The Solonor’s Ink Well that Smiles Back

I had to go back and finish this, or it would prey on my mind forever. I still can’t believe that 99% of these are coming up first click. Some of them are too funny (and eerily appropriate).

Recommended By Dr. Dan Reedy.
Melts In Your Davezilla, Not In Your Hand.
Why Have Cotton When You Can Have Defective Yeti?
Does You Does, or Does You Don’t Take Dive Into Mark?
There’s More Than One Way To Eat A Dollarshort.
I’m Only Here For The Eggscuseme.
Good to the Last Electric Bugaloo.
Make Fun of Far Away Thoughts.
Made In Scotland From Floating Monkeys.
The World’s Ginger Girl Marketplace.
Got a Go Fish? You’re in Luck.
Moms Like You Choose Gratuitous Sax And Senseless Violins.
Have a Greeblie and Smile.
Reach for the Heretical Ideas.
Something Special In The Hey! Rip The Bag!
It’s A Bit Of A How To Learn Swedish In 1000 Difficult Lessons.
I’m a Secret Hugin And Munin Drinker.
Happiness is Ickle Fiction-Shaped.
The Queen of JadedJu.
Australians Wouldn’t Give A Jazzy’s Blog For Anything Else.
It’s Not All Jumping Monkeys, Jumping Monkeys, Jumping Monkeys, you know.
Don’t Live a Little, Live a Kadyellebee.
If You Like A Lot Of Leoville On Your Biscuit, Join Our Club.
It’s The Tart Speaks Time.
It’s the Bright One, it’s the Right One, that’s Lightspeed Chronicles.
You Too Can Have A Mad Kane Like Mine.
Devon Knows How They Make Neurotic Fishbowl So Creamy.
I’d Walk a Mile for a Nicole-Bruni.
Crunch All You Want. We’ll Make No Bra Required.
Sometimes You Feel Like No Prerequisite, Sometimes You Don’t.
All You Need is an Observations Of A Misfit and a Dream.
All One Good Move, All The Time.
Top Breeders Recommend Oomph Girl.
Don’t You Just Love Being In Ordinary Morning?
Watch Out, There’s a Pax Nortona About.
Because Peace Dividend is Complicated Enough.
I’m Not Gonna Pay A Lot For This Phil Ringnalda.
Little. Yellow. Different. Photojunkie.
Please Don’t Squeeze The Plasticbag.
You’ll Never Put A Better Bit Of Redsugar Muse On Your Knife.
The Society For Aesthetic Deletions Breakfast.
I Saw Spreegirl and I Thought of You.
Sue’s Bloggy Blog – It Looks Good on You.
Schhh… You Know The .NET Guy.
Silly Rabbit, The Altered Blog is for Kids.
Leggo my Doc Searls!
Reach Out and Touch The Scobleizer.
Go Crack a Time Sink.
They’re Yummy For Your Working Mom.
What Would You Do For A Tortilla Girl?
Because Up Yours is Complicated Enough.
Mild Green Vaspider’s Web Liquid.
When It Absolutely, Positively Has To Be Wanderlost Overnight.
The Science Of Yourish.
Absolut Zmama’s Babbling Blog.
Do The Zuly’s Zu.

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2 Responses to The Solonor’s Ink Well that Smiles Back

  1. Da Goddess says:

    I still think it was wishful thinking with MY slogan

  2. munin says:

    so many double entendres… must refrain from spewing coffee 😀

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