Get your factchecks straight

It’s FactCheck dot ORG, dumbass.

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7 Responses to Get your factchecks straight

  1. Thud says:

    I hope he doesn’t tell people to visit whitehouse dot com, too….

  2. Solonor says:

    Sorry, John, I had to edit your comment… I don’t think we need the kids accidentally clicking on THAT. 🙂

  3. Brian says:

    Amusingly enough, is George Soros’ very anti-Bush website, so maybe it’s just as well that people go there anyway.

    Oh, and Atrios points out this morning that a certain sitting Vice President did indeed meet a certain Democratic senator from South Carolina prior to last night, unlike his assertion to the opposite. That’s probably not mentioned on either factcheck site.

  4. Deja vu all over again

    Seems my home state of Michigan wants to be the Florida of 2004 Presidential Election. Check out the absentee ballots that were sent out. Pay close attention to the Presidential section and the arrows… MmmHmm. It’s fairly obvious that a

  5. Deja vu all over again

    Seems my home state of Michigan wants to be the Florida of 2004 Presidential Election. Check out the absentee ballots that were sent out. Pay close attention to the Presidential section and the arrows… MmmHmm. It’s fairly obvious that a

  6. jcwinnie says:

    “Just as the model of N fermions in the inverted harmonic oscillator potential is dual to the 1+1-dimensional noncritical string theory (the 0B noncritical string theory, to be precise), the theory in an uninverted harmonic oscillator potential can also be interpreted in terms of a weird sort of noncritical string theory.”
    “Anyway, if you think that this interpretation of the large-N gauged harmonic oscillator is too contrived and baroque, you haven

  7. KB says:

    I laughed when I heard that last night. Put that one in the old fart “I’m hip. I’m with it” file.

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