It was about the time that we were considering quitting church that our whole family took this little Belief-O-Matic test to see which flavor of worship we ought to be practising. I think I came out as a Liberal Quaker a year or so ago, though we never published the results. So, let’s see how we come out now…
1. Reform Judaism (100%)
2. Liberal Quakers (97%)
3. Unitarian Universalism (92%)
4. Neo-Pagan (89%)
5. Mainline to Liberal Christian Protestants (85%)
6. Bah
Lookit you! Neo-Pagan at 89%, baby!
I wasn’t surprised to see a strong Eastern leaning among my top ten.
Solonor, you scored higher for neo-pagan than I did. I was only 86%.
I didn’t take the test, because if I even have 1% Jehovah’s Witness in me, I won’t be able to sleep at night!! *lol* ;o)
What’s a nice Jewish boy like you doing with a blog like this?
surprise surprise! my number one was “nontheist.” imagine that.
i was relieved that LDS/Mormonism did not appear on my list. i checked it; twice.
i just realized how bitter and unaccepting my last two comments were. should an LDS person read my comment, he or she might see my remark as a completely unwarranted dose of troll-istic Mo bashing.
hrm. though i don’t recind, i still feel apologetic. ok Sol i’ll quit spamming your comments, now.
I took the test and LDS appeared THIRD. I got very scared, but I took drugs and all was well.
1. Bah
I took this a while ago. Ended up with Universal Unitarianism and Secular humanism as my top two at 100% and 99% respectively. Reform Judaism, which is how I was raised, came in somewhere around 8th.
All of which pretty much assures that I’m a heathen.
I was shooting for Heathen and look what I got…
1) Unitarian Universalism 100%
2) Mainline to Liberal Christian Protestants 96%
3) Liberal Quakers 92%
4) Secular Humanism 91%
5) Neo-Pagan 78%
I’m so ashamed… look whats happened to me! 🙂
Unitarian Universalism and Secular Humanism appeared on my list as well. however, though i was given a list of at least 20 religious sects to choose from, i do not feel it necessary to actually pick one and be it. i think i’ll be them all. nontheist, unitarian, scientologist…as i’ve said before, i am Alpha and Omega, baby.
Bah. You’re the whole frickin’ Greek alphabet, baby! (Except for Omicron. We hateses Omicron.)
1. Mainline to Liberal Christian Protestants (100%)
2. Liberal Quakers (95%)
3. Unitarian Universalism (92%)
4. Mahayana Buddhism (73%)
5. Theravada Buddhism (73%)
Liberal? .:snicker:.