What’s ya know…

Hey… It’s Tuesday.

Yep, that’s about as exciting as it gets in NO WHERE Indiana. The heat is one of those walk out the door and get hit with a WALL of heat. So how do we handle that… well, we stay inside, OF COURSE!

Its so hot right now, we even have the windows all drawn to keep the heat from coming through those ever present dual panel, tip in to clean vinyl windows that they suggested were EXACTLY that we needed. So hot, the dogs look at me with this “WHATEVER” look when I suggested they might want to go OUTSIDE for awhile.

So now you know how exciting life is in Indiana….. how’s it in your world?

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One Response to What’s ya know…

  1. Susan says:

    Ditto in Colorado. Actually turned the swamp cooler to High Cool whereas we have always kept it at Low Cool! Izzzz hot!

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