Because it seems de rigeuer to do so (and because I love saying de rigeuer), here’s an end-of-2004 review of the goings on in the Ink Well and the world at large. Because I like living in the past, I’m going through all the archives. This will take a bit, so I guess I’ll just do 3 months each night for the next 4 nights. If you disagree with my choices for “coolest link” or “favorite post,” feel free to let me know, so I can ignore you purposefully.
“Last Samurai”… Referrer Madness… Sunday Sermons… Digital Archive Project… Casey Kasem quits… Britney weds (sorta)… d20 guide to sex… Geekman weds… Trinity movies by mail… the last Monday Mission… Tug McGraw dies… Friend Test… Brotron Labs (death rays for sale!)… free speech zones… LOTR as a haiku and as a limerick… sold a guitar… bought a digital recorder… RIAA Team!… “Miracle”… Movable Type upgrade… big ole movie list… robot valentines for sale… “Like a Hurricane”… WWII photos… visited states… BlogMadness… candidate compatibility test… April Winchell… Disney dumps animators…
Most comments: What? No monkey question?
Coolest link: Klaatu Barada Nikto… DIE!
Favorite post: Bad Steward! No Cookie!
Springer for President… Columbia disaster… Janet Jackson… Red Green movie… Robyn’s miracle baby… ultimate rock CD… hockey in the tagboard… gay marriage… Hitchhiker’s movie news… college radio… Cryptographever… Grammys… fake smiles… more election crap… Flogging Molly tix… referrer spam… A-Rod to the Yanks (oh no! *snicker*)… IQ test… MJ marries… accent test… dead power supply… “The Passion”… mp3 list… Tucows buys Blogrolling… Alcohoroscopes…
Most comments: Ayuh, y’all
Coolest link: Fnord!
Favorite post: Rock and Roll, Part 2
Oscar night… blogiversary… Koreans misuse “Diary of Anne Frank”… commercializing “The Passion”… Shelli does “This is Your Blog”… more election crap… more puns… Tweakomatic doc… more viruses… MegaCon… Church of Solonor… TV wisdom… Calvinball… invade Canada!… Spanish attacks… Whiny goes to Canada… vacation… Teavana… GURPS news… more songs recorded… Spring Training… “The Passion”… promise of a CD… Flogging Molly concert… Geekman and Bitter Kat meetup… “The Ladykillers”… Chernobyl motorcycle pics… Opening Day in Japan… Bad Ass Coffee…
Most comments: Three Rules
Coolest link: Words of Wisdom
Favorite post: Oh, the jet-set life!
I plan to bring back all the “this is your blogs” Although due to lack of knowledge on my part the tributes will have to be put into adobe format. I would have done it sooner but health was an issue. Thanks for the mention. Happy New Year.