All I’ve got is a photograph

This is one of those creepy cool kinda things. Upload a picture into the Face Transformer, and you can see how the person will age. You can also make them younger or a different race or even turn them into a damned dirty ape!

Unfortunately, you can’t (or at least I couldn’t) save the results without jumping through hoops. But I managed to come up with a couple of examples that will get me killed…

Here’s an old Ric the Schmuck!

It’s Pepperkat as a manga cartoon!

And manga Whiny the Elder!

How about me as a woman?

[ via Michele ]

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14 Responses to All I’ve got is a photograph

  1. Ric The Schmuck says:

    You mean I don’t look that old now? Sometimes I sure feel like it!

    Fun stuff.

  2. the Manga Pepperkat and Whiny’s crack me up.

  3. Daphne says:

    Scary tech – very fun:)

  4. John says:

    From what I can tell, in 5 years I’m going to be Rosanne Barr.

    Off to find a razor blade…

  5. Jenni says:

    Oh my God, too funny. Check out the Schmuck!

    Happy 2005, BTW! 🙂 Hope you and yours have a good one, Solly.

  6. Brainpower, Activate!

    …..Or not.  Seems I can't blog much these days -- I'm caught up in life drama at the moment, so I tend to try and keep busy by either cleaning the house or eBaying my heart out.

  7. domino says:

    That wasn’t a current picture of Ric?

  8. picklejuice says:

    Dude. Alt+print screen, paste into PSP.

    But for duh.

  9. Your not well, at all.

    There is no way Im going to upload a pic.

    I’ll just let nature take it’s course.

    OK, so I will and not tell you, OK? OK???

  10. Karan says:

    I made Rejjie into a monkey child. She was not impressed, but the rest of us have been yucking it up at her expense. Thanks!

  11. Lisa says:

    You make kind of a cute woman. 😉 (PS: stop over and read the ‘nessa post)

  12. jools says:

    That’s not you as a woman, it IS a woman. :p

  13. i’ll say it again, jools: how long’s it been? 😉

  14. jcwinnie says:

    I can see the grocery store newspaper title now: Floridian Discovers He Is Martha’s Twin Sister.

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