Me likey

A new member of the family has arrived! Everyone, say hello to my little friend from Epiphone.

A dear, sweet, wonderful friend of ours gave it to me, as she had no further use for it. Am I lucky or what?

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9 Responses to Me likey

  1. kat says:

    Welcome little one. She sure is pretty. Now take good care of her and don’t make us call GPS after you.

    *GPS= guitar protective services

  2. Ric The Schmuck says:

    Very nice.

    Play something with it. Maybe even record it. Just a thought.

  3. bran says:

    yasss, yasss.
    she’s a keeper.

  4. Tracy says:

    Awwww! She looks just like you!

  5. Karan says:

    Hey Epiphne! I have a friend Martin that might like to meet you….

  6. Karan says:

    Hey Epiphone! I have a friend Martin that might like to meet you….

  7. Linkmeister says:

    Ve Hofners velcome you mit open arms!

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