Easter Weekend

Hope you’re having a good one. Ours is filled with all manner of churchy goodness.

We went to the early service at Forest Lake Seventh Day Adventist Church this morning to see our friends in the choir. It was a beautiful service with a brass ensemble and full choir. A little sad, though. Since we left our old church when our choir director was mistreated and quit, we had no Easter cantata to practise for this year. Our new church choir is nice, but we’re not “family” with them like we were with the old one. Anyway, we saw our old choir director and our other friends, and it was good.

Tomorrow, we sing at the early service for our new church (7:30am, ick) and at the 11am service.

Easter’s a little sad now since the kids are too old to do the pagan bunny-and-egg ritual. Plus, Venita’s mother died on Easter weekend. I know I’m supposed to be focusing on resurrection and new life, but I’d honestly rather sit here and wallow in computer baseball stats all weekend.

One good thing: Lent is freaking over tomorrow.

Pepperkat decided to give up ice cream for Lent… more as a test of her willpower than for any religious significance. She’s been incredibly persistent (if somewhat whiny). So, tomorrow, we’re going out immediately after lunch and dive into buckets of ice cream.

Sundaes on Easter Sunday!

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4 Responses to Easter Weekend

  1. Elizabeth says:

    Yup, breaking out the chocolate tomorrow, hooray! Have a nice Easter!

  2. Pepperkat says:

    Ice cream… .:goes off in zombie like trance:.

  3. Sunidesus says:

    I say you’re never too old for an egg hunt! My brother & I (with the parental units doing the hiding) still have one, and we’re 23 & 21 respectively.

  4. Snowgirl says:

    Hey – it was April 30th. I had forgotten it was also Easter. Are you sure it was Easter? Anyhow I’ve been feeling very low lately too. Your neice and hubby guilted us into creating an Easter Feast. Yummy – looked more like Thanksgiving. But it would have been more festive if you guys were here. Miss you all. Happy Easter.

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