Anyone in Syracuse listening?

I got an e-mail this weekend from the program director of WAER in Syracuse. He wanted a copy of the CD for their acoustic/folk show Common Threads. Purty cool, non?

Listen to their webcast on Sundays from 2pm-4pm, and you might hear meeeeee.

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5 Responses to Anyone in Syracuse listening?

  1. Busy Mom says:

    Yeee Haaaaaah! Very cool!

  2. Karan says:

    Do you still remember when you were a wee folk like the rest of us?

    Congratulations, again!!

  3. WHiRRKat says:

    We’re going to be superstars before year’s end.

  4. how exciting, Lestah! 😀

  5. Ric The Schmuck says:

    Way cool…

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