Our company has a digital photo contest each month. There’s the typical categories–animals, nature, people, humor. Grump pushed very hard to have them add a “Special Effects” category. This is mostly so he’ll have a chance to try out this little trick with animated gifs that he found at the web site of Jim Gasperini.
What he does is take two photos slightly off-angle from each other (about the distance between your left and right eye) and combines them into an animation that rapidly switches between them. This creates a flickering 3D effect that is odd, but it works.
Wow! Those are really, ummm, cool? interesting? bizarre?
Hard to put into words, actually.
What Buzz said. It would be great to show them to a drunk person to freak them out.
Um, not that I’m a meanie like that.
very cool. if you had 2 cams you could do it. neat trick.
Odd is a good word. It’s cool, though, in that same odd way. Makes my eyes hurt to look at them too long. Sort of reminds me of those 3-D holographic stickers/cards you can get that change depending on which way you’re looking at them. Sort of.