De-lurk for charity

According to those that follow such trends, today is De-Lurking Day in the blogosphereaverse. That means that anyone who normally reads a blog but doesn’t usually make any comments is supposed to come out of the shadows (“de-lurk”) and make one.

While I’m not going to ask for comments on this blog (though I always welcome them), I did want to point out that my pal Lisa is donating $1 to tsunami relief for ever comment she gets (up to $100). Not only that, but her employer is matching her dollar-for-dollar! So, go over there an flood her with commenty goodness, willya?

De-lurk and donate, all for a good cause – Glimpse of a Grrl

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5 Responses to De-lurk for charity

  1. Diane says:

    well, I am going to leave ya a comment and say HI.

  2. FryGuy says:

    You may already know this but I figured I’d mention it anyway because I just read it. Did you know that your blog is mentioned, ever so briefly but mentioned however, in Biz Stone’s new book Who Let The Blogs Out? That’s awesome.

  3. Lisa says:

    Yay! 🙂 Luv you!

  4. OC hairball says:

    Can’t resist a post like that. i like your style.

  5. sporty says:

    Aww what the hell do I have to comment for? You know I’m lurking, and that’s all that matters.

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