Another entry in the “I must be getting old” file

My son, Whiny the Elder, turned 20 today.

click to enlarge

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7 Responses to Another entry in the “I must be getting old” file

  1. susan says:

    20? geesh… now I feel old…

  2. MJ says:

    I second that! How time flies…

    Happy Birthday WTE!

  3. Ric The Schmuck says:

    Oh, the hell with it….


    Happy B-day, Paul. Stop making us all feel so frickin’ old. Sheesh.

  4. domino says:

    But…but…it seems like you just got married.

  5. Happy birthday to the spawn of Solly.

    PS – You must forgive me for not visiting… I was running around like crazy for most of the week. Raincheck?

  6. shelley ju says:

    Twenty? Seriously? Where *does* the time go?

    Oh, well. Happy belated b-day, Whiny the E!

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