Morning Update

Just letting everyone know that we’re still here.

Pepperkat and I slept in the living room with the TV on. I think we got a couple of hours of sleep. Meanwhile, Whiny and Mrs. R slept like babies. Bastidges.

We’ve got some wicked wind storm going on right now. And the heart of it still hasn’t shown up. (Yikes, Fox35 just said that the hurricane force winds that are hitting Melbourne right now will be starting to hit here in about 15 minutes!)

Hold on, friends. We’ve got a whole day of this crap still to go.

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2 Responses to Morning Update

  1. kat says:

    Hang in there blog daddy and stay safe. Thinking of you and the family.

  2. Busy Mom says:

    Be careful!! Keep us posted when you can.

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