Partay Down Ghosts and Ghouls!

Hosting a Halloween party for Pepperkat and friends tonight. So far, it’s been a blast. They’re watching Lost Boys right now. Meanwhile, the Sainted Spouse™ is making tacos, while my butt is in front of the computer. Life is good.

Later on tonight, we’re doing our MST3K schtick on a 1972 film starring Ray Milland, called Frogs. (“Today the pond! Tomorrow the world!”) Then, it’s on to Whiny’s pick: House of 1000 Corpses.

Maybe we’ll throw in a little Blair Witch or Young Frankenstein. And let’s not forget the silly string fight… Pictures to follow…

Hope you have as much silly fun, too!

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4 Responses to Partay Down Ghosts and Ghouls!

  1. Linkmeister says:

    Mmm. Tacos. For my 16th birthday we had a party with tacos and prints of original Frankenstein and Dracula films; it was successful, except that most of my friends had never been west of the Mississippi, thus didn’t know what to make of tacos. 😉

  2. Jenni says:

    Hey you — Happy Halloween! (Sorry I’ve been such a lurker — I read your blog every day and rarely comment. Bad blogger, I am). 😉

  3. P.katt yo says:

    yeah, the guys went home…its more boring now…Kyle was wearing a dress!

  4. Melissa says:

    I want to come live with you! That sounds like it was lots of fun. 🙂

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