Crap. If there’s anything I hate more than reality shows, it’s chain letters. Well, thanks a fricking lot to Speaker:
Everyone reading this shall now hit “Leave a Comment” and ask me exactly three (3) questions. Ask me anything, but not too TMI, ok? I will answer your three (3) questions. Then you post this in your journal, asking all of your friends to ask you three (3) questions.
There. Now bad luck will stay away… or I’ll win the Irish Sweepstakes… I forget which.
1. What is the most annoying characteristic one of your friends (who may or may not remain nameless, your call) posesses.
2. Name one thing that you like and one thing that you dislike about me.
3. Name one thing that you like and one thing that you dislike about yourself.
Yeah, I know that I’m asking for it. Heh.
1. What is the most annoying characteristic one of your friends (who may or may not remain nameless, your call) posesses.
Besides making me answer stupid questions? That would be their mule-headed, stubborn insistence that they’re stupid and worthless.
2. Name one thing that you like and one thing that you dislike about me.
I like that you’re so geeky it makes me look cool.
I dislike your Jerry Lewis impression. Dude. It sucks.
3. Name one thing that you like and one thing that you dislike about yourself.
I like my incredible generosity and stunning good looks.
I dislike my hyperactive sense of modesty and humbleness.
1. What is the last book you read or are currently reading.
2. Name one OTHER thing you really like about Brian and one other thing you don’t like about him.
3. How much Pepper could a PepperKat Kat if a PepperKat could Kat Pepper?
1. What is the last book you read or are currently reading.
Started to read “DaVinci Code”… got bored. Starting to read “Wicked”.
2. Name one OTHER thing you really like about Brian and one other thing you don’t like about him.
I really like his sense of humor.
I don’t like his sense of balance.
3. How much Pepper could a PepperKat Kat if a PepperKat could Kat Pepper?
1. What do you like best about blogging?
2. What do you like least?
3. If you could live anywhere in the States (besides where you live right now) where would that be and why?
love and kisses, Vicki
Argh! Et tu, Vicki??
1. What do you like best about blogging?
The money.
2. What do you like least?
The constant badgering.
3. If you could live anywhere in the States (besides where you live right now) where would that be and why?
A couple of streets over is a really nice house. That’d be cool.
You get money?
1. If you could have a job other than the one you have now, what would it be?
2. What’s your favorite word?
3. What’s your least favorite sound?
*sigh* Not you, too!
1. If you could have a job other than the one you have now, what would it be?
One that pays a hell of a lot more for doing a hell of a lot less. You’re not hiring executive vice presidents where you work, by any chance?
2. What’s your favorite word?
I don’t like to play favorites. Jealous words rumbling around in my head do not make for a happy me. (“Stupid plethora. She gets all the air time.” “Yeah, but last week it was all masticate and jocularity. He’s so damned fickle.”)
Secretly, I’m in love with Byzantine. Shhh!
3. What’s your least favorite sound?
It’s a toss up between the alarm clock and 75 hungry howler monkeys losing at poker.
Just when you thought it was safe…
What’s your favorite pattern?
How long do you go between haircuts?
Is it bad if a chicken bites you?
Kat, Kat, Kat. I expected you to know these things. *sigh*
What’s your favorite pattern?
12-bar blues
How long do you go between haircuts?
It’s a matter of milliseconds, I would think. By the time the clipper cuts one hair, it’s on to the next one so fast, I can’t keep track.
Is it bad if a chicken bites you?
Well, how else is he gonna taste like a chicken? (Think about it.)
OK, Lets try this out…
What does the T stand for in TMI?
How about the I?
And in regards to that other post I just read…
Where does the name Solonors Ink Well come from? 😉