Did I mention I love the word ‘penultimate’?

I know you’re tired of hearing that the cd is almost done, but that’s all I got.

I finished the next-to-last song last night, and I plan on recording the last one tomorrow. Then, it’s just a matter of some clean up mixing and getting my friend, Cableman, to print off the labels.

I’m sending a small shipment to cdbaby, so they can get my sales link up and put the songs online. They manage the digital distribution to iTunes, Wal-Mart, MSN Music, Napster, Rhapsody and a bazillion others. So, even though I’m only sending them a few physical discs, the CD will be purchaseable all over creation.

Queen Bran has been working overtime on the new site. We’ll be ready to launch it when there’s an actual finished product.

Since I needed photos for the site, we bit the bullet and got V a good digital camera (her 35mm was lost or stolen years ago). It’s a Sony DSC-H1 that I think was on sale because it’s being discontinued or something. Not the greatest thing in the world, but it takes pretty good pics. And now kids and cats run and hide when they see her coming… she’s got the photo bug again for the first time in years.

For example:

lestah.jpg whiny.jpg em_peace.jpg

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9 Responses to Did I mention I love the word ‘penultimate’?

  1. Scott says:

    Actually, the DSC-H1 is what Kim has, and it’s a great camera. Go through her Flickr stream and look at the shots she’s gotten since early November. Good stuff.


  2. Ric The Schmuck says:

    To quote a famed philosopher… Neato!

  3. MJ says:

    Yay! Looking forward to the CD release. Those are some great pics too. Very serious. Very serious.

    “Hello, I’m Lester Norton.”

  4. bitterkat says:

    You could break a few hearts with that picture. Or is it a few bones?

  5. domino says:

    “I shot a man in Lee-vant, just to watch him die…”

    Cool, looking forward to it!!

  6. i didn’t know she bought a Sony! my camera is in the same family: the Sony MVC-25. this is going to sound a little retarded, but i thought the picture quality looked similar to what comes out of my camera — i think it’s something about the dark/light contrast in the Sony’s.

  7. not quality as in “damn! that’s good!” but quality as in… er, pigment? stuff? yeah…

    i’m not a photographer, i just play one on my blog.

  8. um, not that Venita’s pics aren’t good. cos they totally are.

    shutting up now! 😛

  9. Linkmeister says:

    The pictures look just fine. I gotta wonder about this sentence from that review, though:

    “Sony’s commanding position in the digital camera marketplace.”

    Say what? Say “Digital camera” to me and I think Nikon, Canon, Olympus, and even Kodak before I think Sony. I hear “Sony” and I think televisions.

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