Quick! What box are you in?

Your Personal Self-Government Score is 90%.
Your Economic Self-Government Score is 20%.

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4 Responses to Quick! What box are you in?

  1. Brian says:

    The Grain of Salt: this quiz is sponsored by a libertarian organization and, not surprisingly, most of the people who take it score as libertarian or left-libertarian.

    I scored one notch to the north of you.

  2. Solonor says:

    As I explained to Grump (who directed me to the quiz), I could probably take it tomorrow and come out somewhere else, depending on my mood.

  3. Wow, talk about pegging my party 🙂

    Your Personal Self-Government Score is 100%. Your Economic Self-Government Score is 80%. Take the World’s Smallest Political Quiz via

  4. Scott says:

    I came out 90/10. Since it’s a libertarian site, no wonder libertarian scores highest. Mine hasn’t changed in the four or so times I’ve taken it over the years.

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