Get the Smelling Salts!

Whiny wore green today!

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4 Responses to Get the Smelling Salts!

  1. Alteredboy says:

    he is making progress.

  2. Melissa says:

    Maybe it was just a greenish black…

  3. theresa says:

    like melissa, i was gonna ask if you’re sure it wasn’t just faded black :p

  4. Ric The Schmuck says:

    Maybe he was catching up for St Patricks Day?
    Perhaps it was a Kermit Tribute day?
    He hasn’t figured out that the Celtics are out of the playoffs?
    He was pretending he had won the Masters?
    Maybe he really isn’t Goth, after all? 🙂
    Just misunderstood, perhaps.

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