Hi-Ho, Hi-Ho, It’s Off to the Trade Show

The NACS show is huge (about the size of 20 football fields). Even though it’s not out of town this year, it might as well be. I am going to be down at the convention center pretty much full time until next Wednesday. I’ll try to keep blogging and mailing when I get home in the wee hours, but don’t count on instant replies. Ta.

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5 Responses to Hi-Ho, Hi-Ho, It’s Off to the Trade Show

  1. boxen says:

    please sir – would you lend me some help with the specifics of the playlist.js file source?

  2. Christine says:

    Ahhhh… the most wonderful thing about tradeshows is the free goodies you get – pick up anything exciting there? Nothing like some good free stuff to make you happy!

  3. Solonor says:

    Ah, yes! In fact, I usually wait until the last 45 minutes before the show ends. Then, everyone’s trying to get rid of their stuff. I didn’t feel like carrying around too much crap, but let’s just say that the family is set up with junk food for the foreseeable future.

  4. Solonor says:


    I have been up to my ears with the trade show and am at work right now, but as soon as I get home this evening, I will take a crack at it. Just e-mail me your particular question. Or is it just that: “Where does the playlist.js go?” If that’s all, mine is just in the root directory.

  5. boxen says:

    hey solonor,

    do I have to create the file playlist.js?


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