Old enough to see Borat by herself!

Happy birthday to the coolest 17 year old on the planet.

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10 Responses to Old enough to see Borat by herself!

  1. susan says:

    Happy Birthday!!

  2. shelley says:

    Happy happy! Joy joy!

  3. jr says:

    Isn’t that two offspring birthdays in the same month. My goodness. Anything left over for food this month?

  4. natalie says:

    OMG – I totally didn’t recognize her! Happy birthday to that stunning little lass…she must take after Venita.

  5. Bea says:

    Happy Turkey Day! 🙂

  6. Ric The Schmuck says:

    Once again with your kids making me feel old. 🙂

    Happy B-Day, P-Kat!

  7. cassie-b says:

    Happy Birthday! Seventeen is good!

  8. Annette says:

    17 — wow!! Happy belated!

  9. Pepperkat says:

    Yay! I am the coolest 17 year old on the planet. XD -snicker-

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