We went to see The Simpsons Movie on Saturday. I think we were all feeling a little wary about it.
The show is ingrained in us–especially the kids. You have to remember, Whiny was barely 3 when the show started, and Pepperkat was just born. They’ve never known a world where the “D’oh!” and “Eggsellent” and “Ha-HA!” and “Mmmm…[insert whatever here]” didn’t exist. But, to be honest, it’s been a looong time since we carved out part of our Sunday night to make sure we caught the latest episode. South Park passed it a long time ago for topical humor and shock value (remember when George H.W. Bush used the Simpsons as a standard of bad moral values?), and Family Guy has taken the Simpsons’ random pop culture gags to absurd extremes. It seems like only yesterday that we made sure to at least catch the annual “Treehouse of Horror” episode, but checking out the list of episodes, it’s probably been at least 6 years–when they started airing them after Halloween. So, anyway, we all pretty much expected it to be “meh” with a side order of nostalgia.
I am happy to report that The Simpsons Movie doesn’t suck!
It’s not the best. movie. ever. It doesn’t go that little bit extra that would make it like it was 10 years ago, but it’s plenty funny, and there are a ton of gags you haven’t already seen in promo clips. In fact, there are enough that it bears watching a second or third time to catch them all.
Now…one of the bestest parts about seeing it: a Batman Dark Knight teaser! (There was applause and cheering when this came up.)
Yes, I would agree — the movie does not suck and actually has quite a lot of genuine laughs from typical Simpsons humor. My 6-year-old, who has never seen the show, thought it was a laugh-riot.
I did not think it sucked; Mack thought it sucked.
We didn’t get a Dark Knight teaser, though, which sucks.