An appropriate Lenten celebration

Is it a coincidence that my blog’s birthday is on Ash Wednesday? I think not.

I believe that the Lords of Blogging decreed that the fourth anniversary of the Great Enlightenment (i.e., the introduction of Solonor’s Ink Well to an eternally grateful world) should be celebrated with a ritual reading of a random post and coincide with a period of fasting and reflection.

So reflect already.

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15 Responses to An appropriate Lenten celebration

  1. Sherri says:

    Congratulations on surviving!

  2. *** Dave says:

    Happy blogoversary!

  3. Scott says:

    I just realized earlier today that I’m approaching four years, too. Happy, Happy, Joy, Joy, Solly!

    Here’s to a long, long time ahead. 🙂

  4. Busy Mom says:

    Happy Blogaversary, my friend!

  5. happee happee, Solly 😀

  6. Karan says:

    Happy Birthday Lester! I like that randomizer. Pretty cool!

  7. jr says:

    You had me up to the fasting part…

  8. Ric the Schmuck says:

    Happy etc….

  9. Ric the Schmuck says:

    And on the topic of that randomizer….

    I just clicked it. It took me to October 20/21, 2004.

    Game 7.

    Boston vs New York.

    How frickin’ cool is that? 🙂

  10. jayne d'Arcy says:

    I’m still working on that fasting bit. Is it fasting if I drink a beer in celebration? Congrats to you!

  11. shelley says:

    Who knew? (Oh, wait …)


  12. jcwinnie says:

    Mirror, mirror, on the wall
    Who is the strangest of them all?

  13. Happy Blog Birthday!!!

  14. Mikey says:

    Grats from me too dude. I have reflected and I am going to give up not having sex for lent.

  15. dragonleg says:

    Congrats, bud-

    Beer and donuts for everyone,

    I’m buying.


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