The SGCBL Wants You!

I’m a pretty silly person. (I know. Shocking. Don’t fall out of your chair.)

One of the silliest pursuits I have pursued is this Tolkien Baseball League. (Oh, stop it. Your eyes will get stuck like that, ya know.) It’s wicked fun!

For those new to the proceedings, I’m a geek. (Will you quit it with those looks!) And the geekiest sport on the planet has got to be baseball. It’s a stat freak’s paradise.

Computer baseball, where you don’t have to deal with pesky players and their agents, is even better. I ran a computer baseball league in Maine for five years, but I gave it up when we moved to Florida. Then, last year, I found Out of the Park Baseball and decided to start up a little online league. When I couldn’t think of names for each of the divisions, someone (Cableman or Grump) suggested Shire vs. Mordor. It kinda got outta hand from there…

We’ve run through four seasons over the past year-and-a-half, and while it may be silly, it is also a wicked lot of fun. But it’s not just the computer game that makes it. It’s the people who participate. I want to thank all of the team owners, past and present: Alrond, Altered Boy, Arwen, Cadderly, Cis, David, DeBuG, Diaphanus, Ejen, GeekGrrl, Hoopty, Jeff L., Jeff N., Kapstar, Kevin, Kevin, Knuckleball Lover, Kurt, Linkmeister, Loki, Mile High GM, Miz Dos, Panda, Peat, Pepperkat, Pippa, Scott, Sgt. Grump, Slucido, Smeagol, Speaker, Whiny the Elder, Wuvdani, Xade, and Zuly.

Anyway, of 24 teams, we have three two one team without owners for the upcoming season. You should join! Come on… you know you wanna…

UPDATE: In the blink of an eye, we got three new owners! But there are other teams that might become available. If you are interested, e-mail me!

Thanks to former-Bucklebury-owner, Bran, we have cool trophies:
League Trophy
Shire Trophy
Mordor Trophy

We have our own theme song.

And then there’s this:

click to enlarge

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7 Responses to The SGCBL Wants You!

  1. brandelion says:

    i would like to come back to the league…
    if you’ll have me.

    *blinks big, liquid, irresistably sweet eyes* …pretty please?

  2. Scott says:

    Bran wants back? Cool.

    I love the Dagorlad program!

    Let’s go Hops! Let’s go Hops!

    –proud owner of the Misty Mountain Hops, sponsored by The Gap of Rohan

  3. Solonor says:

    And the crowd goes wild!

  4. Karan says:

    I’d like to give it a shot…but I’ll need a bit of mentoring….are you up for THAT?

  5. Solonor says:

    Wow! That was fast. We got another person from the office to join. So, we got our 3 new owners lickety-split!

    There are still slots that might become available (Pepperkat could be coerced into giving up her team, and my brother lost his internet connection, so he might be locked out this season), so e-mail me anyway if you’re interested.

  6. Ric The Schmuck says:

    Oh hell, use me if you need a fill-in!

  7. Solonor says:

    I knew we’d trap you eventually. Mwahahahahaha!

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