On the second day of Christmas…

I didn’t mean to make things sound quite so disastrous, yesterday. It was a bit depressing not to have had things go according to plan (not that we actually planned anything), but it was a relatively peaceful day. Pepperkat was comatose on the couch all day. Mrs. R hacked up her lungs in the comfort of the recliner, watching Bugs Bunny cartoons and reading Charlie Brown. Whiny and I buried ourselves into our prezzies (I love City of Heroes!).

My brother is down from Philly. He is trying to pack all of his worldly goods into a small trailer to haul it back up to the land of Mac and Buzz. He was going to take his three youngest kids back with him. I won’t go into details, but one of the saddest sights is a pile of unopened presents on the day after Christmas.

Anyway, I hope you all got what you wished for and celebrated with those you love. It’s finally stopped raining here, and I think the sun will come out soon.

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2 Responses to On the second day of Christmas…

  1. Lisa says:

    I’m glad to read you all survived the holiday festivites. Sorry to read that illness and strife hit your household. Best wishes for the end of this year and hopes that the next year brings nothing but good stuff for you.

  2. Ric The Schmuck says:

    I hope all is well with Scott, too. Give him my best, next time you speak with him, ‘K?

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