According to those that follow such trends, today is De-Lurking Day in the blogosphereaverse. That means that anyone who normally reads a blog but doesn’t usually make any comments is supposed to come out of the shadows (“de-lurk”) and make one.
While I’m not going to ask for comments on this blog (though I always welcome them), I did want to point out that my pal Lisa is donating $1 to tsunami relief for ever comment she gets (up to $100). Not only that, but her employer is matching her dollar-for-dollar! So, go over there an flood her with commenty goodness, willya?
De-lurk and donate, all for a good cause – Glimpse of a Grrl
well, I am going to leave ya a comment and say HI.
You may already know this but I figured I’d mention it anyway because I just read it. Did you know that your blog is mentioned, ever so briefly but mentioned however, in Biz Stone’s new book Who Let The Blogs Out? That’s awesome.
Yay! 🙂 Luv you!
Can’t resist a post like that. i like your style.
Aww what the hell do I have to comment for? You know I’m lurking, and that’s all that matters.