudzog Suold 4th Tudzog Suold 21st 15th
Right Fielders Ogzurg Koboldbasher 12th Ogzurg Koboldbasher 10th (tied) 9th
Starting Pitchers Gerda Poolslinger 30th Sorbul Toba 5th 30th
Relievers Skog the Atrocious 13th Skog the Atrocious 11th 12th
Closers Pruuggek Moss 2nd Pruuggek Moss 3rd 2nd
Position Top player Team ranking Top prospect Organizational ranking Overall ranking
Catchers Ogkug the Basher 29th (tied) Nudmuk Mandicer 2nd 22nd
First Basemen Nugbug Handtrembler 22nd Nugbug Handtrembler 26th 27th
Second Basemen Bushog Spearripper 1st Bushog Spearripper 11th (tied) 2nd
Third Basemen Ogor Gnomebasher 24th Nurzog Dridersmasher 6th (tied) 19th
Shortstops Nol the Wicked 25th (tied) Nol the Wicked 2nd (tied) 9th
Left Fielders Ugmag A'arim 21st Ugmag A'arim 16th (tied) 22nd
Center Fielders Uzbub Mogan 9th Uzbub Mogan 19th 18th
Right Fielders Bragrub Gnomechoker 27th Bragrub Gnomechoker 8th 21st
Starting Pitchers Odgug Bloodsmasher 3rd Odgug Bloodsmasher 8th 2nd
Relievers Nogkugh Kidneyslammer 7th Nogkugh Kidneyslammer 23rd 9th
Closers Nurgok Armtearer 17th Nurgok Armtearer 11th 14th
Position Top player Team ranking Top prospect Organizational ranking Overall ranking
Catchers Ottaviano Belurion 2nd Ottaviano Belurion 26th 3rd
First Basemen Gamaimer Eladriendil 7th Gamaimer Eladriendil 10th (tied) 5th
Second Basemen Maurarz Brown 16th Maurarz Brown 5th 9th
Third Basemen Felício Rocksplitter 21st Felício Rocksplitter 28th 28th
Shortstops Vordor Ilbenalu 1st Vordor Ilbenalu 1st 1st
Left Fielders Soifur Roos 8th Tzu-yu Tinalinde 8th 5th
Center Fielders Glisil Ninca 28th Glisil Ninca 28th 29th
Right Fielders Khidell Elebrind 11th Khidell Elebrind 30th 27th
Starting Pitchers Maarten Stonefart 25th Trundagh Aden 6th 25th
Relievers R.A. Winikeneke 8th R.A. Winikeneke 18th 10th
Closers Tetsunori Novathien 6th Tetsunori Novathien 5th 5th
Position Top player Team ranking Top prospect Organizational ranking Overall ranking
Catchers Grug the Ignorant 17th Asnug Sandstomper 13th 16th
First Basemen Halgug the Mauler 15th Halgug the Mauler 1st 3rd
Second Basemen Frart Hinak 23rd Frart Hinak 30th 30th
Third Basemen Krubzub the Spitter 15th Krubzub the Spitter 6th (tied) 14th
Shortstops Luumak Stonefart 23rd Luumak Stonefart 23rd 26th
Left Fielders Rubzug Moonraper 20th Rubzug Moonraper 16th (tied) 20th
Center Fielders Skurgulg the Whiner 18th Skurgulg the Whiner 27th 27th
Right Fielders Trarbog the Nasty 18th Olghu Derrohammer 1st 11th
Starting Pitchers Blublakh No-Tooth 10th Blublakh No-Tooth 19th 9th
Relievers Kukgag Dridersmasher 5th Kukgag Dridersmasher 25th 5th
Closers Krarpug Fingertorturer 10th Krarpug Fingertorturer 6th 7th
Position Top player Team ranking Top prospect Organizational ranking Overall ranking
Catchers Sillla Elrauhil 26th Skorg Greatstink 6th (tied) 24th
First Basemen Liberio Pepito 26th Liberio Pepito 10th (tied) 21st
Second Basemen Arigol Olbrich 13th Arigol Olbrich 2nd 8th
Third Basemen Deron Roper 22nd Deron Roper 29th 29th
Shortstops Panu Grim 27th Panu Grim 20th 25th
Left Fielders Evgeny Figuerora 13th Bhuvanesh Brem 7th 10th
Center Fielders Goknuk Ogreprodder 12th Goknuk Ogreprodder 22nd 20th
Right Fielders Utrug Gnomechewer 29th Utrug Gnomechewer 10th (tied) 23rd
Starting Pitchers Pimth the Knife 24th Gringamor Holeman 1st 17th
Relievers Cherokee MacCawill 28th Cherokee MacCawill 22nd 29th
Closers Thalaera Gandilhil 28th Thalaera Gandilhil 30th 30th
Position Top player Team ranking Top prospect Organizational ranking Overall ranking
Catchers Deniagrin Belan 8th (tied) Deniagrin Belan 23rd 9th
First Basemen Zudor Elimir 5th Zudor Elimir 27th 26th
Second Basemen Alaglossa Forest-seeker 4th Alaglossa Forest-seeker 3rd 3rd
Third Basemen Nardual Eidoc 13th Nardual Eidoc 6th (tied) 12th
Shortstops Goreathor Elruldor 28th Goreathor Elruldor 2nd (tied) 10th
Left Fielders Ysmyrlda Ellarian 22nd Ysmyrlda Ellarian 16th (tied) 23rd
Center Fielders Culiathion Suldusk 27th Culiathion Suldusk 3rd (tied) 11th
Right Fielders Ikeshia Arwodriel 8th Gamailbo Denilf 10th (tied) 6th
Starting Pitchers Vaervenshalice Thornravenys 1st Jhaumrithe Githrarith 15th 1st
Relievers Celillbo Elvilmaldor 23rd Celillbo Elvilmaldor 24th 25th
Closers Dejaria Elivande 4th Dejaria Elivande 4th 4th
Position Top player Team ranking Top prospect Organizational ranking Overall ranking
Catchers Lothar Knotwise 11th (tied) Elladan Symbaern 23rd (tied) 13th
First Basemen Norihisa Golenchenko 10th Bob Grimoire 4th 6th
Second Basemen Zidbog the Sly 14th (tied) Zidbog the Sly 29th 29th
Third Basemen Asirassa Dap 11th Fabi Edmundson 6th (tied) 10th
Shortstops Arwuma Eyeslobberer 14th Arwuma Eyeslobberer 24th 23rd
Left Fielders Asecana Wisebattler 6th Asecana Wisebattler 16th (tied) 7th (tied)
Center Fielders Durgim Virgolino 23rd Banazir Stonemould 1st 6th
Right Fielders Adamar Temir 5th Adamar Temir 25th 25th
Starting Pitchers Dimrond Goldcutter 22nd Dimrond Goldcutter 20th 26th
Relievers Vrsidak Goldilocks 11th Vrsidak Goldilocks 10th 11th
Closers Kilin Bafursson 24th Kilin Bafursson 8th 20th
Position Top player Team ranking Top prospect Organizational ranking Overall ranking
Catchers Odovacar Giro 14th Odovacar Giro 6th (tied) 12th
First Basemen Harakaz Soifursson 10th (tied) Harakaz Soifursson 10th (tied) 12th
Second Basemen Shou-chien Roberge 22nd Drukhdub the Incinerator 8th 18th
Third Basemen Um'tai Nordlund 18th Um'tai Nordlund 30th 30th
Shortstops Regina Lohr 4th Regina Lohr 12th 12th
Left Fielders Dinodas Torkelsen 23rd Fuunai Goblinmaster 6th 18th
Center Fielders Skurg Elisai 19th Skurg Elisai 20th 23rd
Right Fielders Gwaebrylla Fareden 28th Angusa Gollalfsson 6th 22nd
Starting Pitchers Alrond Friedek 18th Matsu Pidjan 25th 22nd
Relievers Laura Taralom 10th Laura Taralom 8th 7th
Closers Cencanna Banks 8th Cencanna Banks 10th 9th
Position Top player Team ranking Top prospect Organizational ranking Overall ranking
Catchers Minta Bunce 4th Belladonna Powell 14th (tied) 2nd
First Basemen Todo Mulhall 27th Todo Mulhall 29th 29th
Second Basemen Tobold Gamgee 27th Celendine Mugworts 11th (tied) 24th
Third Basemen Sancho the Dapper 4th Sancho the Dapper 5th 2nd
Shortstops Elanor Ramblebucket 7th Elanor Ramblebucket 2nd (tied) 3rd
Left Fielders Alylonna Madlight 1st Alylonna Madlight 16th (tied) 1st
Center Fielders Folcard Baneguard 7th Folcard Baneguard 16th 16th
Right Fielders Mulyan Knotwise 18th (tied) Rufus Mudruffin 1st (tied) 11th (tied)
Starting Pitchers Lennier Sandyman 5th Lennier Sandyman 13th 5th
Relievers Jolly Hill 24th Jolly Hill 29th 28th
Closers Posco Gilmore 12th Posco Gilmore 20th 16th
Position Top player Team ranking Top prospect Organizational ranking Overall ranking
Catchers Fionnbár Nusic 13th Fionnbár Nusic 3rd 10th
First Basemen Krabgunk Agro 4th Krabgunk Agro 23rd 23rd
Second Basemen Dilaver Dini 18th Chuckie Dietrich 11th (tied) 16th
Third Basemen Mat Ploughman 30th Mat Ploughman 4th 23rd
Shortstops Oaknar Kondracki 17th Oaknar Kondracki 15th 17th
Left Fielders Ki-hyuk Henarsson 19th Ki-hyuk Henarsson 12th 15th
Center Fielders Luiz Lothe 26th Luiz Lothe 29th 28th
Right Fielders Vahanush Hadalgo 30th Vahanush Hadalgo 10th (tied) 24th
Starting Pitchers Zuseen Iberra 23rd Zugrak Gnomehammer 3rd 20th
Relievers Zi-xing Elreoma 25th Zi-xing Elreoma 20th 24th
Closers Keletheryl Gymea 21st Keletheryl Gymea 21st 22nd
Position Top player Team ranking Top prospect Organizational ranking Overall ranking
Catchers Dodinas Norcross 25th Dodinas Norcross 11th 26th
First Basemen Minta Dap 2nd Minta Dap 25th 24th
Second Basemen Betsy Paddlefoot 10th Bilcuzal Banks 11th (tied) 10th
Third Basemen Ilberic Took 2nd Ilberic Took 25th 25th
Shortstops Hildibrand Baneguard 9th Hildigard Grim 2nd (tied) 4th
Left Fielders Polly Middlebrook 26th Hugo Titsworth 2nd (tied) 19th
Center Fielders Bilba Hardbottle 20th Bilba Hardbottle 3rd (tied) 8th
Right Fielders Scudamor Loamsdown 17th Scudamor Loamsdown 7th 13th
Starting Pitchers Largo Taralom 11th Largo Taralom 28th 13th
Relievers Erling Holgate 19th Vigo Norcross 7th 16th
Closers Jo Hornblower 19th Jo Hornblower 17th 19th
Position Top player Team ranking Top prospect Organizational ranking Overall ranking
Catchers Undug Kidneycrusher 16th Hubdug Foularm 10th 13th (tied)
First Basemen Torg Daggerprodder 24th Torg Daggerprodder 28th 28th
Second Basemen Obrog Dryadslicer 26th Obrog Dryadslicer 11th (tied) 23rd
Third Basemen Zurghud Heartkicker 13th (tied) Zurghud Heartkicker 6th (tied) 12th (tied)
Shortstops Muugak Handwalker 13th Muugak Handwalker 2nd (tied) 6th
Left Fielders Grukgag the Massive 17th Gakak the Rough 16th (tied) 16th
Center Fielders Blogzug Mandragger 2nd Blogzug Mandragger 13th 14th
Right Fielders Kubgug Hammerlover 26th Kubgug Hammerlover 4th 16th
Starting Pitchers Trubzub the Rude 28th Uzdrog the Naughty 2nd 23rd
Relievers Brolg A'arim 3rd Snordak the Incinerator 16th 3rd
Closers Grurbok Bloodbelly 5th Grurbok Bloodbelly 7th 5th (tied)
Position Top player Team ranking Top prospect Organizational ranking Overall ranking
Catchers Ogzog Galailob 6th Ogzog Galailob 25th 7th
First Basemen Ferdinand Notwise 17th Ferdinand Notwise 10th (tied) 16th
Second Basemen Aticanda van Emden 8th Aticanda van Emden 11th (tied) 7th
Third Basemen Akguh Giblett 8th Akguh Giblett 6th (tied) 8th
Shortstops Filaurel Braegen 20th Filaurel Braegen 2nd (tied) 7th
Left Fielders Glogdash Cowstitcher 7th Glogdash Cowstitcher 30th 30th
Center Fielders Surthag Borromeo 14th Surthag Borromeo 3rd (tied) 5th
Right Fielders Bhuvanesh McIlleriach 1st Bhuvanesh McIlleriach 4th (tied) 1st
Starting Pitchers Nickolas Dano Dasmarinas 7th Nickolas Dano Dasmarinas 12th 6th
Relievers Ubhosh Fingercrawler 1st Ubhosh Fingercrawler 12th 1st
Closers Boraumli Zafer 13th Boraumli Zafer 14th 12th
Position Top player Team ranking Top prospect Organizational ranking Overall ranking
Catchers Tugha Mandicer 18th Tugha Mandicer 18th 19th
First Basemen Smag the Straggler 19th Gragzag Soirbag 7th 9th
Second Basemen Snugbug the Crippler 6th Snugbug the Crippler 11th (tied) 6th
Third Basemen Pranak the Squeaker 27th Pranak the Squeaker 6th (tied) 22nd
Shortstops Trurbash the Sly 8th Trurbash the Sly 13th 14th
Left Fielders Grubgug the Daft 24th Grubgug the Daft 16th (tied) 25th
Center Fielders Skurg Handtrembler 21st Skurg Handtrembler 3rd (tied) 9th
Right Fielders Ghurmug Clubslicer 10th Ghurmug Clubslicer 10th (tied) 8th
Starting Pitchers Koglug Dwarfcrawler 26th Zugbub the One-Eyed 18th 28th
Relievers Kurboz Doomseeker 9th Hozkub Manthrottler 5th 6th
Closers Rogbub Dryadgobber 14th Rogbub Dryadgobber 15th 13th
Position Top player Team ranking Top prospect Organizational ranking Overall ranking
Catchers Jayaratha Celaulf 24th Grugzurg Podesla 29th (tied) 30th
First Basemen Sirush Gaustad 21st Sirush Gaustad 4th (tied) 10th
Second Basemen Kroghug Sorely 28th Kroghug Sorely 4th 21st
Third Basemen Snubguh Daggerslobber 26th Snubguh Daggerslobber 6th (tied) 21st
Shortstops Ramkrishna Krizavensky 24th Ramkrishna Krizavensky 29th 28th
Left Fielders Dronuk Parinas 29th Star Belaril 16th (tied) 28th
Center Fielders Tewfik Beladrieng 1st Tewfik Beladrieng 14th 13th
Right Fielders Doruk the Badger 9th Doruk the Badger 10th (tied) 7th
Starting Pitchers Wistari Eowithrand 20th Belanor of the White Tree 10th 18th
Relievers Jasmine Loamsdown 18th Teófilo Kesterson 6th 15th
Closers Romuald Hatchett 18th Romuald Hatchett 9th 15th
Position Top player Team ranking Top prospect Organizational ranking Overall ranking
Catchers Tanta Hardbottle 5th Tanta Hardbottle 16th 4th
First Basemen Marroc the Candlemaker 30th Marroc the Candlemaker 30th 30th
Second Basemen Sago Bracegirdle 2nd Sago Bracegirdle 1st 1st
Third Basemen Harding Bolger 6th Harding Bolger 27th 26th
Shortstops Gleonyc Ploughman 19th Gleonyc Ploughman 21st 22nd
Left Fielders Matilda Brownlocks 12th Matilda Brownlocks 15th 13th
Center Fielders Pimpernel Pennypacker 11th Pimpernel Pennypacker 24th 22nd
Right Fielders Bombur Titsworth 22nd (tied) Bombur Titsworth 9th 18th
Starting Pitchers Theodorus Dogwood 16th Theodorus Dogwood 30th 21st
Relievers Irene Tumbletoe 17th Irene Tumbletoe 2nd 14th
Closers Matta Notwise 15th Matta Notwise 23rd 18th
Position Top player Team ranking Top prospect Organizational ranking Overall ranking
Catchers Hob Muddyfoot 10th Hob Muddyfoot 18th (tied) 11th
First Basemen Fulvus Bramblebush 16th Fulvus Bramblebush 10th (tied) 15th
Second Basemen Bill Hedgeworth 5th Bill Hedgeworth 27th 27th
Third Basemen Nick Bramble 15th (tied) Bildad Aeon 1st 5th
Shortstops Robin Fleam 5th Robin Fleam 2nd (tied) 2nd
Left Fielders Hamfast Brownlocks 9th (tied) Hamson Eavesdropper 11th 7th (tied)
Center Fielders Adaldrida Greenbriar 13th Adaldrida Greenbriar 15th 19th
Right Fielders Ruby Brandybuck 16th Ruby Brandybuck 10th (tied) 17th
Starting Pitchers Randy Baldender 29th Flavus Sandyman 9th 27th
Relievers Peony Mack 20th Peony Mack 1st 17th
Closers Duenna Pelham 27th Duenna Pelham 27th 27th
Position Top player Team ranking Top prospect Organizational ranking Overall ranking
Catchers Vrurag Man-nose 23rd Risil the Straggler 6th (tied) 21st
First Basemen Mattalic Headstrong 28th Pierangelo Thinnes 3rd 18th
Second Basemen Rathiain Earara 3rd Rathiain Earara 11th (tied) 4th
Third Basemen Oeke Arrojado 1st Oeke Arrojado 6th (tied) 1st
Shortstops Belisarius Magefinder 17th (tied) Belisarius Magefinder 16th 18th
Left Fielders Hibur Buckland 4th Hibur Buckland 16th (tied) 4th
Center Fielders Clobbergle Kemble 22nd Clobbergle Kemble 25th 26th
Right Fielders Raquel Macaria 14th Raquel Macaria 10th (tied) 14th
Starting Pitchers Yoshi Resnick 2nd Yoshi Resnick 24th 3rd
Relievers Sago Guyfriend 14th Sago Guyfriend 30th 19th
Closers Gloignar Compean 9th Gloignar Compean 18th 10th
Position Top player Team ranking Top prospect Organizational ranking Overall ranking
Catchers Hyun-jung Grudgetwister 28th Hyun-jung Grudgetwister 4th 25th
First Basemen Tepoea Knudson 12th Tepoea Knudson 10th (tied) 13th
Second Basemen Valdemar Tinnduil 29th Valdemar Tinnduil 11th (tied) 25th
Third Basemen Ognjeslav Sandyman 7th Ognjeslav Sandyman 6th (tied) 7th
Shortstops Tamuramaro Minabe 30th Tamuramaro Minabe 30th 30th
Left Fielders Leyli Selmer 3rd Leyli Selmer 29th 29th
Center Fielders Beleg Elisán 29th Beleg Elisán 3rd (tied) 12th
Right Fielders Isvasa Koboldchoker 25th Cenap Galbey 1st (tied) 15th
Starting Pitchers Nusil Kakapa 8th (tied) Tubhush Ghoulslobberer 21st 10th
Relievers Ciyradyl Elylith 15th Ciyradyl Elylith 26th 18th
Closers Gianluca Hornblower 26th Gianluca Hornblower 26th 26th
Monday, September 9th , 2024 - OOTP Baseball 24.11 Build 85