E-mail problems

I am not getting about 1/4 of my e-mails at solonor.com, I just know it. For one thing, I see comments here that I never got a notice on. Plus, I got an e-mail from a friend this morning pointing out that I’d missed important information that should have been in an e-mail yesterday. And I know I’ve sent out comments or e-mails that certain people usually wouldn’t ignore, yet have heard zip (If I piss people off I hope they’ll tell me and not just ignore me).

So, if you’ve sent something to solonor.com in the past couple of days, either send it to my Roadrunner address (if you don’t know it, ask for it…the worst I’ll say is “Bite me!”) or leave a comment here.

-The Management

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One Response to E-mail problems

  1. natalie says:

    So *that’s* why you never responded to my threats of blackmail – I mean, those pictures are waaay too incriminating to ignore. :^)

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