Help me! The addiction returns!

When I was a kid, I lived in front of the TV. Nightly TV was a ritual not to be trifled with. There was a schedule to be maintained. Six Million Dollar Man, The Invisible Man, Happy Days, Welcome Back Kotter, Little House on the Prairie, The Waltons, M*A*S*H, Emergency!… and that was just 1975. Every year there was great care and planning put into the shows to be watched in the upcoming season.

I got better. Somehow.

In fact, it had been years since I regularly watched a television show. Sure, I’d catch Monk or Mythbusters when I thought about it. I’d sometimes watch ER or House or Simpsons, Family Guy or South Park. I remember watching a season of the X-Files off and on. But I wouldn’t go out of my way to clear time for any of them on a regular basis. The last show that I scheduled my life around was Babylon 5 (and can you believe it’s been almost 8 years since the last episode?).

With the SciFi Channel’s re-broadcasting of the new series of Doctor Who last year, the habit crept back in. I only missed one episode of that. But it was just one show, right? No worse than B5. And that hadn’t turned into anything serious? Right???

Well, I just finished watching the second episode of Heroes. And it is aaaaawesome. I’m hooked.

On top of that, I watched the Battlestar Galactica “The Story So Far”… and I think I’m hooked on that now, too!

And… and…I watched the season premiere of Smallville and was blown away. So, I think I’m going to have to watch that regularly, as well.

And…and…and… ok, that’s all. But still. Is this a trend? Someone stop me before I start watching 24 or Lost. Please?

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15 Responses to Help me! The addiction returns!

  1. Ric The Schmuck says:

    I knew you’d like Galactica if you started watching it…

  2. jayne dArcy says:

    I’m sorry, I can’t help you. I’m hooked on Lost, Ghost Whisperer, Heroes, Bones, and am anxiously awaiting Dr. Who.

  3. Hiro Fan says:

    I hear you. Serialized TV shows have replaced movies for me. I just can’t get into 2 hour movies when you can get so much more involved in long 24 hour seasons.

    Downside is the time commitment. I made the mistake of getting into Lost over the summer (do it!!! you won’t regret it). 24 is on my list too.

    Plus I’m already a Galactica nut and Heroes, as you say, is freaking awesome. Definitely my favorite new show of the season.

    But hey, that’s why the DVD sets are so great! You can always catch up at the end of the season (sans commercials).

  4. Brian says:

    You got a DVR, didn’t you?

  5. shelley says:

    Must. Watch. *Lost*.

  6. *** Dave says:

    I hate to think of how out-of-control my TV watching (close to the same set you have) would be without my DVR …

  7. Karan says:

    I start each season with some must sees…but every year, the list ends with only two or three shows that I look forward too. Now…if we’re talking computer time, I in a serious place about the time I spend here.

  8. Karan says:

    I start each season with some must sees…but every year, the list ends with only two or three shows that I look forward to. Now…if we’re talking computer time, I in a serious place about the time I spend here.

  9. Kim says:

    I was really surprised when Scott told me you weren’t watching Galactica. I knew you’d like it if you saw it.

    The DVR, as others have already said, is the way to go. Scott and I spend considerably *less* time watching TV since we got the DVR.

  10. Kim says:

    Oh, and you really do need to watch Lost. 🙂

  11. Linkmeister says:

    I’m obligated to watch “Lost.” The Film division of the Dept. of Economics and Bus. Development will take away my citizenhood if I don’t keep the ratings up.

  12. Scott says:

    I told you that Galactica rocks! It’s deep, dark and downright brutal!

  13. Scott says:

    Oh, and we have Heroes on DVR — I’m looking forward to it!

  14. Scott says:

    Oh, and while I’m at it, might I recommend Supernatural on CW? We got hooked on it last year — sorta like X-Files meets Melrose, due to the young age of the cast.

    Fun show.

  15. Lesley says:

    “Heroes” is awesome! And I cannot believe you have not been watching “Battlestar Galactica” since the miniseries. It’s fantastic.

    I don’t watch “24”, and I don’t intend to start now. But I do watch “Lost”, and, well, it rocks. I know, not helping.

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