They Don’t Know Her Vewwy Well, Do Dey?

Monday, 11:30am EDT. Michele on CNN.

CNN thinks it’s going to do a cute story about a bored housewife who thought she’d start up a war blog while the kids were at school. *snicker*

Who is gonna regret this? I can’t wait to see her ask for the head of Larry King on live TV.

I am so glad I have Monday off.

UPDATE: The revolution will not be televised. It was CNN Financial Network, and they started getting silly in the pre-show interviews, apparently. So, she told them to take a hike.

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3 Responses to They Don’t Know Her Vewwy Well, Do Dey?

  1. robyn says:

    It’s going to be a joyous occasion!

  2. Alteredboy says:

    Those poor bastards.

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