Me? Fanboy? You betcha!

Man. I didn’t think about DragonCon this year until it was too late. A night or two before the event, I was chatting with Speaker, when he told me it was in Atlanta. That’s not that long a drive, and I missed it. Oh well. Next year.

In the meantime, go check out his photos of the stars. I can’t believe I missed seeing Walter Koenig and both Hollies from Red Dwarf. Argh!

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6 Responses to Me? Fanboy? You betcha!

  1. Scott says:

    Walter’s not that interesting at Cons, to be honest.

  2. Ric The Schmuck says:

    Jeeze, even I thought about that when I read about it being held in Atlanta…. but then I thought, since you hadn’t mentioned it, that you were all geeked-out from Des Moines. Silly I.

  3. Speaker says:

    IT WAS GREAT! I still don’t have enough energy to write part 2 but SOON!

  4. Brian Peace says:

    Yes, I have some of Speaker’s pics mixed in. Bite me.

  5. I’d just like to make it to one good gaming convention. I haven’t been to any in nearly ten years!

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