Win a date with…

Dennis Kucinich?? Ewwww.

Try this (obviously flawed) Candidate Compatibility Test, and see who you want to take to the senior prom.

What’s really scary is that Al Sharpton came in second. Of course, last time I took it, the winners were Kerry and Kucinich, so I guess it depends on your mood. Yeah! It’s a candidate mood ring!

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4 Responses to Win a date with…

  1. Kim says:

    My results were Kucinich, Sharpton, Kerry, Dean, Clark, and then the rest of them, with Bush last at 2%. I don’t know what’s more scary: that Sharpton came in second for me, that often when I see all the candidates together Sharpton seems to make the most sense, or that Bush came out at 2%.

  2. Scott says:

    Shit, Bush came in at 8% for me; must be because I like military service. A shame his is a lie, though.

    I had Kucinich, Sharpton, Kerry, Clark/Dean in a tie, Edwards, Palpatine and Dumbya.

  3. DiVERSiONZ says:

    Around The Horn–13 Blogs You Should Be Reading

    Kinda busy today at work and it is way to cold for much original thought anyway (not that anything here

  4. DiVERSiONZ says:

    Around The Horn–13 Blogs You Should Be Reading

    Kinda busy today at work and it is way to cold for much original thought anyway (not that anything here

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