Glass half-full or empty?

For the optimists in the audience, there’s news that Microsoft announced its new operating system: Microsoft Windows Vista

For the rest of us: Every OS Sucks

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5 Responses to Glass half-full or empty?

  1. geeky says:

    haha i love every OS sucks 🙂

  2. Karan says:

    Do you remember the movie Silver Streak when the thing crashes into the train station and the overhead announcement says, “Now arriving in gate 12, gate 13, gate 14…etc” That’s what always comes to mind when I see an MS delivery date…2006, 2007, 2008, etc.

  3. Frac says:

    That wasn’t Silver Streak. That was Airplane. Silver Streak was the one where the train crashes through the wall and ends up looking like it’s “Smiling”.

  4. Speaker says:

    this has nothing to do with this entry, but I thought I’d pimp this to you since I think you liked my last gollum song.

    i did a new one

  5. Karan says:

    OK…I can correct that…

    Do you remember the movie Airplane when the plane crashes into the airport and the overhead announcement says, “Now arriving in gate 12, gate 13, gate 14…etc” That’s what always comes to mind when I see an MS delivery date…2006, 2007, 2008, etc.

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