Oh, the fickle fortunes of finance.
One minute, I’ve rocketed to the top of the Blogshares Top Players List (from getting a free 1000 shares of my own stock). I’m buying new tiaras for the Princess and partying like it’s 1999.
The next, some schmuck launches a sell-off and my stock price plummets from $11.68 to $1.30! I’m ruined. I can’t even afford bullets for the gun.
I wonder if it’s too late to get back that “I Quit” e-mail I sent to my boss…
I’ll always take you in! I love you for more than just the money…
Well, at least you don’t have to worry about running out of toilet paper.
Hey, you’re not the only one. My stock PLUMMETED from $7-something a share to .67. Sixty seven freakin’ cents! I’m ruined!
Actually, I was just reading the manual. It automatically cuts the price when the P/E ratio gets to 7.5. I’ll bet the system did a market correction on “overpriced junk”. Gee, that makes me feel better…
One of two things is going on here….
Either A: someone is using my likeness without permission, or
B: you’ve gone and got another Schmuck. i guess I’m just yesterday’s news… not needed, nor wanted anymore… I knew I shouldn’t have blasphemed and backed out of the Tolkien-ball…
Another Schmuck? Who’da thunk it?
Phew.. glad I didnt buy any of you! =]
I bought a bunch of you earlier, when you were expensive. I should have waited for the firesale. Geesh! 😉
I plummeted myself, as I documented on my site. Weird.
And now I’ve completely disappeared as a blog to trade on. I’ve posted on their boards.