’tis the month for the Blogathon, people. On July 26, bloggers will be at it for 24 hours straight. When it’s all over, they will have collected wads o’ cash for a myriad of charities. I was a clueless newbie last year, so I missed it. This year I’ll be a clueless newbie at Gnomedex. But that won’t stop me from becoming a sponsor, and you ought to, too.
Here are the bloggers and charities to which I’ve donated some piddly amount, so you can get an idea of who is blogging for whom:
***Dave Does the Blog – Comic Book Legal Defense Fund
A Small Victory – Magen David Adom (also getting support from Amish Tech Support and Yourish.com)
Anything But Ordinary – ALS Association
Blissfully Bitter – Global Fund for Women
The Passionate Ailurophile – PawSafe Animal Rescue
Photojunkie – AIDS Committee of Toronto
Rant-O-Rama – Denver Dumb Friends League
Bottled Voices – Virginia Beach SPCA
Oxymoronic – Precious Pugs Rescue and Adoption
Thank you for your help, and your donation! 😀
Thank you so much for your donation! I so appreciate it!
And don’t say your amount is “piddly”. Most of my donors can only give $5 to $10, but it’s adding up! We’re almost halfway to our goal!
God bless ya honey!
Thank you for your donation. I only hope I can last for the duration. Can I remain bitter for 24 hours?
I’ve got a fancy plan (and pants to match).
Thank you, m’dear! 🙂
ok, ok. you’ve inspired me already.
hope you’re happy, buddy.
Thank you SO much for the pledge, and the plug! Very much appreciated! 🙂
Blogathon 2003
Solonor’s Ink Well: “When it’s all over, they will have collected wads
o’ cash for a myriad of charities.”
Thanks for the pledge. w00t! I was getting worried that I was all alone out here.
Sunday Reading
I really got nuthin’ today (and this is different from other days how, you are probably asking), so here are