Help System Rename

Continuing with the work theme, we need help coming up with a new name for our call tracking system. Here are a few suggestions, but the acronyms might be a little off…

  • Support Help Issue Tracker
  • Automated Support System
  • Boss’ Underground Technical Tips System
  • Support Logging UTility
  • Personal Internet Support System
  • Personal Internet Support System And Network Tracker
  • Personal Internet Support System Online Network Information Tracker
  • Support Tracking Users Pathetic Incorrect Deeds
  • Damned Inefficient Personal Support Helpline Information Tracker
  • Technical Internet-based Tracking System
  • Personal Information Tracking Systems
  • Internet Tracking Support Device Engineered Accounting Discipline
  • Technical Web and Internet-based Tracking System
  • Internet Tracking Support Device Engineered Accounting Discipline Justifying Inmmediate Manipulation
  • Internet Tracking Support Device Engineered Accounting Discipline Just Input Money
  • Support Collects Reports Even While Yanking Our Users
  • Tracking Roster Of Limited Leadership System
  • Basic Information Tracking Erroneous User Software
  • Support Helpline Information Tracker Helping All Patronizing Phone Employees Neglect Support

I’ll trust you to come up with the acronyms yourself. Got any to add?

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5 Responses to Help System Rename

  1. GeekGrrl says:

    LOL! Very cute. My favorite is “Internet Tracking Support Device Engineered Accounting Discipline Justifying Inmmediate Manipulation”… hehehehe

    So yesterday, when you were talking about being overloaded at work… Now we know why. You had to sit around and think up names all day. 😉

    You’ve heard of the ID Ten T error, right?

  2. Zuly says:

    Just the laugh I needed after looking (unsuccessfully, again) for a job. 🙂

  3. Help Systems

    Solonor is backed up at work and could use a little “help” from his friends with Help System Rename. If you don’t mind, check out the possibilities and tell him what you think would work. You know, as a consumer….

  4. Christine says:

    I like the last one…SHIT HAPPENS! LOL!!!

  5. Scott says:

    Personal Referral, Internal Computing and Krisis System.

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