Fiesta Time!

It’s Friday before a long weekend and a double payday (hers and mine). We are so going out for Tex-Mex tonight.

(Last night)
ME: I want to have Mexican tomorrow night. How’s that sound?
HER: I’m always in the mood for Mexican.

ME: Ohhhh yeah…. Dos Equis… chips ‘n’ salsa… fajitas… Dos Equis…
HER: Where do you want to go?

ME: Anyplace! How about that new place we went after church a while back?
HER: The kids won’t like anything there.

ME: Who said anything about kids?

Have a great weekend, amigos!

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4 Responses to Fiesta Time!

  1. Ric The Schmuck says:

    Dos Equis is awesome!

    Have fun, you two!

  2. Kat says:

    Hope you are having a great weekend Sol! 🙂

  3. picklejuice says:

    “HER: I’m always in the mood for Mexican.”

    Shouldn’t that read, “a Mexican”?

    Or is that just me?

  4. Solonor says:

    Edited because it’s my blog, and because it made me too depressed to quote accurately.

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