Fun with Baseball

While I’m busy shepherding the SGCBL through its third playoff season, here are a couple of baseball links to keep you busy.

The Oracle of Baseball lets you type in any two player names, and it will tell you how they are linked (like the Oracle of Bacon).

For example, the pitcher (yes the pitcher) for the 1871 Philadelphia Athletics, Dick McBride, is related to the latest pitching phenom, Dontrelle Willis like this:

Dick McBride played with Jim O’Rourke for the 1876 Boston Red Caps
Jim O’Rourke played with Red Ames for the 1904 New York Giants
Red Ames played with Charlie Grimm for the 1918 St. Louis Cardinals
Charlie Grimm played with Phil Cavarretta for the 1935 Chicago Cubs
Phil Cavarretta played with Minnie Minoso for the 1954 Chicago White Sox
Minnie Minoso played with Richard Dotson for the 1980 Chicago White Sox
Richard Dotson played with Jeff Conine for the 1990 Kansas City Royals
Jeff Conine played with Dontrelle Willis for the 2003 Florida Marlins

The other one is – Strike Out! In this, you get 9 rounds to pitch against a cartoon batter. Sounds simple enough, but it’s not as easy as that.

I could play with this stuff all day, if I didn’t have to work.

Stupid job.

[ Oracle links via the BKO Lounge. Strike Out! via Xade. ]

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2 Responses to Fun with Baseball


    Solonor’s Inkwell is a blog you should definitely visit if you’re a baseball fan, particularly a Sox fan. Today is no exception, as he has provided two links that will keep me occupied for hours: The Oracle of Baseball, modeled…

  2. Linkmeister says:

    Minnie Minoso is like a wild card, given the one at-bat per decade he’s been doing since about 1970. I think that may be cheating. 😉

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