You paid attention during 97% of high school!

85-100% You must be an autodidact, because American high schools don’t get scores that high! Good show, old chap!

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[ via Scott ]

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9 Responses to S-M-R-T

  1. Ric the Schmuck says:

    You paid attention during 69% of high school!

    68-84% Pretty good, you know that there are libraries and newspapers, and you remember what you’ve read. You were a child that wasn’t left behind!

    Do you deserve your high school diploma?
    Create a Quiz

    Yuck. 🙂

  2. susan says:

    My dyslexia comes shining through:
    51-67% You are smart enough to be ashamed of still scoring so low; remember that there are books in the world, full of information? Yes, books are our friends.

  3. shelley ju says:

    I got 91%. The right triangle thing got me off to a bad start but I guess I recovered okay.

  4. geeky says:

    86%… i think the triangle question screwed me. i never was any good at math!

  5. Karan says:

    You paid attention during 86% of high school!

    85-100% You must be an autodidact, because American high schools don’t get scores that high! Good show, old chap!

    What’s a autodidact?

  6. Solonor says:

    It’s supposed to mean “self-taught,” but in my case, it just means “remembers a lot of worthless crap.”

  7. Linkmeister says:

    You paid attention during 100% of high school!

    Aw, shucks. T’weren’t nuthin’.

    I’m gonna have to look up that “area of a right-angled triangle” question, though.

  8. Linkmeister says:

    Ha. I didn’t calculate it the way these guys do, but I got it anyway.


  9. Jules says:

    i too earned a 91%, though I’m pretty sure i got more of a get-that-weird-nose-in-a-book-chick-out-of-here diploma than I actually earned one. My mother can attest to this fact.

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