War Is Over, If You Want It

Well, that was fun. I wasn’t even around half the day, and I still got to splat about fifty blogs! Now, I am off to bed. We’re taking the in-laws to the big Diz-Knee tomorrow. Then, it’s off to St. Augustine on Saturday. Won’t be around much.

Keep the entries for Carnival of the Vanities #15 coming to Solonor at Solonor.com!

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6 Responses to War Is Over, If You Want It

  1. robyn says:

    Avoid the Rainforest Cafe. I’m just sayin’… 😉 No seriously, have fun!

  2. GeekMan says:

    Only because I made it myself…

    The last ball I throw goes to you because you seemed to like Zim.

  3. Snowballed

    I too concede the Great Snowball Fight of 2002. Well, I’m from Florida: I’m not used to this snow stuff.

  4. michele says:

    Hey you snowballing freak, your guest post is up at Raising Hell.

    Fly the pig, Gir!

  5. Pepperkat says:

    Legolas buried in snow…*drool*

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